When you ask visitors about associations with Tula, people often remember the samovar, gingerbread and weapons. This triad is known not only to Russians, but also to residents far beyond the borders of the country. These are the most popular and recognizable brands in the city.

But Tula is also the birthplace of Russian metallurgy, because the first ironworks appeared here. Many people are familiar with the very first Soviet motorcycle "Tula".
Industrial city, where there are a lot of factories, enterprises, design bureaus… The two biggest giants - Tulachermet, which appeared back in the 30s of the last century, and the Kosogorsky Metallurgical Plant - are working at full capacity. Ecology, of course, suffers because of this.
What is the name of the inhabitants of Tula, the Russians? As soon as they don’t speak… And tulyans, and tulyans, and tulchaks, but this is wrong and may even offend them.
The first mention of Tula dates back to the beginning of the 12th century, when Prince Svyatoslav Olegovich of Chernigov visited the city on his way to Ryazan. Over the following centuries, the main trade routes passed through the territory of the Tula province. This was facilitated by its favorable location.in the center of Russia near the capital.
The Tula province itself appeared back in 1777 under Tsar Alexander I and at the same time the governorship, which was abolished 19 years later. The province survived until Stalin's times. In 1929, the Tula District of the Moscow Region appeared, and in 1937 it became a region and still exists.

The size of the area is relatively small and covers three natural zones. In the north and in the center - mixed forests, and in the south - forest-steppe with open spaces. In the southeast and the territories of the Kulikovo field - the steppe zone.
The border of the glacier also passes through the Tula region, which stopped exactly within it.
What are the inhabitants of Tula called? Despite the fact that in the Russian language there are no clear rules for the formation of ethnonyms, there are still patterns, so it is customary to call the inhabitants of the city Tulyaks. Almost 500 thousand people live in the city of Tula, and another million live in the region itself. People live mostly in cities. The urbanization of the region is associated with the intensive development of metallurgy, engineering and mechanics.
The inhabitants of Tula are one of the most hospitable. There are no airports in Tula, tourists get here by rail. The station is the only one in the city, and Moskovsky station indicates its proximity to the capital.
The main square of Tula is Leninskaya, where festivals and holidays dedicated to confectionery art are constantly held.
Residents of Tula and guests of the city, walking through the fairgrounds,they discuss gingerbread fillings and shapes, they certainly drink tea with the heroes of the occasion.
How to correctly call the inhabitants of the city of Tula, depending on gender? Girls are called Tula or Tula, but guys and men are called Tula.

The main architectural marvel of the city is the Kremlin. Battle Tula went down in history as a fortress on the most dangerous road to the capital from the steppes of the Golden Horde. The Tula Kremlin is located in a lowland and has no landscape advantages, but powerful walls and towers, as well as an excellent defensive layout and good weapons make it impossible to capture. The battlements on the walls are shaped like a dovetail, which is typical for Italian courtyard complexes.
Initially it was wooden, but the constant raids of the Crimean Tatars prompted the population to build a stone city. It was a city within a city, and the inhabitants of Tula lived outside the walls of the Kremlin.
Specialized reptile zoo is the largest in Europe. It has about 420 species - large and small. Frogs, crocodiles, snakes and all kinds of lizards live in terrariums. And the wild representatives of the fauna have become almost tame.
Tula residents are proud of the sights of their city, and especially museums.
Museum of Weapons
The only museum in the country that has collected samples from the time of the Battle of Kulikovo. Arms production in Tula appeared immediately after the founding of the city, but officially the Armory Sloboda was founded in the 16th century, by order of Tsar Fyodor Ioanovich, and in 1712 there wasRussia's first State Arms Plant. It was on the orders of Peter I that the museum was opened in 1724.
And here under the microscope is the famous flea shod with four horseshoes.

Gingerbread Museum
Finding a museum is easy. You can not only eat gingerbread, but also arrange holidays in honor of it. By delicacy, you can study the history of the city. These are the traditions and customs associated with gingerbread, and everything that happened in a person's life was also displayed on a sweet delicacy. And behind the wall of the museum you can buy sweet products of Tula masters.
Samovar Museum
The museum opened its doors to residents of the city and guests of Tula in 1990. And since that time it has become a kind of visiting card of the city.
The museum displays the history of arts and crafts in Russia. Part of the exposition is occupied by memorial complexes belonging to famous samovar dynasties: Shemarin, Fomin, Batashev.

The first Tula samovar was made in 1778 by the Lisitsyn brothers for making zbitnya. The most beautiful carved samovars were made for exhibitions. By the end of the 19th century, about 30 factories operated in the city, which produced more than 150 styles of brass, copper and cupronickel beauties.
Why should you come here?
This is a modern city, but you can't call it a club capital. The relative proximity to the capital makes it an interesting tourist attraction for foreign travelers. Herethere is something to see and something to show. Friendly local residents of the city are always happy to welcome new guests.
The main thing is to honor city traditions and remember that a resident of Tula is called a Tula.