In Russia, the village has always been a limited area. Here life takes a different course. And often the authorities pay very little attention to rural infrastructure. And to help in solving various issues, a responsible position appeared - the village headman.
In 1861, many peasants came out of serfdom. It was a landmark event in the country. It was February of that year, and on the 19th a document was issued on the new rights of the peasants. In this position, the village headman was assigned as a new official.

He was elected at a village meeting. The period of his service was also regulated - 3 years.
Depending on various issues, he obeyed one or another official:
- In solving administrative issues, he was led by the foreman of the volost and the zemstvo head.
- In police matters, the leaders were a police officer, a bailiff and a county police officer.
Then the village headman was dependent on the board that elected him. She followed his labors and set a salary forthem.
The powers of the headman of that time
In the 19th century, a person holding this position had the following rights and obligations:
- Convocation and dissolution of the gathering.
- Announcement of the agenda.
- Approval and execution of the verdicts of the meeting.
- Monitoring the conditions of roads and various structures on its site.
- Collecting contributions.
- Control over the implementation of duties and the implementation of contracts.
- Maintain order.
- Organization of resistance to fires, floods, epidemics, etc.

Then the headman of a rural settlement had the right to punish minor offenses by the following methods:
- Two-day arrest.
- Fine - 1 ruble.
- Two-day community service.
External differences
The person holding this position had to somehow outwardly stand out among other citizens. And the emperor issued a special decree on the breastplate of the village headman.
The material of this badge is light bronze. In the middle of the front side was the coat of arms of the province in which this or that village was located.
On the extreme sides of the sign was the engraving "village headman". On the other side of such a plaque there was an imperial monogram.

The badge was attached with a special pin to the chest or worn around the neck like a medal.
This position was associated with great responsibility and trouble. Few wanted to get it. Yes, and the elder's salary wasonly 3 rubles per month. However, almost all villages had their own headman.
At the beginning of the century, there were many peasant uprisings. The elders did not cope with their duties. Gradually, this position began to be replaced by guards. And before the revolution outlived itself. However, this did not happen in all villages.
There are known cases of work of elders in the occupied villages in the 40s. But in fact they were replaced by collective farm chairmen.
The village chief should be revived. Some local governments came to this verdict 8-9 years ago.
And by 2014, this institute was back in action in the following areas:
- Leningradskaya.
- Vologda.
- Nizhny Novgorod.
- Orenburg.
In August of the same year, a historic event took place in Vologda: a meeting of village elders from all over the region.
In April 2016, the State Duma came up with a plan to give the village headman federal status. About a month later, a law of regional effect was issued in the Kemerovo region. He regulated the work of the elders.
And in 2018, in April, the President of Russia approved a law on the consolidation of the designated institution. The law regulates:
- The scheme of appointment and the rights of the headman of a rural settlement.
- Meeting of the gathering, at which the headman is appointed and removed.
Today's situation
The village head today is a well-organized manager. He combines the wishes of the villagers with the potential of the administration.

The headman in a modern village should:
- Do not allow conflicts and crowds.
- Listen carefully to all questions and categorize them. Then they are discussed with the head of the locality.
- Be well versed in various issues: from small household issues to administrative workers. The headman advises people on which authority and on what topic they should apply.
- Defend the interests of troubled families, pensioners, the disabled and other difficult social categories.
- Help organize subbotniks, elections, holidays and other events.
- Contribute to the repair of road surfaces.
- In winter, coordinate snow clearing operations.
- Alert villagers of potential and emerging emergencies.
The village headman can recruit assistants. True, they work on a voluntary basis, that is, for free. Yes, and the headman himself actually works without salary or for mere pennies. Although officially he is en titled to a salary.
Assignment and removal
Responsible people with a high civic position can apply for this post. The presence of special education is not a mandatory criterion. But if it is, it is a plus in favor of the candidate.

Selects and removes the head of the gathering. During this process, the head of the administration must be present. The gathering is recorded.
Most often, a rural resident is elected to this position, although, according to the law, elders canbe citizens with a periodic scheme of residence. The villager has the advantage. He lives in this area permanently, is familiar in practice with all its complexities and personally knows many of the inhabitants.
The headman gets relative power. There are no solid fees and benefits. His main task is to improve the living conditions in his village.
It's hard work. And the revived institute of rural elders is already producing effective results of its activities. In many regions, roads are being improved, facilities are being repaired, etc. At the same time, the authorities deprive themselves of many troubles and speak only in favor of this institution.
And if the headman does not cope with his duties, then he can be removed. Why is the meeting organized again? And it documents the villagers' complaints as reasons for removing their headman.