One of the politicians of modern European society, a fighter for democracy and justice was the beloved President of Poland - Lech Kaczynski. Unfortunately, his life as a politician was not easy, and his premature and tragic death was a real shock not only for his native country, but also for the general public. Let's try to analyze how the plane crash happened near Smolensk. The death of Lech Kaczynski was a big blow for everyone.

Lech Kaczynski was born in the capital of Poland (Warsaw) on June 18, 1949 in a family of progressive figures and activists. My father was an engineer and participated in World War II, and my mother, a philologist, was an active participant in the 1944 uprising in Warsaw. Lekh was not the only child in the family, moreover, he had a twin brother Yaroslav.
Lech Kaczynski has always been diligent and hardworking, he graduated with honors from secondary school and in 1966 entered the Faculty of Administration and Law at the University of Warsaw. Five years later he successfully graduated, and a year later he received a master's degree. Activethe young man never sat still, he always participated in the life of the university and the city, set goals and achieved them. So, just a few years later, he defended his doctoral dissertation and soon received the title of professor.
Political career
The political career of the future president of Poland began within the walls of the University of Gdansk, in the Committee for the Protection of Workers. At that time (1977-1978) it was the so-called underground anti-communist opposition. Lech Kaczynski always stood up for his own interests and helped others to do the same, so it is not surprising that he was appointed an adviser to the Gdańsk Strikes Committee.
In the early 80s, when a state of emergency was declared throughout the country, he was imprisoned for almost a whole year. But this did not break the fighter for justice, but, on the contrary, it would seem, gave the conviction that it was in his power to change the country for the better. Probably, it was then that the plan to build his political career and ascend to the leadership of the country matured, because this is the only way to become useful to society and achieve justice.
For a long time he was the Minister of Justice, was the head of the National Security Bureau (under the President of Poland). In 2001, together with his brother, he created and led a party called "Law and Justice". In fact, these two words became the slogan and the main vector of movement of this political force, which, after just a year, led Lech first to the post of mayor of Warsaw, and after another 4 years - to the presidency of the country. In 2005, the whole world learned: “Lech Kaczynski is the President of Poland.”
Key views and values
The new president of Poland called for democracy and defended it in every possible way, but at the same time he tried to return Christian principles and the ancient morality of his ancestors to public life. So, while still the mayor, he was not only openly against same-sex marriages and sexual minorities, but also repeatedly banned such parades in Warsaw. President Kaczynski also opposed abortion and euthanasia, but at the same time supported the death pen alty as a preventive measure for especially dangerous criminals.
Many believed that after winning the elections, not one person, but a whole couple of Kaczynskis began to lead the state. And this is not surprising, because there was always a brother who not only headed a numerical political party in the Senate, but later even became the prime minister.

In modern European society, the figure of Kaczynski is considered by many to be rather ambiguous. And this is primarily due to the tension in relations with the Russian Federation due to the tragedy in Katyn and the construction of the B altic gas pipeline. In addition, a significant factor in assessing the ambiguity of Kaczynski's policy was probably his assessment of the actions of the Russian Federation during the events in South Ossetia, as well as his expression of deep support for the Georgian government.
It is possible that a certain role in the political activities of Kaczynski was played by the moment of signing in 2008 the declaration on the admission of Ukraine and Georgia to NATO. In addition, Leo Kaczynski approved the placement on the territory of PolandUS missile defense systems, which caused misunderstanding on the part of the Russian Federation. At that time, Dmitry Medvedev unequivocally promised that the Russian Federation would deploy the Iskander system in the Kaliningrad region. And who knew how Lech Kaczynski would die a few years later. The crash of the airliner, which will be attended by the entire ruling elite of the country, was a complete surprise.
Mysterious Doom
On the morning of April 10, 2010 there was a terrible plane crash near Smolensk. The death of Lech Kaczynski was a real tragedy. On board, in addition to the President of Poland, there were 95 more people, including his wife and the "top" of the state (deputies and senators). Unfortunately, not a single person managed to survive.
According to official figures, the plane crashed just 300 meters from the runway of one of the military airfields of the Russian Federation - Severny. As expected, for unknown reasons, in conditions of very poor visibility due to nebula, the plane was sent to land and touched a tree during approach, which caused it to fall. Almost immediately, the President of the Russian Federation ordered the creation of a group to investigate the causes of the plane crash of Lech Kaczynski.

