How the supermoon affects people and their behavior

How the supermoon affects people and their behavior
How the supermoon affects people and their behavior

Supermoon is a natural phenomenon that has been haunting people's minds since ancient times. Scientists and astronomers have noticed since ancient times that at certain periods of time the moon increases in size. However, they could not find the reason and explain this amazing fact. In this regard, legends and superstitions arose, conjectures and assumptions appeared about how the supermoon affects people.

Traditional healers and healers preferred to collect herbs on the brightest nights. They believed that the juices of all plants were attracted to the moon and overwhelmed the leaves, flowers and stems. Some mystics still believe that on such nights a person can turn into a beast, and witches go to the sabbath.

How does the supermoon affect people?
How does the supermoon affect people?

Let's try and understand such a natural phenomenon as a supermoon. Impact on man, society and nature - what really depends on the Earth's satellite, and what remains a myth?

On the Threshold of the Phenomenon

Modern society is looking forward to the next return of the giant moon. Many people are preparing cameras and cameras to capture this unique natural phenomenon as a keepsake. Astrologers predict disasters andcataclysms, astronomers warn of a possible rampant disaster, yellow press journalists scare the townsfolk with the facts of past natural disasters. At the same time, serious media are trying to analyze this phenomenon from a scientific point of view. They take a detailed look at the supermoon, the impact on humans and animals.

Supermoon. Impact on a person
Supermoon. Impact on a person

How the Moon affects our planet

It is known that the surface of the World Ocean is shifting following the movement of the Earth's satellite. It is the latter that affects the water masses and is the cause of the ebb and flow. Coastal California residents have long noticed that earthquakes often occur on full moons.

In those periods when the satellite approaches the planet at a minimum distance, an increase in the intensity of the tides is recorded. However, scientists note that the differences from ordinary days are not too noticeable. That is why talk about possible global cataclysms is greatly exaggerated.

Another thing is a person. As you know, there is a large percentage of water in our body, and we cannot but respond to natural cycles. Consider what aspects of life can be affected by the supermoon.

Effect on the human body

Many stories and legends associated with this period relate to the phenomenon of somnambulism. Sometimes a person may not realize that he is a sleepwalker. On the brightest nights, the reactions of such people are aggravated, they become more irritable and stressed.

Supermoon. Impact on people's behavior
Supermoon. Impact on people's behavior

Scientistsreassure impressionable persons, saying that the effect of the moon on a person is undeniable, but greatly exaggerated. Not a single he althy individual has yet turned into a sleepwalker and has not gone crazy during this period. Studies have proven that the size of the Earth's satellite does not affect people's behavior, does not disturb consciousness and does not push individuals to crime. Maybe there are other facts about how the supermoon affects people?

He alth effects

Scientists have proven that lunar cycles directly affect the biological processes of the body, in particular, metabolism. How does the supermoon affect people in light of this theory? For example, the effect of alcohol on the body in a given period of time is difficult to predict. Many individuals who have abused strong drinks are seized by a thirst for vigorous activity and great excitement. It is clear that this cannot lead to anything good, and it is better to refuse alcohol on a full moon.

There is also evidence that the operation should not be performed at this time. It is believed that complications may occur due to poor blood clotting.

Doctors note that during this period many more patients are admitted for treatment than on ordinary days. Another interesting fact concerns the action of drugs. Observations of specialists have shown that side effects from them are more pronounced precisely on the full moon.

Effect on the psyche

Doctors note that mentally ill people react sharply to the full moon and supermoon. The impact on people's behavior can be traced very clearly - the patient's condition during this periodgets complicated. Unbalanced citizens also react quite sharply to the hostess of the night sky. They describe their feelings as follows: “Cats scratch in their souls.” Remember the classic example of Shakespeare's Othello, who succumbed to a fit of madness precisely under the influence of the Moon.

Supermoon. Action on a person
Supermoon. Action on a person

Impact on the emotional state of a person

A number of serious studies proves the existence of the so-called biological clock, which all living beings living on the planet obey. Many natural phenomena and biological processes depend on lunar cycles. The human body is no exception, and it also reacts to a supermoon. The effect on a person, or rather, on his emotional sphere, can be expressed in a depressed mood, insomnia or irritability. However, these unpleasant moments do not manifest themselves as strongly as some journalists and mystics would like. They are easy to overlook, and most blame it on feeling unwell.

Supermoon. human impact
Supermoon. human impact

How to protect yourself from harmful influences

Before giving advice, let's make a reservation that not all people are affected by the Moon in a supermoon. The influence on a person with a strong character and a stable psyche is not very pronounced. However, during stressful situations, everything can change. Therefore, everyone should familiarize themselves with the safety rules during this period (for prevention):

  • Abstain from drinking alcohol.
  • Try not to sort things out with loved ones and loved ones. Statisticsnotes that during these periods, unfortunately, the percentage of rupture of relations increases.
  • Don't watch horror movies and crime TV shows. Even those who calmly perceive creepy scenes from movies should adhere to this rule. The fact is that on the full moon the psyche reacts very sharply to all phenomena. Therefore, it is possible that a small fright will result in a serious phobia or manifest itself in terrible dreams.
  • If you drive a car, you should be especially careful. During this period, the number of accidents on the roads is increasing, as everyone is a little nervous and not too focused.
  • Try not to react emotionally to the actions of others. Everyone knows that women are more sensitive than men. Therefore, they should not be offended, especially given the action of the full moon. Men also become aggressive and withdrawn. If you have any serious request to the boss, then it should be postponed.
  • Supermoon. influence on the body
    Supermoon. influence on the body

After analyzing all the facts, we understand how the supermoon affects people. No need to be afraid and expect something terrible during this period. The impact of the moon on the body is minimal, it does not bring any global changes. In fact, another horror story read on the Internet about an astronomical phenomenon can affect an emotional person more than the supermoon itself.
