Tuloma River: description, fishing

Tuloma River: description, fishing
Tuloma River: description, fishing

The Tuloma River is one of the major rivers of the Kola Peninsula and the Murmansk region. It flows into the Barents Sea. Has a mixed diet. It freezes at the end of December. Ice movement occurs from April to early June. Partially, the upper reaches of the river belong to the territory of Finland. There are two hydroelectric power stations on the river, forming reservoirs. Tuloma is a favorite place for fishermen.

river valley
river valley

The economic role of the river

In ancient times, an important trade route connecting Finland and the Arctic Ocean passed through Tuloma. For these purposes, a bridge across the Tuloma River was used. Now its main function is to serve as a place of rest for the inhabitants of the Murmansk region and a source of environmentally friendly electricity. People are attracted by picturesque natural landscapes with rocky shores and forests, clear waters and a large number of fish. Despite the severity associated with latitude, the river is still quite comfortable.

Features of the channel

The Tuloma River flows in the west of the Murmansk region and flows into the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea. The length of the river is only 64kilometers. There are a huge number (over 5 thousand) lakes in its basin. There are 2 reservoirs on the river, built back in the 30s of the 20th century.

Two large HPPs were built on Tuloma: Verkhnetulomskaya and Nizhnetulomskaya. They form reservoirs with the same names. The Lower Tuloma reservoir is strongly elongated and occupies a significant part of the length of the river. The water in it is flowing and is quickly renewed due to a significant current. The regulation of the flow allows it to be used in accordance with the needs of the HPP.

The river has rapids and waterfalls.

the nature of the flow of the river tuloma
the nature of the flow of the river tuloma

There are tourist camps along the banks. The most popular type of recreation is fishing. They catch fish even in the harsh northern winter. In the waters of the river you can catch pink salmon, smelt, brown trout, whitefish, burbot, pike. And at the bottom there is even a chance to find freshwater pearls.

At the recreation centers you can rent a boat or become a member of the excursion on the river.

Weather on the river

Climatic conditions are generally harsh, but milder than in Siberia and the Far East. This is due to the relative proximity of the Atlantic and warm currents. Summer is short and cool. Winter is long and moderately cold. Continentality is relatively weakly expressed. Winter lasts from November to April. January and February are the coldest months of the year.

The greatest cooling events occur during Arctic intrusions, and warming events are most often associated with the penetration of mild Atlantic cyclones into the region.

Geography of the river

The river flows through the hilly andin places - rocky terrain. The nature of the course of the Tuloma River is diverse, but more often it is clearly visible. Tundra, peat-bog and podzolic soils are typical. Birch, pine, and shrubs grow along the banks. They form forests and woodlands. The swamps are mostly of the moss type. There is little greenery in the waters of the river. A significant part of the channel is the Nizhnetuloma reservoir.

tuloma reservoir
tuloma reservoir

Springs abound at the bottom of the river. Therefore, the water is cold even in summer. But in winter it is warmer, which does not allow it to freeze too much. The bottom is predominantly rocky, rarely silty. Large stones and snags may come across. There are springs with clean water along the river.

Fishing on the Tuloma River

For classic and calm fishing with a float rod, you should choose the warm season, which begins here only in the second half of May. You should look for places with a minimum current velocity. For fishing on this river, fishermen are advised to take odorous baits, such as anise or cake.

In Tuloma there are very large specimens of aggressive fish species that can break fishing tackle. To reduce the risk of such events, it is recommended to fish closer to the shore. The maximum distance for fishing in Tuloma is 5 meters from the shore. The maximum chances for a good catch will be if you choose a sunny, quiet day. In 3-4 hours you can catch up to 5 kg of chub and/or roach.

fishing on the tuloma river
fishing on the tuloma river


The Tuloma River is one of the most picturesque rivers in Russia. It attracts, first of all, lovers of fishing. fishermencan enjoy the clean taiga air and watch the clear waters. The species composition of fish here is very diverse, and the size of some specimens is simply huge. Found in this wild river and the fish are quite aggressive, living, first of all, at a sufficient depth. Therefore, you should only fish near the shore, no further than 5 meters from it. There are also 2 HPPs in Tuloma, which have significantly changed the nature and speed of its flow.
