Water is the source of life on Earth. This is the main we alth of our planet. In honor of water, by decision of the UN General Assembly, a holiday was established, which is celebrated all over the world on March 22. It reminds people of the importance of water for the environment and living organisms.
70% of our planet is water surface, but only 1% is drinking water. Every year its stocks become less and less. From time immemorial, conflicts have occurred in the world, the cause of which is access to drinking water. For example, in the last 50 years alone, there have been more than 500 such local wars and more than 20 disputes that have led to military conflicts.
Water is the most familiar substance on Earth, but at the same time it holds many mysteries. She continues to be explored and more and more interesting facts about her are being established.
In order to promote a respectful attitude to water among children, parents and teachers in Russia, the contest "Colorful drops" was organized. What does he represent? What are the nominations? Who can take part in it? This article is dedicated to the "Colorful Drops" contest.

About the children's drawing contest
Children's drawing competition "Colorful drops" is held among children aged 3 to 18 years.
To take part, you need to register on the official website of the project, fill in the form there and upload the competition work on the chosen topic. You can take part in several categories at once. The competition is usually held all summer, in 2017 it was held from mid-June to the end of September.
Nominations of the drawing contest "Colorful drops"

Several nominations are open in the competition, in which every child can take part. In 2017, the categories were:
- Mystery of the underwater world.
- Water is life!
- Say no to river pollution!
- The future of the planet is clean water!
- My vacation on the shore of the pond.
- How I save water.
- Caring for water.
- Winter's Tale.
- Water of Russia.
Contest Prizes
The winner is determined in each nomination. They are awarded with diplomas and prizes from the organizers of the competition.
The first five winners of each category will receive a gift certificate for buying books in the online store.
The first place winners were rewarded with an ecological bag and water encyclopedias plus gift certificates.
The works of the winners are posted on the contest website and are included in the annual calendar.

Ecological education of youth. Instead of a conclusion
Careful attitude to water, proper organization of environmental events, education of environmental thinking in the younger generation are the main tasks of modern human society. It should be noted that in Russia this work is organized at a high level. Environmental festivals, competitions, fairs and other events are held, which are aimed at environmental and environmental education of young people. In addition, 2017 has been declared the year of ecology in Russia. The "Colorful Drops" contest is held within the framework of the state's environmental program and is aimed at educating children and youth, popularizing water and caring for it among the population.