The municipal level is Definition, features and history

The municipal level is Definition, features and history
The municipal level is Definition, features and history

The modern political system in Russia is represented by several levels of power. The distribution of functions between them is enshrined in law, including in the Constitution. The closest representative of the interests of the population to the people is the municipal level. These are persons and groups of persons elected in a particular territory who manage the affairs of the municipality.

municipal level is
municipal level is

Levels of power

Three branches of government can be engaged in law-making activities in the country. The existence of the federal, regional and municipal levels is enshrined in the Constitution. Preparation, planning and adoption of nationwide regulations are the functions of the highest branches of government. These include the State Duma, the Office of the President, the Government and other structures. The regions have their own elected and appointed authorities that provide management and control in certain territorial subjects. These include not only regions, but also republics and autonomous regions. The total number of subjects of the Russian Federation is 85.

Finally, the third municipal level is the electedrepresentatives of the people who carry out activities to develop documents of local importance, interaction with other structures, distribution of finances from their own budget.

municipal level of government
municipal level of government

Their main goal is to improve the lives of the population, to help people solve their problems.


The origins of local self-government originated in Russia with the advent of zemstvos. This happened in the 60s of the XIX century. A little later, a city reform took place, separate power structures appeared in cities. In the zemstvos, in turn, the areola of action extended only to the countryside. In a large country, such reforms were necessary, because the managers appointed from the central regions could not know the problems existing in the territory hundreds and thousands of kilometers away. Life in the countryside was very different from life in the capital. Because of this, misunderstandings arose, a lack of obedience to the laws of the capital.

Under the new rules, the authorities in the province began to be selected from local residents (mostly landowners). There was a rather complicated electoral system. The councils were entrusted with the management of economic affairs, including the organization of education, hospitals, and tax collection. The implementation of the reform was very slow; by the beginning of the 20th century, local elected bodies had not yet appeared in all provinces of the country.

Current State

In 1993, after the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the concept of municipal government has undergone significant changes. She was no longer consideredstate structures. New functions and competencies have appeared. A municipality means not only a rural settlement, but also an urban one, as well as a separate district or district within the city. It has the right to manage its own budget, organize tax collection, and own property. The duties began to include the protection of public order.

authorities at the municipal level
authorities at the municipal level

A couple of years later, a law was issued that directly concerns local governments, clarifying their powers, features of elections. This document was published later, in 2003, in an updated form. Today, there are more than 20 thousand municipalities in the country.


The municipal level is the lowest of the three and shows the will of the people. At the same time, the elected bodies are obliged to act within the framework of the law and coordinate their actions with the higher authorities. Only some issues are self-governing bodies able to decide on their own. The terms “local” and “municipal” are used interchangeably in Russian law.

federal regional and municipal levels
federal regional and municipal levels

The population of the area where this or that local authority operates is actively involved in voting, participation in the development of new acts and laws. A municipal entity is required to have its own charter, the existence of which is enshrined in law at the federal level. It lists officials, powers are distributed among them, the procedure for adopting regulations and everything related to localbudget.


Bodies at the municipal level identify and resolve certain issues of local importance. To solve these problems, budget money can be allocated, partly from taxes, and partly through state subsidies. Among the functions is the development of projects for the improvement of the territory. The duties of local authorities also include ensuring order on the streets, organizing cultural events for the population. The powers also include the distribution of finances from one's own budget for certain needs. There are many objects related to municipal property. These are repair and construction enterprises, educational institutions, some trading companies and warehouses, hospitals, sports organizations.

regional and municipal levels
regional and municipal levels

The functions of the municipal government level include the management of the listed objects, as well as control over their activities.


The existence of a municipal level in a country is one of the hallmarks of democracy. It is under a democratic regime that people are able to dictate their terms and influence the political system as a whole. This influence is exercised through local authorities, which are an important intermediary in this chain. Thus, the top authorities learn about urgent domestic political problems and plan further transformations, establish new laws, and distribute budget allocations for the needs of the regions.

Elective bodies are obliged to focus on local traditions and customs, take into account the interests of peoples and nationalities,living in the territory. The history of the region is also important. The experience of previous years is taken into account when developing new projects, plans for the development of the district. Local self-government bodies are aimed at establishing social stability, a calm environment in society.

Municipal level budget

Local governments have the power to collect taxes from the population. Among them is the collection of money for the use of land (for example, for plots of a garage cooperative or garden). In addition, these are taxes on advertising, inheritance, property and license. In addition to tax collections, there are other ways for the local budget to receive finances: various fines, income tax from entrepreneurs, state duties. Partially, federal taxes are distributed among the budgets of municipalities: a certain percentage of excises on alcoholic beverages, agriculture, and others. There is a special system of assistance to local authorities in the form of state subsidies and subsidies, there are also special loans for such needs.

municipal budget
municipal budget

The main expense of local money is to ensure the implementation of federal regulations and state requirements. Significant amounts go to the maintenance of budgetary institutions: schools, hospitals, kindergartens. The remaining costs are directly related to the solution of local issues and the maintenance of the organization itself. Money from the budget is distributed to the salaries of employees of the municipality, the maintenance of security agencies, the development of housing and communal services and local media,landscaping, holding elections. Financing is also received for the development of the transport system and the improvement of the road surface. In the event of a budget deficit, local authorities may request a loan from commercial organizations or proceed with the sale of property.

Interaction with other levels

State and municipal levels of government interact with each other. The normative acts adopted by the local authorities are registered and recorded in a special document, the maintenance of which is assigned to the federal authority. These acts must not be contrary to legislation, either federal or regional.

at the state and municipal levels
at the state and municipal levels

The territorial proximity of the regional and municipal levels affects their close relationship. The municipality must take into account the opinions of the authorities of the region, but at the same time deal with its own range of issues. Often at these levels there are conflict situations related to the distribution of finances to different budgets.
