As you know, on our planet all people are representatives of three large races. This is Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. In these large groups, in turn, there are races that have a second and third order. Their names correspond to the territorial localization. For example, scientists have identified the northern and southern branches of Europeans. Their representatives differ from each other in some anthropological characteristics. So, the peoples belonging to the northern Caucasians are long-headed, light-pigmented and tall. Among their representatives, one can often find a nose with a straight back, strongly protruding on the face. Southern Caucasians have the opposite features. They have predominantly dark skin pigmentation, a shorter body, and a generally rounded head.
Classification of Caucasians
What race are the Slavic peoples? There is no doubt here. They are representatives of the Caucasian race. However, this does not at all indicate the homogeneity of the Slavs when considering the main anthropological features. In their compositionscientists have identified several subtypes of the race, which form very compact areas. Their list includes such groups of anthropological types as:
- White Sea-B altic;
- Eastern European;
- Dnepro-Carpathian;
- Dinaric;
- Pontic.
Each of these groups, in turn, is subdivided into several groups of lower taxonomic rank.
Racial types of Russian people
Indigenous peoples inhabiting the territory of our country come from five medieval tribes. Based on the appearance of the ancestors of Russians, scientists have created a classification of racial types of modern residents. The craniometric data of the people who inhabited the territory of Russia in former times were obtained thanks to the remains found in the burial mounds of various regions.
The expanses of the central part of our country in former times were occupied by Vyatichi. They became the tribe that gave rise to the Russian population of the central part of Russia. Vyatichi lived on the territory from the Middle and Upper Oka up to the Upper Volga region. At one time, they were able to displace some nationalities to the East and built the oldest Russian cities - Murom, Ryazan, Vladimir, and later, together with the Krivichi, Moscow.
By expanding, they were able to keep their gene pool intact without assimilating with their neighbors.
Based on the excavation data, the Vyatichi had high dolichocranial skulls, and their faces were characterized by leptoprosopia, a high bridge of the nose and a pronounced profiling. Sculptural portraits of representatives of thistribes testify to their racial Nordic type. At the same time, population anthropology recognized the Russians of the Nizhneoksky variant, which is the Don Sur type, as the most Nordoid. It is he who is considered the northern pontid. What is this race?
This race is one of the subspecies of the Caucasoid. It is widespread among the population living on the Black Sea coast. These are such nationalities as Abkhazians and Adyghes, Georgians and southern Ukrainians, part of Romanians and southern Russians.
Pontid is a race first described in 1932 by VV Bunak. Sometimes it is brought together with the Caucasian. However, representatives of the Pontids (see photo below) have a narrower face.

Sometimes these people are referred to as the Mediterranean race. Among the ancient peoples, the Hutts had the appearance of a Pontid. It is worth noting that representatives of this type are sometimes people with blond hair and eyes. If you look at Pontida in profile, you can see that the tip of his straight nose can be slightly lowered.
The Pontic combination, according to researchers, was one of the variants of the southern branch of the Caucasoids, which originated in Eastern Europe in the Neolithic era. However, scientists do not exclude the penetration of features characteristic of the southern peoples into this region in an earlier period.
Based on the obtained craniological data, the movement of tribes, which are representatives of the Pontic type, to the Volga region and to the Russian steppes from the Caucasus and the Mediterranean continued untilthe Late Bronze Age. These traces are visible in the East Slavic population, which is the basis of the ethnographic Polyana group that took place in the Middle Ages. To date, the movement of the Pontic tribes to the north is confirmed by the features of the inhabitants of modern Ukraine, anthropologically related to the Prut type, as well as the Russian Don-Sura territories.
Pontid is a race that got its name from the ancient name of the Black Sea. In the old days it was called Pontos.
This race has nothing to do with the North European. Its representatives are distinguished by light brown eyes, dark (but not black) hair. To date, people of the Pontic type can be found in Greece, the Southern Balkans and Romania. They are distinguished by their tall stature, narrow forehead, fair skin, soft features.
There are several types of Pontida. All of them are included in the eastern branch, separated from the Mediterranean race. Representatives of these species settled in the forest-steppe and steppe zone north of the Black Sea, and also mastered the eastern and northeastern direction up to Nizhny Novgorod and Samara.
In addition to the territories of Russia, the Pontic race can be found in the spaces of southern Ukraine, as well as from the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov to Bukovina. You can find her among the Kazan Tatars and some of the inhabitants of the North Caucasus.
Today, there are Russian people representing the Pontic race in its purest form, without any B altic and Eastern European admixtures. They come from the middle Don or have a Black SeaWest Caucasian, Kuban, Greek, Bulgarian and South Ukrainian origin.
The eastern territories of the Pontic zone, which are located in the Middle Volga region and east of the Don, are inhabited by representatives of this race with Ural features. This is caused by a mixture of carriers of various relict varieties.
The Pontic zone is also represented by the Lower Danube type. These are Ukrainians of southwestern and southern origin. Today they live compactly in the Odessa region and in Transnistria. This also includes Russified Moldavians, Bulgarians, Greeks - descendants of mixed marriages. This Pontic type is significantly removed from the Central Russian version.
This also includes the Don-Sur type. These are the Great Russians belonging to the Northern European group. They call them northern pontis. How did this group come about? The northern Pontid (photo below) is a mixture of the Pontic race with the Nordids and partly with the Cro-Magnids.

