For a long time, on the banks of the Yauza, on the outskirts of Moscow, newcomers of a foreign faith settled, seeking fame and money in the country of Rusyns. The Orthodox called them Nemchins, and the place - the German Quarter.
Young Tsar Peter, an adherent of the European way of life, was happy to visit the settlement. Soon he had a real friend and colleague - the Swiss Lefort. He had a great influence on the formation of the thoughts and goals of Peter, and hence the entire Russian state. The area where the German Quarter was located is still named after him.
Franz Yakovlevich Lefort was buried with honors on the top of Mount Vvedenskaya. The formidable epitaph on the monument instilled fear, and over time it was destroyed, and the ashes were reburied at the Vvedensky cemetery.
History of the churchyard
Even Peter I tried to impose a ban on burials near churches, which was accepted in those days. His daughter Elizabeth during her reign also ordered the transfer of cemeteries that could meet her on the way.
The final point was put by Catherine II and the plague, which gathered a rich harvest in Moscow in 1771.
Outside the city limits, near the Vvedensky mountains, now Lefortovo hill, on the banks of the Sinichka river, a plot was allocated for the German (Gentile) cemetery. Initially, it was planned to bury Lutherans, Catholics, Anglicans there.

Gradually, the territory grew beyond the ravine and the river. The earth rampart was replaced by a stone wall. We expanded the entrance from Nalichnaya Street and opened the second one from the opposite side on Hospital Val.
In the 19th century, burials of people of other faiths began to appear. The cemetery itself was also renamed Vvedenskoye.
In the middle of the 20th century, the territory increased again. At the same time, the columbarium wall appeared.

History of burials
Vvedenskoye cemetery has existed for more than two centuries, and thanks to this, it has long turned into an open-air museum.

By the names on the graves you can learn about those who made a certain contribution to the development of the state, strengthened its glory and power.
The fact that burials were made from different confessions left a tangible imprint on the architecture of tombstones. Monuments, necropolises and chapels are vivid examples of classicism, gothic, and empire style. Many of them are created by great masters.
Unfortunately, tombstones on the graves until the beginning of the 19th century were practically not preserved.
Temples and chapels
Once there were 2 Lutheran churches and 14 chapels on the territory. By the end of the 19th century, the Northern entrance was decorated with a commonchapel with a belfry for funerals. The architect Rode designed it in the Byzantine style, thereby emphasizing the original unity of all European religions.
At the beginning of the 20th century, a large Gothic chapel appeared, decorated with Art Nouveau details. After the revolution, administrative offices were placed in it. After 70 years, the building was returned to the bosom of the church, restored and re-consecrated. Now services are conducted in Russian and Finnish.
The Vvedenskoye cemetery is notable for the fact that there are graves of prominent church figures. After the revolution, during the persecution of clergymen, Orthodox priests began to be buried on the territory of the necropolis. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, these graves were under the protection of the Lutheran community of Moscow.
The grave of the "Chrysostom of Orthodoxy" Metropolitan Tryphon was visited by Patriarch Alexy II and served a prayer service.

Due to a serious illness, Archpriest Alexei Myachev escaped repression. The prohibition of the authorities to communicate with believers greatly reduced his life. He was buried next to his wife in a German cemetery. In 2000 he was canonized as a saint. The newly acquired relics have been transferred to the Church of St. Nicholas in Moscow.
For a long time, the grave of the elder Zosima remained abandoned. There is a story about the blessed beggar Tamara, who lived in the cemetery and collected alms. With the money raised, she cleared and partly restored the Erlanger family chapel. She also put in order the grave of the elder and contributed to the construction of a small chapel frommetal over it.
Thanks to this selfless woman, you can come to worship Zosima and ask for advice in family matters, help in choosing the second half.
Architectural heritage, historical graves and necropolises
Old European graveyards are more like galleries, where samples of many trends in art are presented. Vvedenskoye is no exception in this cemetery. Many well-known sculptors and architects had a hand in the manufacture of crypts, chapels, tombstones.
The ancient tomb of Boray is still legendary. Until the end of World War II, a statue of Christ by the famous Romanelli stood in the arch. During the rain, drops flowed from the hand of the savior, this water was considered holy, capable of curing ailments.
Pilgrimage to the statue was incompatible with the ideology of the country of that time, the statue was removed. Now she is on the territory of the seminary in Sergiev Posad.
The interior of the Erlanger family chapel is decorated with a panel made according to sketches by Petrov-Vodkin. Notes with requests are brought to this chapel, here they make a prayer to the Lord, light candles. No one remembers when she began to attract Orthodox Christians.

