Types of political system in modern states

Types of political system in modern states
Types of political system in modern states

The realization by sociologists and political scientists of such a phenomenon as a political system came back in the middle of the 20th century. This term implies a wide range of legal norms and institutional bodies that shape the life of society.

types of political system
types of political system

In the same period, the main types of the political system of society were identified. Each of these types has characteristic features in the relationship between power and the population and in the way this power is exercised. The types of modern political systems are quite diverse just because different countries and states in different parts of the world have gone through absolutely unique historical conditions that have given them their own civilizational, mental and other features. For example, the democratic system known to every schoolchild today could not have originated among Eastern tyrannies. It was the blood child of the development of European capitalism.

Types of political system

Current political scientists distinguish between three main types that exist on the planet today, and many mixed options. However, consider the main ones.

Types of political system: democracy

types of contemporary politicalsystems
types of contemporary politicalsystems

Modern democratic arrangements involve a number of mandatory principles. In particular, the separation of the branches of power, which is an additional measure of protection against its usurpation; regular removal of government officials through re-elections; equality of all people before state laws, regardless of official position, property status or any other advantages. And the central principle of this concept is the recognition of the people as the bearer of the highest power in the country, which automatically implies the service of all government structures to this people, their right to their free change and rebellion.

Types of political system: authoritarianism

Although the vast majority of the world community recognizes the democratic system as the most progressive, however, the usurpation of power sometimes still happens. An example would be military coups, succession from archaic forms, as in some monarchies that have survived to this day.

types of political system of society
types of political system of society

This system is characterized by the fact that all government powers are concentrated in the hands of a group of persons or even one person. Often, authoritarianism is accompanied by the absence of real opposition in the state, the violation by the authorities of the rights and freedoms of its citizens, and so on.

Types of political system: totalitarianism

Totalitarianism at first glance is very reminiscent of an authoritarian device. However, unlike him, here the intervention in public life is deeper and at the same time more subtle. Under totalitariansystem, the citizens of the state are brought up from an early age in the belief that this particular ideology, power and path are the only true ones. Thus, in totalitarian systems, the authorities get much more tenacious control over the spiritual and social life of society.
