Many people are interested to know who they are, modern Russian politicians. What is their life path, and how do they get to the top of the political Olympus. The article is devoted to the indigenous Samarans, or, more precisely, to a native of the then city of Kuibyshev, who now heads one of the most important committees in the Federation Council - on the federal structure. It will be about Dmitry Azarov.

Begin biography
The future politician was born in 1970, on August 9th. His parents are ordinary employees, he turned out to be the younger of two sons. The father instilled in the children a love of sports, coaching the school basketball team for many years. Azarov Dmitry Igorevich - CCM in this sport. And in his youth, he loved rock, being a fan of the work of Viktor Tsoi, was fond of physics and mathematics. After graduating from school No. 132, he entered the local Polytechnic Institute, where he received the speci alty of a software engineer.
He began his career as a student. At 18years, he mastered the profession of an asph alt paver, contributing to the road construction of the village of Zubchaninovka. Upon graduation, he worked in his speci alty, while studying at the financial and economic college of the city of Buzuluk. He not only graduated with honors, but later became a Ph. D.

Work activity
Azarov Dmitry Igorevich, whose biography is discussed in the article, made a dizzying career from an ordinary programmer, accountant and economist at a private firm to the CEO of the Srednevolzhskaya Gas Company (2001), having gone this way in just 9 years. His track record includes short work in the tax office. He received his first serious appointment already in 1995, becoming deputy director of the branch of the Volgoenergomontazh trust. Here he de alt with economic issues.
Three years later, Azarov received a similar position at the Sintezkauchuk plant. A new stage was the Volgapromkhim Production Association, where about 20 thousand people worked at six enterprises. His next appointment was already SVGK. As a general director, Azarov Dmitry Igorevich defended his dissertation in economics in Moscow, becoming one of the most competent business leaders.

The beginning of a political career
2006 in the history of the city of Samara was the year of confrontation between the "Party of Life" - "United Russia". Young ambitious politicians and heads of local enterprises united in the team of Viktor Tarkhov againstcurrent mayor Georgy Limansky. And they won. Having won the elections, Tarkhov invited Azarov to become the first deputy head of the city district in charge of finance and economic development. Until 2008, he worked in the city apparatus, voluntarily leaving his high post. The Samara region, in his person, found a new minister of environmental management, and Dmitry Igorevich began to associate his career with the United Russia party.
2009 was a very important year for him. Azarov's name was included in the personnel reserve of the President of the Russian Federation, and in the 2010 elections he was nominated as a candidate for the vacancy of the Head of the city district. He won with nearly 67% of the popular vote.

As mayor
For 4 years Azarov Dmitry Igorevich was the mayor, remaining in the memory of the townspeople as one of the most accessible and democratic city leaders. He actively communicated on the Internet, maintaining a page on Twitter, where other officials of the apparatus soon appeared. Under him, a real website was created, where citizens' appeals were not only read, but measures were taken without fail. Meetings with the residents of the city have become traditional. They were held until late in the evening, until the last question of those present. What specific deeds do the former mayor remember?
- Putting order on the streets of the city district. This concerns cleanliness, the purchase of cleaning machines, the demolition of illegal kiosks and the reconstruction of the Volga embankment.
- Creation within the framework of the Organizing Committee "Cultural Samara" of original monuments that have become the decoration of the city. Thus, a sculpture by Yuri Detochkin appeared in front of the railway station, and the composition "Barge haulers on the Volga" appeared on the banks of the great river. Historical justice has been restored and a monument to the founder of Samara, Grigory Zasekin, has appeared on the embankment.
- Company for a he althy lifestyle. At the initiative of Azarov, the sale of alcohol on holidays is prohibited in the city, and a green street is open for sports. The former mayor personally participated in the now traditional street basketball competition.
Federation Council
When in 2011 Azarov headed the Association of the cities of the Volga region, and a little later became the vice-president of the Union, which included all Russian cities, it became clear that politics is closely on the scale of one region. In 2013, a new governor appeared in the Samara region, who only had to win the recognition of local residents. Nikolai Merkushkin arrived from Mordovia, where he had a certain authority, but he was completely unfamiliar to the inhabitants of Samara. Dmitry Igorevich Azarov represented some kind of competition for him in the fight for the sympathy of voters.

The situation was resolved in 2014, when it was decided to appoint Azarov as a senator in the Federation Council from the region. On October 10, the Samara politician assumed his powers, the term of which expires in 2019. Due to his high profile as mayor, he chaired an important committee dealing with issues of regional policy and federal arrangement.
Private life
Azarov Dmitry Igorevich, for whom the Federation Council is the mainjob, happily married. The politician met his wife named Elina at school, but he made an offer as a student. Two daughters are brought up in the family - the adult Polina and Alena, born in 2002. As a senator from the Samara region, Azarov often visits his hometown, regularly meeting with people and especially with young people, in whose potential he sincerely believes.