After such mixing, some representatives of this group began to differ in light (blue or gray) eyes. At the same time, their hair retained its dark tone, which is in the spectrum from brunette to light chestnut. When describing the appearance of the northern pontid, it becomes clear that it has become closer to the Nordic. The departure from the Mediterranean type resulted in lighter skin than the B altids and Nordids.
Northern Pontic classification
Anthropological type, localized in the basins of the Oka, Seim, Desna rivers, as well as the upper reaches of the Khopra,Sura, Tsna and Don, has, unlike other groups of Russians, some manifestations characteristic of southern Caucasians.
Thus, a representative of the northern Pontida - a woman - is the owner of a narrower and lower face, which also has a slightly more pronounced horizontal profiling. In men of this type, in addition, beards grow beautifully.

The name "northern pontide", as mentioned above, was given to these representatives of the Russian people by V. V. Bunak. Other researchers fixed this type in their own way. They called it Eastern Great Russian, Ryazan, Ryazan-Penza, Don-Sura, Tambov-Penza, Middle Oka, and sometimes Lower Oka-Don-Sura.
Representatives of the Northern Pontid type, according to researchers, may be descendants of various peoples. Some scientists consider their ancestors to be tribes belonging to the southeastern (southern) branch of the Slavs who lived in the Ryazan-Murom, Pereslavl, Seversk and Chernigov lands. Others are of the opinion that the northern Pontid is an anthropological type, the origin of which was the result of the assimilation of tribes and intermarriage with the Slavs, who in former times inhabited the territories located along the southeastern borders of Kievan Rus. During the existence of the Khazar Khaganate, the North Pontics, quite possibly, were under its influence. It is assumed that they could even participate in battles against the Eastern Slavs. However, after the defeat of the Khazars and the destructiontheir states, the Pontics, switched to symbiosis with the Slavs. After that, their northern variety was formed.
There is also an opinion that the Pontic type has an autochthonous origin in the territory of the Black Sea-Caspian steppes. Based on these judgments, the migration of peoples from the Mediterranean has nothing to do with this.
The man and woman of the Northern Pontids are easy to trace among the Russian population. However, the proportion of such people is small. They are unlikely to make up more than 10-15% of the total population of the country.