On the main alley there are many tombstones of different styles dating from the first half of the 19th century. A vivid example of Gothic is the grave of the hero of the war of 1812, General Count Palen.
The crypt of Musina-Pushkina, made in the Empire style, has been well preserved to this day. The once white walls have darkened with time, overgrownmoss, but still retain their silent grandeur.
From the middle of the nineteenth century, granite monuments of black and red color have been preserved. Empire style in the cemetery is presented in the form of truncated columns, steles, boulders.
Since the early 1900s, professional affiliation has been used in tombstones. On Meyen's grave there is a monument in the form of details related to the railway business. Aviator Bukin's monument is crowned with a propeller.
The grave of the writer Prishvin enchants. The sculptor Konenkov sculpted the legendary bird Phoenix so that with its wings it would protect the peace of the great master of describing nature.

Military and mass graves
The Vvedenskoye cemetery boasts that the territory of a European state is located on its land. This small place, surrounded by a chain that is attached to cannons dug into the ground, is a mass grave of French soldiers. They died in Moscow and its environs during the Patriotic War of 1812.

The tombstone on the former grave of pilots from the Normandy-Neman regiment is simple and concise. The ashes were transported to their homeland, and the tombstone stands as a tribute to the friendship and unity of peoples in a terrible war.
Granite obelisks on mass graves remind of the unprecedented feat of Soviet soldiers who died on the outskirts of the capital.
Graves of famous people
What Vvedenskoye Cemetery can be proud of is the graves of celebrities. Heroes of war and labor found their rest here,politicians, historians, military, people of art, sports, literature.

Perhaps the most revered place is the tomb of the "holy doctor" Haas. He spent all his life and means to put into practice the evangelical expression "hurry to do good." All the main attributes of his activity were embodied in the tombstone. The heavy boulder is a symbol of the unbearable burden that the prison doctor placed on himself, the cross that he carried with honor until his last days. Shackles are an achievement to be proud of.
Few people know that the Hermitage restaurant in Moscow's Neskuchny Garden was organized by Lucien Olivier. More than one generation of Russians at the New Year's table pays tribute to his salad. His grave can be found in the 12th section of the cemetery.

Young poets and writers of the beginning of the 20th century are grateful to the book publisher Sytin. You can bow to this man on behalf of all those whom he made recognizable and famous at the 14th precinct.
A bright personality, an unsurpassed commentator Nikolai Ozerov rests on the 21st precinct.
Most recently, the merry fellow and joker writer-satirist Arkady Arkanov found his last refuge on the 6th precinct.
Those who want to pay their last respects to their favorite actors should definitely visit the Vvedenskoye cemetery. Celebrity graves can be easily found by following the signs. Here are just a few names:
- bright and amazing opera diva Maria Maksakova;
- the world's best grandmother Tatyana Peltzer;
- owner of the apartment on Baker Street RinaGreen;
- laughter and singer from "Girls" by Lucien Ovchinnikov;
- creator of the immortal "Pokrovsky Gate" Mikhail Kozakov;
- actress with 70 years of experience, beautiful Lidia Smirnova.
This list could go on and on.
Plan of the cemetery

Initially, the territory of the cemetery was divided into confessions. Two sections each were assigned to Lutherans and Catholics. One each - Anglicans and Lutheran Reformers. Each plot was also assigned to a particular parish.
The modern Vvedenskoye cemetery is divided into numbered sections for better orientation and finding the right burial. There are thirty in total. Along the perimeter along the fence there are walls for the burial of urns with ashes.
On the territory there is an administration, an office of funeral services, production services, a funeral church.
How to get there?
Located within the city, which makes it easy for those who wish to find and visit the Vvedenskoye cemetery.
How to get from Baumanskaya metro station? Unfortunately, this station is closed at the moment, and the way by public transport is not very convenient, since there is no direct route. But for lovers of hiking, it will be pleasant and informative to take a walk. The road will take no more than 40 minutes and will bring real pleasure.
A more convenient way is from the Elektrozavodskaya metro station by bus route 59 or fixed-route taxi 636. Drive about 30 minutes to the Lefortovo Museum stop.
The fastest route is from Semenovskaya metro station and"Aviator". Take tram No. 32, 43, 46 and after 25 minutes get off at the Vvedenskoye Cemetery stop. How to get there and what transport to use depends only on personal preferences and starting point.
Address and opening hours
Postal address: Vvedenskoye cemetery, Moscow, Nalichnaya street, 1.
Necropolis is open to the public:
- October-April - from 9.00 to 17.00;
- May-September - from 9.00 to 19.00.
According to unverified reports, professional tripod photography and video filming is prohibited. Security is jealously monitoring the behavior of visitors.
It is possible to organize a tour for a group or individually. In two hours you can see and learn a lot of interesting things about the history of the place and the people who found their last shelter here.