In our time, there are many opportunities to diversify outdoor activities, and in this area it is already difficult to surprise anyone. But the modern entertainment industry continues to delight with unusual ideas. Among the inhabitants of huge cities, team games are becoming very popular. They provide an opportunity not only to plunge into another reality, but also to develop and show personal qualities, such as leadership, creativity and ingenuity, as well as to reveal physical ones: dexterity and coordination. Real-time adventure games were called "quests", which, in turn, was borrowed from a variety of computer tasks. The conditions are distinguished by the real interaction of a person with the outside world.
Quests indoors

"Escape room" is considered a classic genre among the varieties of gaming activities. This intellectual game is played indoors or in several interconnected objects. Participants who decide to take part in itparticipation, are locked inside. The goal of the game is to find clues, clues, all sorts of ways to get out of the room by solving puzzles and guessing riddles. One of the most popular types of this genre is the Bunker quest. The game takes place in real abandoned bunkers, which have not been used for their intended purpose for a long time, but are specially equipped for the event. The story of the quest, as well as its conditions, can change and have a large number of options, so it's quite problematic to stumble upon the same plot line.
How is the quest done?

When talking about bunkers, a post-apocalyptic setting immediately comes to mind, military operations associated with the threat of launching nuclear weapons, and the brain immediately switches to survival mode. It is this mood that reigns inside the catacombs, equipped for team play. To maintain such an environment, the employees who organize the Bunker quest are reincarnated as military men even before entering the premises. They put on appropriate costumes and conduct dialogues. Sometimes, in a carefully thought-out plot and remarks of workers, one can trace the history of the situation, but only superficially, retaining a sense of mystery and understatement, although sometimes a full briefing and introduction to the course of the case is carried out. The size of the bunker is small, but it still takes quite a lot of time for the participants to explore the premises, search for things that will help them get out and, accordingly, collective brainstorming is used.
Game conditions

Usually, a team of 4-6 people is recruited for the game - this is exactly the number needed to complete the Bunker quest. Feedback states that all mobile devices and electronics from the participants are expropriated before the end of the event. Depending on the theme of the game being played and its difficulty, an age limit is also set, so not all bunkers can be entered with children. The time to complete the quest is given depending on the set difficulty: from one to several hours. If the search for a way out of the bunker takes a long time, then the organizers foresee small snacks, which, of course, also need to be looked for. Food, by the way, also does not go beyond the storyline, the lucky participants, when searching the premises, may stumble upon dry rations, decorated in accordance with the traditions of wartime.
The biggest quest "Bunker"

This object is located in the cultural capital of the country - St. Petersburg. Quest "Bunker" (St. Petersburg) is very popular because of its realism and size: it includes eight rooms. Before the start of the game, the participants are briefed: the organizers show a video in a separate cinema hall, where the security measures and goals that the team must achieve are announced. An hour or more is allotted to exit the bunker. Inside, everything is equipped in the spirit of the Soviet era: there are posters on the walls, gas masks and various devices on the shelves. Moreover, those who passed the quest note that all the items in the premises are genuine. The bunker itself is indeedis a bomb shelter in the basement of the house. According to the story invented by the organizers, the premises have long been abandoned due to some terrible secret related to the mutations of the predecessors of those who went down there again. Goals of the game: find out the truth about what happened, find rations, defuse the bomb and get out.
Stalin's Bunker

Quest "Stalin's bunker" is considered one of the best in Volgograd, is also quite popular in Moscow and will be of interest to those people who are still unraveling the mysteries of history associated with Joseph Stalin. The action develops in an analogue of the office of the "leader of the peoples", in which he spent a lot of time and kept the secrets of the superpower - the Soviet Union. As soon as the team members get inside, the doors of the bunker are closed, and you should not expect hospitality from the General Secretary - he is ready to punish all violators of his peace to the fullest extent. The players have a certain amount of time to find a way out, and they better do it quickly, otherwise the bunker, along with its guests, will fly into the air. Like all other quests, it is filled with all sorts of riddles and puzzles, soundtrack and the presence of the situation in the room relying on the occasion.
Quest reviews
There are a lot of people who want to complete the Bunker quest. Feedback from participants can be both positive and negative. In most cases, people appreciate the complexity of the puzzles and the interior setting. They speak positively about games in which victory is achieved not only with the exit from the bunker, but alsosaving his own life, and even the whole of mankind. The more thoughtful the quest, the more satisfied participants remain. Therefore, those who like to tickle their nerves want to plunge into a skillfully created atmosphere and complete the Bunker quest. Moscow as the center of the country and a huge metropolis is obliged to meet all the needs of consumers, respectively, provides a large selection of quests. The storyline is usually built around saving the world in the past or future, where the main task is to defuse a bomb or prevent an attack by enemies.
In Moscow, for example, there is an opportunity to visit the Bunker quest, where the action takes place during the Second World War, or the team will have to prevent a terrorist attack. One way or another, a limited amount of time is allotted for the rescue mission, and the fewer minutes the participants have left, the more they panic. Responses to these real-life games are often enthusiastic, as people consciously go to them in search of thrills and adrenaline.
Quests that take you to the future

Interest is not only the events that return to the distant past, but also transfer to the unknown future. The plot of the games can develop in completely different directions, because human imagination is limitless, but the creators of quests agree on one thing - the future they imagine is far from cloudless and, on the contrary, very gloomy. Participants become temporarily members of a group of endangered populations who hid in bunkers after the war. In such post-apocalyptic events, the quest transfers"Bunker". Ufa, just like other cities, is famous for its large selection of quests for even the most fastidious adventurers. For example, if you want to travel to the time of a hypothetical World War III and participate in the fate of the entire population of the Earth, or decide to become a member of a rescue team trying to restore the life support system of a bunker, there is always an answer to your desires.