Sergey Yastrebov, whose biography is described in this article, is the governor of the Yaroslavl region. He was elected to this position until May 2017. But in 2016 he was resigned. As governor, he managed to implement many projects.
Sergei Nikolaevich Yastrebov was born on June 30, 1954 in the Yaroslavl region, in the city of Rybinsk. His parents worked at a local engine manufacturing plant (now NPO Saturn). From early childhood, Sergei was fond of sports. He was very fond of handball, basketball and athletics. In the latter sport, he even achieved great success, more than once becoming the champion of the Yaroslavl region in high jumps.
After graduating from elementary school, Sergey Yastrebov entered the Rybinsk Aviation Technical School at the department of aircraft engines and metal processing. At the school, Sergei continued playing sports, which he was fond of since childhood. He graduated from the university in 1976 and ended up in the Moscow region by distribution. Sergei was sent to work at the Stupino Metallurgical Plant.

Army years
Already while working at the plant SergeyNikolaevich received a summons to the army. He had a chance to serve in special motor units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After completing his military service, Sergei Nikolayevich decided to return to his hometown.
Immediately after the army, in 1977, he got a job as a designer at RPOM. The management quickly appreciated the abilities of the young engineer, and a year later Sergey Nikolayevich became the deputy head of the technical department. At the same time, he was actively involved in social work. As a result, he headed the Komsomol committee at the enterprise.
First public achievements
He stayed in this post for several years and during this time he was able to implement many projects. One of them is NTTM (Youth Scientific and Technical Center). Social competitions and a competition for the best specialist in their profession were organized at the production site.
Youth Days and festivals of author's songs began to be held precisely on the initiative of Sergei Nikolayevich. This was followed by campaign runs and tours. Sergey Nikolayevich paid much attention to KVN and sports. Youth Housing Construction (YHC) has begun.

Up the career ladder
Sergey Yastrebov (Yaroslavl region) showed his best qualities in a leadership position. And as a result, he was invited to the regional Komsomol. Sergei Nikolaevich moved with his family. At the new place of work, he took up the development of livestock regional youth teams. Shock workers received housing, benefits during admission to the university. The salaries were high. Since 1988, Sergei Yastrebov began working in the Frunze district committee of the CPSU. Since 1999G., having won the local elections in the second round, became the head of the district executive committee. And the youngest. At that time, he was only thirty-six years old.
New projects and activity
As the head of the administration of the Frunzensky district, Sergei Nikolayevich directed his attention to the construction of housing, roads, and improvement of the area. Under the leadership of Yastrebov, the fifth and sixth microdistricts, 2 schools, kindergartens, a maternity hospital, and the Zadanaisky microdistrict, which was later renamed Sokol, were built.

Since 1998, Sergei Nikolaevich became the head of the administration of the Kirovsky district. And new challenges arose. Yastrebov stood at many sources of events that entered the history of Yaroslavl. He took an active part in the creation of the Museum "Music and Time", the first in Russia. Sergei Nikolaevich was engaged in plans for the restoration of historical buildings in Yaroslavl, the Volkov Theater, the construction of the Assumption Cathedral, the reconstruction of the street. Kirov and many other city objects.
Activity of Sergei Nikolaevich was noted in the mayor's office. As a result, in 2004 Yastrebov was offered the position of deputy mayor. His responsibilities included urban issues. After some time, Sergei Nikolayevich became the first deputy mayor. De alt with social and economic issues.
Thanks to Sergei Nikolaevich, the municipal economy functioned perfectly, according to the regular regime. A new planetarium was built, Volzhskaya Embankment was restored and many city streets were repaired. Since the beginning of spring2012 Sergey Yastrebov - Governor of the Yaroslavl Region. De alt with local government issues. In May, the regional Duma and the presentation of the President of the Russian Federation was approved by the governor for five years.