Severopontians are most often found among the population of the black earth regions located in the regions located south of the channel of the Middle Oka. Carriers of this type, based on their marked difference from people of the B altic species, are sometimes considered to be of "non-Russian" origin. However, this is a delusion in relation to the northern pontid. This point of view is incorrect for descendants in the 15th-20th generation.
Northern Pontics belong to a separate branch of the white race, which is not part of either its southern or northern variety. What is characteristic of this racial type? For example, a northern Pontid girl is attractive with her slenderness, slightly slanting brown or gray-green-blue eyes of an indefinite color, thick thin straight or slightly curly hair of dark, but not black tones. Representatives of this type have narrow faces. Moreover, a mandatory anthropological feature for them is a slightly swollen part of the upper eyelid. Similarthe phenomenon occurs with an increased size of the eye sockets. They are also called empty or gothic. That is why, when selecting actors for films about vampires, the director, as a rule, seeks to invite one of the representatives of the Northern Pontids to shoot.
Another characteristic and rather surprising feature of this anthropological type is that during mixed marriages they absorb, as if “dissolving” in themselves, those dominant features that other races possess. That is, only North Pontics are born from a North Pontic and a representative of another people. Moreover, such heredity can be traced not only externally, but also by phenotype and genotype.

The appearance of the North Pontics is different from that which is typical for the peoples of the Mediterranean. After all, their faces never expand upwards. The eyes are slightly slanted. And their noses are sometimes straight, and sometimes snub-nosed. But never humpbacked and certainly small in size. This is what distinguishes them from the Mediterraneans. By the way, slightly slanted eyes are an echo of the Mongoloid race. Such a case of mixing this element with the Caucasoid is the only one. After all, as a result of such marriages, descendants always have high cheekbones and a wide, not narrow face.
Character traits
In their mentality and behavior, the Northern Pontics have much in common with the Nordic racial type.
Representatives of this anthropological type are gloomy, courageous and very stubborn. Sometimes they are cruel. These people are not prone to deceit andbetrayal.
As for the Mediterraneans, which the Pontics look like, they are very frivolous. They are distinguished by liveliness of character. Representatives of this anthropological type like to make some noise, gesticulate a lot and are loving. In support of this, it is enough to recall the southern French and Italians. These people are said to be "on their minds", fight badly and never miss their chance to gain personal gain.
Scientific description
Some researchers believe that the northern pontide was the result of a mixture of three types. Among them:
- leptoprosopic, dolichocephalic type of Central European origin;
- meso- or leptoprosopic, dolichocephalic type of Golind-B alts;
- leptoprosopic, dolichocephalic type, having a "steppe" origin.
Representatives of this variety of the race currently, according to researchers, live in Russia and Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania, Poland, Serbia and Croatia.

Scientists have compiled a whole list of external distinguishing features of these people. Includes:
- high growth;
- leptosome body type;
- highly developed hairline;
- blue, brown, light mixed eyes;
- average bone width;
- white-yellow-pink skin color;
- straight eyebrows;
- lips having medium thickness;
- straight or snub nose;
- medium cheekbone width;
- narrow jaw;
- mediumforehead height with a moderately sloping shape;
- narrow face with facial index over 88;
- the back of the head is moderately convex.
Alternative judgments
Those anthropologists who use a typological approach to racial classification do not use the term "Northern Pontid". This concept was introduced by V. Bunak for the possibility of using the population method to solve scientific problems. In 1932, this scientist pointed to the existence of the North Pontic type, presenting it with three varieties. Among them are Polissya, Central-East European and General, which corresponds to East Great Russian. In his later work, written in 1962, V. Bunak somewhat changed the classification he created.

However, there are alternative opinions about this work. For example, Alekseev expressed a slightly different point of view. He believes that the presence of light eyes and dark blond hair does not give the right to unite many peoples into one group. After all, such signs are overly generalized.
Besides this, Alekseev expressed the opinion that the three variants of the northern Pontics, which Bunak pointed out, have nothing to do with this type when considering it at the population level. On the contrary, the Polissian population can be attributed to the Cro-Magnoid type, and possibly also to the Cro-Magnid-Alpine mixtures. As for the Central East European variety of the race, it is a mixture of such racial components as the Nordic, Cromanoid and East B altic. All of them at the same timehave different ratios. The East Velikorosskaya population, according to Alekseev, is expressed mainly by the Nordic type. There are only small inclusions of Eastern B altids and Mediterraneans in it. Based on this description, none of the presented populations has anything to do with Pontians or their mixtures.