How many words does the average person read per minute? And in a second? Perhaps, few people have asked this question since school days, when in the elementary grades they checked the speed of reading according to the standards. And how fast can the average person read one book of 400 pages? A week? Two? Month? But there are people who prove that you can read several books a week. Moreover, an article in the newspaper at breakfast can be read in a couple of seconds. Is it possible? Yes, and Evgenia Alekseenko proves it. About who this woman is and what speed reading is, read below.
Evgenia Alekseenko is the fastest reader
How many words can be read in 0.2 seconds? This is the time it takes to blink. Probably, many will laugh and say that it is impossible to read the sentences during this time. But the experience of Evgenia Alekseenko proves the opposite. She was able to read as much as one thousand three hundred and ninety words during this period. Sounds incredible, but it's true. This record was set in 1989. Eugene was able to reada medium volume magazine in just thirty seconds. One has only to think about these incredible numbers and admire the abilities of this woman.
During the experiment, Evgenia Alekseenko was provided with those reading materials that she could not get acquainted with in advance. For example, recent issues of magazines, little-known books, or publications that have only been translated into Russian and have not yet been distributed. But Evgenia coped with all the proposed texts, and she perfectly absorbed the information and later could explain in detail the essence of what she read.

But the most surprising thing is that Evgenia didn't learn to read fast on purpose and she doesn't know how she got such abilities. She simply notes that she remembers the meaning of what she read rather than dwelling on the exact text.
Short reading
Of course, it is difficult to dream of achieving the same brilliant results as Evgenia. But there are techniques that help you learn to read and absorb the meaning of what you read a little faster. This skill is called speed reading. Teaching this skill will be useful for students who have to get acquainted with a large amount of new literature in a short time.

Yes, and just interesting for those people who want to read more new books. For example, some readers make it their goal to read one book a week. The skill of speed reading will help to achieve this goal.
Speed reading skills
Those who are trained in speed reading,learn new useful skills and techniques. For example, they expand the field of their visual perception. As a result of mastering this skill, a person can cover more words with one stop of his gaze than before. It also helps to reduce reading fatigue, hence making it possible to absorb more text. This skill is most often developed using Schulte tables.
Speed reading also helps improve concentration.

This is useful when you have to read in the presence of external stimuli such as noise.
And, of course, the basic skills of speed reading include superficial reading. This is the ability to highlight key words, abstracts, to capture the main meaning of what is read, and not to cling to every word.
World records for reading speed

Are there any other people who excelled in this skill? Of course, Evgenia Alekseenko is not the only person who has discovered a talent for speed reading. There are other amazing and gifted people in the world. For example, American Sean Adam has currently set his personal record - he reads 4550 words per minute. And earlier he had lower results, but he worked on his skills and developed them all the time, increasing his level.
English Ann Jones reads 4253 words per minute. She repeatedly became the winner of the world championships. Now she is widely known not only in her country, but also abroad. Ann lottravels and conducts trainings, teaching other people the skills of speed reading.
These amazing stories of outstanding people delight. Their success can push them to master the skill of speed reading. For many, it can be extremely useful and make work easier. In our time, the flow of information is increasing, so we have to adapt to the accelerating rhythms of the modern world. Speed reading is one of those skills that will help you always have time to assimilate and comprehend incoming new information.