Actress Valentina Malyavina is still considered one of the most beautiful and talented in Soviet cinema. In her life there were a lot of bright and interesting novels, but her personal life did not work out. If many years ago, when she was at the peak of her popularity, there was always a huge number of fans, acquaintances and friends around her, then after Valentina Aleksandrovna lived forgotten by everyone in one of the closed boarding houses of the Moscow region. One day she accidentally fell. This led to the fact that the optic nerve was damaged, due to which Malyavina became blind. But her life began so happily…
The beginning of life's journey
The famous actress Valentina Malyavina was born on June 18, 1941 in the family of a Soviet general. At that time, her father was serving in the East. After his demobilization, the whole family moved to Moscow. Outwardly, the very interesting daughter of the general immediately attracted the attention of all the boys, not onlywho studied with her in the 71st school, but also from those located in the neighborhood. The girl already then understood that she belonged to the bohemian elite.
Meeting with Alexander Zbruev
At the same time, the future Ganzha from the "Big Break" - Sasha Zbruev - studied at the neighboring school No. 69. He was a joker and handsome, with whom almost all the girls in the area were in love. One day, Valina's friends, who looked at Sasha with an aspiration, persuaded her to go to the dance with them, saying that he would be there too. Later, Valentina Aleksandrovna recalled that she fell in love with the boy as soon as she saw him.

Young Sasha also could not pass by. They started dating. The couple decided to sign immediately after graduation. One fine day, having told their parents that they would go to watch the performance, they went to the registry office. Their mother and grandmother met them at home. It was the grandmother who noticed that they were hiding “a piece of paper with a coat of arms” behind their backs. The newlyweds had to confess.
Unborn daughter
After confessing to Valya's family, they went to tell Sasha's parents about everything. His mother reacted calmly to the marriage itself. She was excited that the future actress Valentina Malyavina, whose personal life from the very beginning of her appearance on the screen aroused the genuine interest of the audience, was already expecting a child. Both future grandmothers did not want this. They thought it was too early. At the seventh month of pregnancy, the girl was taken to a doctor in order to artificially induce labor. She did not know until the last what was done to her, she was sure that it wasanother inspection. As a result of all medical interventions, her daughter died.
Movie debut
After receiving a school certificate, Valentina Malyavina - a Soviet actress in the near future - became a student at the Shchukin Theater School. And immediately, when she was still in her first year, the still unknown director Andrei Tarkovsky drew attention to her. He could not pass by the beauty with black eyes that seemed to pierce through. In his first picture "Ivan's Childhood" he invited her, Valechka, to the main female role.

During these shoots, passion broke out between the young actress and the aspiring director. Many years later, actress Valentina Malyavina recalled that at that time she was sure: it was Tarkovsky who was her happiness, it was he who was her great love and destiny. But she was married to Zbruev, and Tarkovsky was also married. He really asked his Valechka to star only in his films. Unfortunately for both of them, they never worked together again. Their life either brought them closer or pushed them away from each other.
Malyavina was also sure that by releasing Andrei, she made it easier and better for everyone. Other actresses who came to him on the set could not share him even after his death.
Arsenov and Kaidanovsky: a complex triangle of relationships
With the light hand of Andrei Tarkovsky, Malyavina's career began to take shape very successfully. In addition, she met her second husband (while beingmarried to Alexander), who became Pavel Arsenov. She honestly told Zbruev about this. But the second marriage was not happy either. This was prevented by another Sasha - Kaidanovsky.
And it all started with the play "Hamlet", in which he played just amazing. A little later, they met. They went to each other's performances, they were just friends. And then the crazy romance began.