Fulfilled gubernatorial plans
During the work of Sergei Nikolayevich Yastrebov as governor of the Yaroslavl region, many targeted programs were implemented. For example, parents who could not arrange their children in kindergartens receive compensation. One-time payments are made for the birth (simultaneously) of two or more children. They provided other benefits in this area. Housing construction program running until 2020
Community activities
In August 2012, Sergei Yastrebov visited the village. Red Weavers, celebrating its 85th anniversary. Yastrebov was a member of the jury that evaluated the competitive presentations that were held in the village in honor of the holiday.
In February 2013, Sergei Nikolayevich participated in the solemn ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at memorial places of military glory. In the same year, he attended a meeting of the regional headquarters of the FSB of the Russian Federation and a festive concert dedicated to the security of the Yaroslavl region. Participated in the medical equipment forum in Tokyo. As a result, agreements on cooperation in the field of cancer treatment were signed. The forum also discussed the possibility of building a Japanese cancer clinic in Yaroslavl.

Visited the regional stationblood transfusion and personally donated it. He took an active part in cleaning the center of Yaroslavl. And at the All-Russian subbotnik, he inspected all the sponsored territories, having traveled around them on a bicycle. Participated in the 2013 May Day demonstration
Sergey Yastrebov, governor of the Yaroslavl region, who led the region until 2016, is married to Olga Anatolyevna. Have kids. The eldest, Elena, works at ZAO R-Pharm. Graduated from Moscow State University, Faculty of World Politics. Lives in Moscow. Yastrebov's wife is the director of Yaristok LLC. The company is engaged in renting out its own real estate.
In 2011, Sergei Nikolayevich's income, according to the declaration, was 5.349 million rubles. Yastrebov owns two land plots with a total area of 3,650 square meters, as well as a garage, an apartment and a car.
Scandals and resignations
Sergey Yastrebov managed to do a lot in his gubernatorial post. Only in recent years it became clear that he began to use his official position for personal enrichment. This is evidenced by some of the machinations that have been made public.

At first, the deputies began to assert that Sergei Yastrebov had ceased to actively engage in the development of the region in recent years. Then it turned out that his family was living beyond their means. They spend millions, although they do not earn so much money. For example, Sergei Nikolaevich bought a two-room apartment in an elite Moscow village for his daughter Elena. The cost of housing is a milliondollars.
Yastrebov confirmed the purchase of the apartment, but clarified that he paid about seventeen million rubles less, as he was given a discount. But even the governor's salaries would not allow such expensive acquisitions. It is worth considering the fact that the apartment was sold to Yastrebov by S. Bachin.
Interestingly, it was his business "Yaroslavl Coast" financed by Sergei Nikolaevich. 194 million budget rubles were invested in the project. And many assume that the apartment purchased by Yastrebov for his daughter is a “gratitude” from S. Bachin. Perhaps even a gift veiled as a real estate sale at a discount.
As a result of July 28, 2016, Sergei Yastrebov, Governor, was removed from his post by Vladimir Putin. The President approved Sergei Nikolayevich's resignation.
Another scandal is directly related to his daughter Elena. After graduation, she got a job at R-Pharm. Through this company, the purchase of expensive Herceptin is carried out. The drug is sold at auction. The R-Pharm company subsequently sells the purchased medicine at prices significantly higher than pharmacy prices.
After analysis by experts of the last fifty contracts, it turned out that purchases were made in most cases even without tenders or there were no competitors at all. And the purchases were made by Elena Yastrebova. As a result of such activities of the company in 2013, the budget of the region was damaged in the amount of seventeen and a half million rubles.

It is worth noting the fact that Elena Yastrebova works as an ordinary manager. And her duties include interaction with foreign firms. And she has no right to organize competitive procedures. The conclusion suggests itself that for some reason government orders were given to the R-Pharm company, and Sergey Yastrebov again helped a friendly business and at the same time his own daughter. Moreover, Elena was able to purchase two expensive foreign-made cars in a year. Although the manager's salary would not allow even one to be bought.
Interesting facts
Sergey Yastrebov was nominated by United Russia for the post of Mayor of Yaroslavl. But he did not take part in the elections. A book has been written about Sergei Nikolaevich Yastrebov. It tells about the life of the Yaroslavl ex-governor, his hobbies, dislikes, addictions and hobbies. At the end of 2013, the premiere of a performance dedicated to Yastrebov took place at the Yaroslavl Chamber Theater. And in August of the same year, plasticine named after him appeared on store shelves.