There are many interesting words and expressions in different languages. With their help, sometimes it is much easier to express your thought or describe a situation. The mixing of several languages also gives rise to curious words. Many people wonder how they got there. For example, what is shlemazl, and where did this word come from. After all, everything has its own story. Even the word. Often this image can be associated with representatives of the Jewish nationality. But many people know the actor Pierre Richard as a popular helmet. In films, comical and ironic cases often happened to him.

Where did the word "helmet" come from
Translated from Yiddish and Hebrew, this is "complete happiness", but only in the opposite sense. Usually this is the name of a person who is often unlucky. After all, "shel mazel" is translated as "my happiness." The word came from Jewish culture. It is very respectful of the female gender, so the male is usually called a helmet. It can be a joke or sometimes even irony. In many jokes you can find various jokes about Jews. And they often use this expression. Of course, that's why many people want to know what a helmet is and how to translate it correctly.

If you come to Odessa, you can learn a lot of interesting words. Including what the word shlemazl means. Here the lexicon of each person becomes much wider. Finding out what a helmet is is not a problem here. This word is quite universal. Because they can even be called children, loving and joking. Usually this is due to the failures of the younger generation, which learns from its mistakes. And sometimes the expression is used to refer to a crazy person. There are always interesting and witty stories in Odessa. One of them tells that a man named Shlema lived in the city. He constantly wrote his name on the fences. His infatuation became manic and gave birth to the word "helmet".
What does "helmet" mean
Shlemazl is a stupid or unlucky Jew. Something always happens to him, even if it's not his fault. Fate itself prepares him a series of tests and troubles. There are many parables and stories about Jewish happiness. The helmet became their hero to some extent. Many jokes are composed even by the representatives of the Jewish nationality. One of the ancient sages once said that if such an unlucky person starts sewing shrouds, then people will stop dying. And if he makes candles, the sun won't have to set. Odessa anecdotes also tell of many unlucky Jews. Suffice it to recall the Jewish wife. An anecdote says that she has three hallmarks: genius children, extra kilos, and a helmet hubby who endures everything.
Famous Helmets
Surprisingly, the meaning of the word "shlimazl" can be associated not only with the Jews. In movies, a lot of the characters are not very lucky. They are haunted by troubles, and they often find themselves in not the most pleasant situations, which from the outside seem very funny. So, actor Jim Carrey often played helmets. Indeed, sometimes such a character is not only a loser, but also plots various cunning plans.

There are a lot of popular and well-known helmets. They appear both in new films and are found in old tapes. In addition to Jim Carrey, Rowan Atkinson also often plays bad guys. With him you can see the funniest and most original films, where the actor skillfully portrays not the most fortunate person. And Pierre Richard became for many the personification of a true helmet after he starred in the film "The Unlucky". In this film, his character does not cause negative emotions at all, and the audience empathizes with him.
When the word "helmet" is commonly used
Now people can boast that they are good at slang. But most people want to add something new to their vocabulary. Having learned the meaning of the word "shlimazl", you can call your acquaintances, relatives or even colleagues in a new way. For example, if someone has failed in an important task, then you can often say "Well, you are a helmet!", so as not to call the person a loser. Of course, those who don't know what a shlemazl means may not understand at first. But already knowing the interpretation of the word, it will be easyexplain that it was said lovingly.

In Jewish families, children are often called shlemazl. They usually do not take offense at this, as they understand that relatives feel sorry for them, and, of course, love them. Especially if you remember the origin of the word, because in Yiddish and Hebrew its meaning is associated with happiness. A helmet is called a loser man, and it's a little strange. But this is explained quite simply. Jews treat many things with irony, so they can call an unlucky person that way. Yiddish is rich in universal words that can easily describe anything. Sometimes one word can even replace an entire sentence.
Synonyms for "helmet"
Replace this curious word in Russian can be a variety of expressions. Already knowing what a helmet is, it will not be difficult. If you do not use the words in Yiddish, then you can say "unlucky", "stupid", "loser", "crooked". An unlucky person often finds himself in the most unpleasant situations. On the Internet, some users use the word "loser" when talking about such a person.