Recent years will long be remembered for the unprecedented information war against Russia. What only publications for this time was not! The "civilized world" is dissatisfied with the behavior of the Russian Federation. Sometimes there are very strange messages. They say that martial law has already been introduced in Russia or is about to happen. Should we trust such obviously propaganda articles? Surely the reader understands that it is necessary to understand the legislation in order not to react to, as they say now, stuffing. Let's see what martial law is in Russia.

Learning the law
There simply cannot be any discrepancies or conjectures in such an important issue as the introduction of martial law in Russia. The state functions on the basis of the Constitution and other legislative acts. They fully describe howshould be de alt with in critical situations. And the fact that the military situation in Russia refers precisely to those, for sure no one doubts. The conditions for the introduction of such are written in Article 87 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Basic Law says who is en titled to it and under what circumstances.

The fact is that martial law is a special regime in which it becomes impossible to fulfill a number of state obligations to citizens. The order of their interaction is almost completely changed. At the forefront is the task, the solution of which is used by all available resources. This, under normal conditions, is not practiced in any democratic country. After all, if martial law is declared in Russia, then its citizens, as well as organizations and enterprises, are automatically deprived of certain freedoms. Let's take a closer look.
What is martial law in Russia
When a country is subjected to aggression or it threatens it, a “special legal regime” is introduced on its territory. It is he who is the state of war. This may cover both the entire territory and part of it. It depends on the level and magnitude of the potential or actual threat. This regime is declared by a special document - a decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Other information that is not confirmed by official paper, as you understand, is unreliable. This should be remembered by the loudmouths, who regularly claimed that martial law was introduced in Russia. The year 2014 demonstrated to the whole world that there are enough such “informants” among journalists andbloggers. With the onset of the Ukrainian crisis, only the lazy did not talk about the special regime that is being announced for Russians every now and then. However, no one reported that it was necessary to wait for an official document. And naive people often took their publications at face value. Let's look further.

Declaration of martial law
You need to know that the regulations for the introduction of a special regime are spelled out with the accuracy of the smallest nuances. We have already spoken about the decree of the President of the Russian Federation. It displays the following data. First, the boundaries of the territory on which such a provision is introduced are clearly communicated. Secondly, the date from which it begins to operate is indicated. And most importantly, the reasons for the adoption of the document are indicated. That is, the circumstances that caused the signing of the decree by the President of the Russian Federation should be reflected. They are also not taken from the ceiling, but more on that later. The decree should, according to the law, be immediately transferred to the Federation Council and the State Duma, which are obliged to consider it within forty-eight hours. In addition, this document is ordered to be urgently made public, namely, to announce it through print and oral media.

It is clear that under such conditions, enshrined in the Constitution, imperceptibly to society, it is impossible to introduce martial law in Russia. The year 2015 showed that some “conscientious” journalists think that knowledge of the law is not necessary at all to inform the public. So it's not worth itbelieve those who cook another duck. If a special regime is announced, then it will be announced on all television and radio channels, the message will be published in newspapers.
Terms of martial law
Special treatment is declared, as already mentioned, in case of a threat of aggression. Only officials have no right to interpret it. Everything has long been discussed, agreed and fixed by the principles of international law. The following circumstances are recognized as aggression:
- invasion, annexation or occupation of territory by the military of other countries;
- bombing with all kinds of weapons;
- blockade of the coasts or ports of the Russian Federation;
- any attack on the Russian armed forces, no matter where they are located;
- other acts of aggressive states;
- sending mercenaries, gangs, terrorist groups.
In principle, if a foreign state (or group) encroaches on the sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity of Russia, then this is interpreted as an aggressive action and causes a corresponding reaction.
What will happen if martial law is declared?
There are documents regulating the special regime. Some of them, of course, are secret. Others are public. We will rely on them. When martial law is introduced, the life of the population and the work of enterprises undergo changes. Security is being strengthened, posts are being set up on the roads that restrict traffic. Cultural objects are being prepared for evacuation; in some cases, they organize the export of peacefulcitizens.

Vital objects (communications, electricity and water supply) are transferred to military regime. It is difficult not to notice such changes. In any case, the local population will feel them immediately. Movement across the country will be difficult. In addition, the population will be involved in urgent work. It affects everyone.
From history
Those who believe the tales that martial law is being introduced in Russia (2015) should recall the events of the last century. Namely - the period of the Great Patriotic War. Even then, martial law was not introduced throughout the entire territory of the USSR. It covered only those regions and republics where there were battles.
What should citizens do?
The regulation on the introduction of a special regime clearly regulates the activities of absolutely all subjects of state relations. People should obey the rules that will be explained to them. Some will be attracted to work. To do this, people must be summoned to the authority and handed over to them an order. Failure to do so is tantamount to a crime. In addition, citizens are prohibited from violating restrictions, including obstructing the work of state bodies in any form.

Let's say a few words about the work of organizations and institutions. She, too, is undergoing major changes. Private enterprises can be temporarily nationalized in order to use them to repel aggression. In the economy, the so-calledmobilization regime. It is not worth remembering about the freedom of enterprise for this period. Everyone obeys orders that pursue one goal - to defeat the aggressor. Therefore, if you hear that martial law has been introduced in Russia, turn on the TV. If this turns out to be true, it will be broadcast on all channels not in the form of a message, but as a list of instructions for strict execution. The special regime is a very serious situation that affects every person living in this territory, without exception.