Hanukkah is one of the most famous religious holidays in the world. Not only Jews know about it, but also representatives of other faiths. However, there are people who will not be able to answer the question: “Hanukkah? What is this?”
Celebration date
Jewish holidays in December consist entirely of Hanukkah. In total, eight days are celebrated (why exactly so - further). However, the first day is considered the main one. This holiday is similar to the Christian Easter. It is also celebrated starting from the day of the resurrection of Christ, plus another week of adherence to the traditions of the resurrection.
According to our calendar, the dates for Hanukkah are changing. Date for 2015: December 7th.
To the question: "Hanukkah - what is it?" any Jew will answer that this is a festival of light. It was on this day that candles were lit again in their main sacred place, the Great Jerusalem Temple. It became a symbol of the liberation of the Jews from the Syrian oppression.
The fact is that at that time the Jews lived under the rule of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Many of them renounced their faith and adopted Hellenic customs. The very top of the Jewish aristocracy - and she changed her cultural orientation.
Just a little bit leftfaithful to the precepts of the Torah, and one of these people was the race of Maccabees. They staged a guerrilla fight until finally the head of the uprising called for everyone to liberate Jerusalem and, most importantly, the Temple.

Having knocked out the Syrians from the holy city, the partisans decided to start the service first. They had not been in the Temple for three years already, and for all three years the menorahs had not been lit, which means that the temple stood in darkness. The lighting of the first candle and the illumination of the main Jewish shrine began to bear the name "Hanukkah Day".
Hanukkah - what does this word mean? Where did this particular name for the Jewish holiday come from? There are two answers to these questions.
The first says that the name comes from the expression "hanukkat ha-mizbeah", which means "renewal of the altar." In the context of the holiday, this means that in three years the light fell on the shrines for the first time, and they were cleansed by prayer and sacrifice.
Supporters of the second version convince us that the etymology lies elsewhere: the word "Hanukkah" should be deciphered as "on the twenty-fifth day we rested from enemies." The fact is that the liberation of Jerusalem took almost a month. On the twenty-fifth day, the rebels made their way to the center - that is, they occupied the Temple, thereby freeing the entire city. There were no more enemies around, and the Jews were able to give themselves a break. And most importantly, to hold the first religious ceremony in three years.
All people have seen this candlestick of seven stems, which is in every Jew's house and even on the coat of arms of independent Israel. These coasters are copies of the real Menorah, which was once taken outSyrian king from Jerusalem. The most important element of Hanukkah is the menorah. She hit almost all the national holidays of the Jews.

Before that, it appeared among the Jews during their wanderings with Moses, and since then it was supposed to symbolize the memory of those times.
It is with the lighting of the menorah, or rather, its subspecies, that Hanukkah begins. Candlesticks come in various sizes and designs. The shape unites them.
Hanukia is one of the subspecies of the menorah, a candlestick with nine stems of the same shape. The tradition of its use is complex and interesting.
It's about the so-called "miracle of Hanukkah". When the Jews entered the Temple, they did not have the sacred oil with them to light the candles. It was also absent from the shrine itself. Breaking everything, they found only one jar, which should have been enough for only one day of burning the menorah.

However, the incredible happened - the fire continued to hold on for another eight days, while the Jews made new oil. In honor of this miracle, Hanukkah is lit, and in a special way.

On the first day of the holiday, a candle is lit in the middle, which is the ninth. Do the same with the first one. The ninth will now be used as a "gift of fire." With the help of it, new candles will be lit. Every day they are added until the queue reaches all the candles. It takes place on the eight days of Hanukkah. This tradition is a symbol of the miracle that happened in the Jerusalem Temple.
Traditions and rituals
Hanukkah - what is itfor a holiday? It has many traditions. National holidays are always filled with customs and rituals handed down by previous generations. The first of these is the laborious and ritual process of lighting the menorah. It must have a place for every Jew, and every one of them must follow the tradition. Hanukkah is also lit in any public place - this shows that today is a great week and remind the rest of the world about it.

Besides, you should sit near the lights for half an hour, praying and thinking about your place in the world, contemplating and plunging into the essence of the holiday - liberation.
Unlike many religious Jewish holidays, Hanukkah allows you to work. But most Jews still prefer to leave work for the sake of in-depth study of the Torah. It is believed that these days her understanding and reading becomes deeper.
Besides, rabbis are supposed to go to remote villages and villages to bring Jewish wisdom there as well. Thus, residents of even the most remote settlements have the opportunity to communicate with prominent Jewish theologians.
On the holiday it is necessary to introduce children to the Torah. Especially for this, a game was even invented in which dice are thrown with capital letters from sentences of scripture. It is believed that in this way children subconsciously introduce themselves to the study of the sacred book.

Optional, but desirable to get the whole family together for a big family dinner. Behind him, it is important to discuss not secular matters, but variousreligious topics, recall passages from Scripture. Since the Torah has many interpretations, this is a great way to find time for discussion and discussion. At a dinner like this, all controversy should go away. Those who are in a quarrel must make peace.
In general, these days a Jew is obliged to try to present his faith to other people. It is believed that it is on this holy holiday that a Jew has the opportunity to explain to others the advantages of his religion.
So, Hanukkah is one of the main holidays in the Jewish calendar. It is hardly possible to imagine modern Judaism without it. After all, Hanukkah is celebrated in different parts of the Earth: in Moscow, Jerusalem, New York or Berlin.
However, the most interesting thing about these days is their, so to speak, religiosity. After all, this is probably the biggest Jewish holiday, remote from sacred meanings and having true historical value.
Throughout its existence, the people from the Promised Land were oppressed and had no freedom. Many people had power over him. Therefore, it is very important for Jews to know that they, too, are capable of fighting against this injustice.
Hanukkah can be perceived in isolation from Judaism, even if you are just a Jew by nationality. After all, this is, first of all, a holiday of liberation, a holiday of freedom and light in darkness.