The popularity of the daughter of the famous composer Dmitry Malikov has long surpassed his own. Thousands of teenagers listen to the advice of a girl with a beautiful name Stefania, they become subscribers to her social media accounts and emotionally react to new photos. Despite the young age of the girl, she is called a real style icon, and glossy magazines, often inviting a charming girl for advertising shoots, consider her the personification of a new generation.
Charming Stefania Malikova is still studying at school, but is already trying to realize herself in creativity. The girl draws well, is interested in fashion and its history, goes in for vocals and dances, sports, and foreign languages. Despite the workload, she signed a contract for cooperation with one modeling agency. And, as the beauty admits, her childhood dream has now come true.

Feminine Stefania Malikova, whose biography, despite her young age, is filled with events, recently appeared on the American cover of the youth version of Vogue magazine. accustomedposing from an early age, the beauty showed foreign readers her good taste, instilled in the family.
Educational Issues
Stesha, as her parents call her, has absorbed the spirit of show business since childhood, so it is not surprising that she feels comfortable in different guises. However, the heiress of the musical dynasty admitted that she was fond of not only creativity, but would like to connect her life with medicine. Stefania Malikova said that she is a fan of chemistry and after graduating from school she would gladly enter the Faculty of Medicine, because another of her dreams, so far unrealizable, is the invention of an elixir of he alth. True, in recent interviews she has already said that she does not see her future in medicine, because cutting frogs and mice is not for her, but she does not exclude a good journalistic or design education. To numerous questions about whether she wants to follow in her father's footsteps, she frankly admits that she has been "poisoned" by music since childhood.
Family idyll
Malikov's daughter Stefania grew up in love and care from an early age. She calls herself an exemplary child who will never let down her parents who trust her and will not destroy the respectful relationship between them. The media believe that in Russian show business there is no more harmonious and beautiful family. Stefania sincerely admires her parents, considering her father a superdad, and her mother the best and role model in everything. To frequent questions about family conflicts, Stefania Malikova replies that compromises help in such situations, it’s just sometimes difficult to find them.

Popularity in networks
More than two hundred and fifty thousand subscribers has a feminine beauty with a radiant smile. Her father even expressed particular concern about the excessive popularity of his daughter, who admits that he does not understand the reasons for his fame. “I just post photos, not trying to become a star of social networks,” says Stefania Malikova. Photos from her on Instagram are incredibly popular, the public wants to follow the diverse life of their favorite.

The wisdom of a young beauty
However, not everyone reacts positively to such a flaunting of their lives, in addition to compliments on her natural beauty and charm, many leave unpleasant comments about the we alth of her star family. We must pay tribute to the upbringing of a sociable girl who politely answers all ill-wishers, that she is trying to realize herself in life not only with the help of her parents, but also thanks to the knowledge gained. Stefania Malikova admits that she is only expanding her horizons and will definitely achieve her goal.

“I have not been deprived of attention since childhood - this is the fate of all famous people. If someone is forgiven for a mistake, then everyone will notice mine. But the situation obliges - you need to behave with dignity. From the child of stellar parents, to whom much has been given, much will be asked. And if someone tries to spread rumors and look for flaws, then he does it only out of envy that poisons the heart,”wiseargues Stefania Malikova, whose photos are always closely examined by fans.
By the way, the successful and purposeful Stesha, who became popular thanks to the Internet, considers it the main disadvantage of her generation's life. She explains to her peers that all the knowledge and encyclopedias of the world are collected in it, and we are lazy and sit in social networks and do various nonsense.
As you can see, the girl is smart enough and clearly refutes the theory about nature resting on the children of popular parents. We wish her only good luck in achieving her goal by her own means!