Matthew Macfadyen is an actor who can be called the darling of fortune, as he managed to play roles that other representatives of this profession can only dream of. The audience knows him first of all as the noble Mr. Darcy, whose image the Englishman brilliantly embodied in one of the adaptations of the novel Pride and Prejudice. What other film projects and series with his participation are worthy of attention, what is known about the off-screen life of a star?
Matthew Macfadyen: childhood and adolescence
The future "Mr. Darcy" was born in October 1974, there was a joyful event in a small British town. The activity of the boy's father was not related to creativity, he worked in the oil business. But the mother played in the theater, combining this occupation with the teaching of dramatic art. It is not surprising that while still at school, Matthew Macfadyen was enrolled in a theater studio, which he is very interested in attending.liked it.

Not much is known about the first years of an Englishman's life. When he was a child, his family often changed their place of residence, as this was required by the professional activities of his father. Matthew Macfadyen managed to live in Brazil, spend some time in the Far East. The boy studied averagely, practically ignoring unloved subjects, but he was fond of sports.
After school, the future "Mr. Darcy" was trained in one of the theater universities in London, studying acting. His first responsible role was Antonio, this character played by Matthew Macfadyen in the play "The Duchess of Malfi".
Movie debut
The Englishman did not see himself as an exclusively theatrical actor, his dream was to penetrate the world of cinema. The wish came true thanks to the serial film Wuthering Heights, the plot of which is taken from the famous work of Emily Brontë. The creators of the tape entrusted Matthew with the embodiment of the image of Heathcliff's nephew, Girton Earnshaw became his hero. Macfadyen later admitted that it was difficult for him to get used to the role of an unsociable, rude guy, but he coped with the task.

1999 turned out to be a successful year for the aspiring actor, when he first played the central character. Private Alan James, who is fond of football, became this time the character played by Matthew Macfadyen. His filmography acquired the film "Fighters", for the sake of participation in which he was forced to spend long hours in the gym.
Star roles
First fansappeared in a young man in 2002, when he took part in the filming of the show "Ghosts". His character was a courageous intelligence officer Tom Quinn, who specializes in the fight against terror, using advanced technologies in his work. The action takes place in the conditions of everyday battles with dangerous terrorists, much attention is paid to the inner world of the characters, their personal lives. In total, the actor starred in three seasons of the sensational series.

Pride and Prejudice is the most famous film project starring Matthew Macfadyen. The films in which he played before and after failed to achieve the same popularity. Critics were delighted with the way the Englishman presented his Mr. Darcy to the public. He excelled at the image of a taciturn, reserved person with excellent manners.
Most Famous Movies
It is difficult to choose the most successful film projects from those in which the British actor starred. You should definitely watch the film adaptation of The Three Musketeers, in which he took part in 2011. The creators of the drama were not mistaken when they commissioned Matthew to embody the image of the noble Athos, rejecting numerous other applicants.

Another sensational film with his participation is Anna Karenina, the picture was presented to the public in 2012. Macfadyen got the role of the brother of the main character, who constantly needs her help. The fans were unanimous that the mustache suits the actor extremely, but immediately afterAfter filming was over, he shaved them off. Also worth mentioning is the comedy "Anything's Possible, Baby," in which an Englishman performs in an unexpected way as a disgusting boss.
Many actors delight journalists with fleeting romances and scandalous divorces, but Matthew Macfadyen does not belong to this category. The personal life of the star settled back in 2004, when the Englishman married Keely Hawes. He met his future wife through filming in Ghosts, she is also an actress. The couple has a son and a daughter.