According to eyewitnesses, there was no fire or any other ignition on board. But the force of the impact of the aircraft during the fall was so great that at one moment the tail of the aircraft came off, leaving no chance to save the passengers.
Plane crash near Smolensk
The air crash at Severny Airport looks rather mysterious. Perhaps it is for this reason that the death of Lech Kaczynski has become the most discussed incident. There were more questions than answers in this disaster. The public was at a loss as to how this could have happened at all and what or who was really behind this disaster: a tragic coincidence or carefully planned actions?
According to official figures, the plane carrying the President of Poland did not receive permission to land. On that day, the Yuzhny airport was even closed. The crew was repeatedly recommended to land in Minsk or Moscow, but despite this, the board made several landing approaches in the area of Smolensk airport. A disaster has occurred.
In view of the current unfavorable situation, it was planned to land the airliner, on board which were the first persons of the state, on the runway of the Smolensk Severny airport. According to the residents of the city, this airport is a rather old strategic military facility that has not been functioning for a long time. However, it was here, after refusing to follow the proposed course, that an attempt was made to land the President's liner.
According to "certain" persons, this airport was indeed in a "suspended" state. Among the personnel who took part in the maintenance of the airport, there were only a few employees who were involved in maintaining the runway in good condition.technical condition. According to them, despite the fact that the airport is located in close proximity to the city, planes rarely landed on this runway. And the authorized representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in their official statement, indicated that the airport is in working condition and functions properly. And it was at this airport that Lech Kaczynski flew in in 2007 to visit the Katyn memorial.
This is how Lech Kaczynski died (we cannot publish a photo of the body for known reasons). But in the media, the burial procedure was covered comprehensively. And what's interesting. When looking at photographs of the funeral procession, there is definitely a feeling of deja vu. How does it happen that Kaczynski seems to have died, but it seems that here he is, walking among the funeral procession? This is his twin brother.

Historical data: performance analysis of TU-154
Let's look at why Lech Kaczynski died? The plane crash that occurred over Smolensk - a pattern or a coincidence? Some readers may have a subjective opinion as to the reason for the crash of the airliner. However, you should not rely on the absolute reliability of these machines. Since 2001, these aircraft have been accompanied by a series of accidents. An example is 2001, when a plane flying from Tehran to the city of Yerevan crashed. According to the final data of the investigation, all 153 people died, and according to experts, the cause of the plane crash was an errorpilots.
Three more plane crashes occurred in 2001. According to the investigation, 145, 136 and 78 people were killed, including crew members. At the same time, according to the news feed, the cause of the crash of airliners in two cases was the error of the crew and pilots, and only in one case the plane crashed due to the fact that the latter was allegedly shot down by a missile during a military exercise.
In 2002, there were two plane crashes. The first of them occurred, according to the expert opinion, due to a technical malfunction. But the second crash occurred, apparently due to an error of dispatchers or aircraft automation, as there was a collision with a Boeing at an altitude of 12 thousand meters.

This, one might say, ended the disasters of the 154th, except for the situation that occurred during the take-off of flights on August 24, 2004. At that moment, on board the aircraft in the air from the airlines "Siberia" and "Volga-Aviaexpress", two explosive devices went off almost simultaneously, which were carried on board by suicidal passengers. As a result of the accidents, all passengers died (respectively 46 and 44 people).
In 2006, due to entering a storm front, a Tupolev Tu-154 crashed while flying from Anapa to St. Petersburg. After the plane lost control, it went into a flat spin and crashed. All passengers on the flight died (169 people, of which 49 were children and 10 crew members).
Of course, the issue of the crash over Smolensk remains open, as well ashow Lech Kaczynski died. According to the results of the first information received, the accident seemed to have occurred through the fault of the pilots. One gets the impression that the pilots of the TU-154 are not sufficiently qualified and simply “cannot” fly these machines, since all the accidents occurred precisely through the fault of the crew. Or is it possible that the control of these aircraft is difficult enough for a simple civil aviation pilot to fly them? The third point that can be voiced is that it is possible that the aircraft's automation does not work out the control algorithms embedded in it enough, or they are ineffective in critical situations.

Memory of the people
Do not think that the people, even of another state, immediately forgot the politician and leader of Poland. Four days after the plane crash, a street named after Lech Kaczynski appeared in Ukraine. Odessa thus expressed its condolences to the catastrophe and honored the memory of the leader of the Polish state. It must be said that this was not an ostentatious action, but an almost unanimous decision of the deputies of the Odessa City Council, which found support in the votes of ordinary citizens - residents of the city.
Latest news
Today, the topic is relevant, since there are no final conclusions regarding the cause of the death of the first persons of the state. What do the news reports reflecting the situation say? Lech Kachinsky (2015 is the fifth anniversary of the death of the president) crashed near Smolensk. No one survived. But the Polish statecontinued to investigate the cause of the accident. Not all examinations have been done yet and not all conclusions have been drawn regarding the causes. According to official information, Poland extended the investigation into this tragedy for another six months, postponing the final announcement of the causes of the crash until April 10, 2016.
On the other hand, referring to the most “touching” issues of the investigation, Polish state officials say that they have not yet received additional opinions from experts involved in the investigation of this tragedy.

The Polish side officially announces that it has already collected 650 volumes of materials related to the catastrophe, which are open in nature, and 120 volumes of materials available to a narrow circle, i.e. top secret.
Official conclusion
The official conclusion cannot be called unambiguous. In fact, there is no consensus on how the death of Lech Kaczynski happened. Of course, one should be inclined to believe that this catastrophe happened by chance and it did not carry any political confrontation. An analysis of many sources and opinions nowhere indicates that in reality there could be a political background for the situation that happened. Yes, there are many unknowns. A unique flight with the first persons of the state, a refusal at the airport, a forced landing at an unattended airfield … But after all, a catastrophe is such a thing, not quite ordinary. Who knows, perhaps this is how they agreed at that hour in heavenstars. Let's wait for April 10…