As in the first marriage, she told her second husband everything. He tried to convince her, said that it would pass quickly and that it was not worth destroying the family. Arsenov even tried to make friends with Kaidanovsky, wanting to maintain their relationship. For Valentina, such a "triangular" relationship was quite painful and painful.
This went on for six years. With Alexander, they often quarreled and clashed. Once, after a very serious quarrel, actress Valentina Malyavina even returned to her husband. Alexander also got married. But their families were never happy.
Married to Arsenov, Valentina became pregnant for the second time. But this child of hers also died in the hospital. It was also a girl. The actress returned home in deep grief, shocked, she wanted to give up everything and go to the monastery. But I didn’t dare…
Nationwide fame
While still a student, Malyavina managed to appear in several more films. The most significant was the role of Asya in the film story "Morning Trains". And in her fourth year, director Ruben Simonov invited her to the Vakhtangov Theater.
Now she has become a theater actress. Butand didn't leave the movie. Valentina Malyavina, whose roles in the theater were diverse, did not just play all her characters. She lived their fate. Each time it was simply brilliant performances - "The Picture of Dorian Gray", "Enough Stupidity for Every Wise Man" and others.

In the cinema, too, everything went well. She was invited to a carnival-theatrical film adaptation of Carlo Gozzi's fairy tale "The Deer King", where each frame with this stunningly beautiful woman looked like a small miracle. There was also the role of an officer's wife in Red Square.
Photos of actress Valentina Malyavina throughout her life were published in many publications. In each of them, she looked dazzlingly beautiful.
Unfortunately, not all films in which Malyavina starred were of a high level. Met and just walk-through. If not for the presence of Valentina Alexandrovna in them, hardly anyone would have remembered them 20 years later.
Another marriage, also unhappy
As with Kaidanovsky, Valentina Malyavina, whose filmography includes about four dozen films, met her third husband, who became the actor Stas Zhdanko, when she saw how he plays in the play Raskolnikov.

Later she found out that Stas was in love with her in absentia and her photograph hung in his apartment for a long time. This solved everything. They began to live together shortly after they met. It was a difficult time for both. Stas has nothingturned out neither in the cinema nor in the theater. He was a very ambitious person and longed to be famous.
Valentina Aleksandrovna was also invited to shoot much less frequently. She, trying at least a little to muffle the incessant pain from the loss of a child, increasingly applied to the bottle. At this time, the actress was fond of palmistry and once saw the sign of prison on her hand. But then she and her husband just laughed at it.
Suicide or…
In 1978, what happened was what the sign on the palm predicted. Malyavina's husband died. Now no one will determine how it really was. Valentina Alexandrovna said that everything happened during Great Lent. During dinner, she drank a little, and Stas was against it, because there was a Post. Valentina went out into the kitchen, and when five minutes later she went back into the room, her husband fell off his chair in front of her eyes. At first, Malyavina thought that he was drunk, but then she saw that he had stuck a knife in himself.

The actress told the investigator that she was sure that he just wanted to scare her, and not commit suicide. The investigator also came to the same conclusion. Case closed.
But five years later, the case was pulled from the archives. The initiator was a friend of Stas, who convinced his parents that their son was killed by Malyavina. Again there was a court, according to the decision of which the actress Valentina Malyavina, whose brief biography contains a lot of ups and downs, was found guilty of premeditated murder and was sentenced to a long nine years.
Return to normal life
The woman spent four years in captivity. In early 1987, she was acquitted and released. She even managed to star in several films. These were melodramas, dramas, lyrical comedies. And again she was at her best. So continued the creative biography of the actress Malyavina Valentina.
Her personal life also did not stand still. She married twice more. One husband was a metal worker, and the last was an icon painter, whom the actress met in the 90s, carried away by painting.

She painted, even had her first exhibitions. But… She didn't stop drinking. Once, being drunk, Valentina Alexandrovna hit the jamb. The consequences were severe for her: a broken collarbone, loss of her left eye. For the right doctors fought for a very long time, but were defeated. As of today, the former actress is completely blind.
Recent years she has been living on the outskirts of Moscow in a small boarding house. They say that sometimes Alexander Zbruev comes to her.