Sports small-caliber pistol: description, specifications, resolution and reviews

Sports small-caliber pistol: description, specifications, resolution and reviews
Sports small-caliber pistol: description, specifications, resolution and reviews

Firearms have always had a lot of fans: they fascinated and attracted, forced to admire and instill a sense of power, even changed the course of history. Pistol takes pride of place in this row.

Historical digression

Small arms were invented in hoary antiquity. Manuscripts have survived that tell of a formidable stick that spewed fire from a great distance. Who invented them? Could they really harm a person? Did they really exist? The answers to these questions remain a mystery. At least for now. It is reliably known that firearms began to exist as such in the XIV century, having gone through a long and difficult history of formation. A pistol, as a type of small arms, is younger by two whole centuries. The Italian Camille Vetelli is considered the creator of the “small gun”, which can be fired with one hand. There is a version thatthe word "pistol" comes from the name of the city of Pistoia, where the master lived and worked. Further, over the course of five centuries, this type of weapon was improved and gained fans, going from wick to high-precision sports samples.


The small-caliber pistol is very popular today in sports and among those who like to practice shooting. This type of weapon has a number of advantages. The leader among their own kind is the Margolin small-caliber pistol.

Birth of a legend

The date of birth of this model is 1948. It was in the 1940s that the boom in shooting sports began in the Soviet Union. This occupation was not just a fashion, but almost the duty of every citizen of the country. On weekends, there were even queues at the shooting range to shoot. Therefore, the goal was set - to create a sports model of a small-caliber pistol. The most successful option was a sample provided by designer Mikhail Margolin, an engineer at the Izhevsk plant.

During many years of experiments, he managed to design and develop a seven-shot pistol for a small-caliber cartridge. Athletes highly appreciated the new weapon. This pattern instantly became popular. The model developed by the designer Margolin was called the MC. The abbreviation stands for "Margolin Target".


It is admirable that Mikhail Vladimirovich created his legendary pistol, being completely blind! Once he was an accurate shooter, he loved weapons, especially pistols, dreamed of improving the mechanism. But in 1923, inthe fight against crime in the Caucasus, was wounded, as a result of which he lost his sight. He did not give up and did not give up his favorite business. He made his models by touch from plasticine, wax or clay. “There is no evil without good,” the folk truth repeats. The blind see the world differently, so engineer Margolin managed to take a different approach to improving the pistol. He was able to solve a number of problems in the design of small arms. The designer fundamentally changed a number of details: the bolt, barrel and sighting device. Such changes dramatically improved the quality of the pistol.

World fame

"Baptism of fire" in the international arena, a small-caliber pistol was held in 1954 at the World Cup. With the help of this weapon, our athletes have achieved great success. Many shooters were delighted with the new development of the USSR. The American shooter, after examining the pistol for a long time, said: “Probably, the designer who created this masterpiece is an excellent shooter if he managed to surpass W alter and Colt in accuracy.”


MC design

The small-caliber pistol, developed by designer Margolin, belongs to the trigger-type models, in which the automation works on the force of the shutter recoil. The trigger mechanism is designed in such a way that only single shots can be fired. To improve balance when customizing weapons, a weight hanger is provided under the barrel.

Sight system can be adjusted. The rear sight can be shifted to the right or left with respect to the channel axis. The same operation cando it with the fly. Single-row magazine, can hold 10 rounds, fits in the handle.

Pistol Improvement

Margolin didn't stop there. He always tried to bring his creation to the ideal. Under his leadership, other sports small-caliber pistols were created. So, in 1952, the production of shortened cartridges began - 5, 6 mm. In the MC of this year's sample, a change was made to the trunk, it was reduced. The chamber and magazine for the new cartridge have also been changed. A muzzle brake was also created. This model was called MTS-1. Later, some adjustments were also made, but it is the 1948 version of the year that is used in sports and training shooting to this day.


Margolin pistol clones

Good accuracy, shooting accuracy, ergonomics and reliability of the mechanisms of the MTS became the impetus for the emergence of new variants of such weapons. Over the past 70 years, the following small-caliber weapons have been developed: the Drill, Margo pistols and a number of other options.

Faithful companion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In the 90s of the last century, the Izhmash design bureau developed a sample of a small-sized pistol, which was called the "Drill". This model was intended for employees of law enforcement agencies and special services. "Drill" was created on the basis of the Margolin pistol. This version of a small-sized weapon is loaded with a PSM cartridge (5.45 X 18). The model differed from the original by a shortened barrel, the absence of additional devices for sports needs, such as special cheeks, changedthe sight, which has become unregulated, the shape of the handle has changed slightly. It has become more ergonomic, making the shot more accurate. A trigger lock system was also developed to prevent the pistol from being accidentally fired. This became possible after a special groove was made in the trigger mechanism. In the non-working state, the platoon of the so-called sear falls into this groove, as a result of which the trigger and the striker itself block.

Weapons for the masses

On the basis of the MTs pistol, another version of the sports and training weapon was developed, called the "Margot". This name comes from the abbreviation of the name of the designer Margolin. It was specially designed for the civilian user. The scope of its use is quite wide: from amateur shooting training to self-defense. This model accepts 22LR cartridges.


The model has the following advantages:

  • Quiet firing sound, allowing you to train anywhere, even outdoors with the simplest bullet catcher.
  • Release adjustment. It is possible to set the force from 1 to 2.5 kg.
  • Cheap ammo.

Based on the MC prototype, there were attempts to create a gas weapon. The result of this reincarnation of the sporty Margolin was IZH-77 - a 6-shot gas pistol chambered for 8 mm cartridges.

Foreign analogues

In addition to domestic samples of small-caliber weapons, there are noteworthy pistols thatproduced abroad.

One of the available to lovers of sporting weapons is an analogue of the MC - Carl W alther P22 Standard. This pattern has a number of advantages:

  • compact and ergonomic;
  • high precision;
  • excellent packaging;
  • reliability.

This gun is very good for competition. It costs approximately $400.

No less attractive for sports shooting and Ruger SR22. It is cheaper, but slightly inferior in performance. Of the advantages: a silencer can be screwed to the barrel.

A good option is FORT "Kordon" of Ukrainian production. It is quite cheap, but accurate, suitable for beginners in aimed shooting.

For professional athletes, a good option for foreign analogues is the GSG-1911. Weight without cartridges - about 1 kg. It is made of gun-grade steel and has a wide range of equipment.


One of the expensive variants of this weapon line is the RUGER 22/45. It costs from 700 dollars. Very reliable, looks perfect and is highly accurate. This is a professional weapon. Many additional kits are produced for it: from body kits to triggers.

You can't get past the famous Glock pistol. He has his fans. This weapon has large dimensions, solid weight and good characteristics, but it is not very reliable and quite expensive - from 900 "green".

Permit for small-caliber weapons

In order to obtain a permit for military weapons, you need to bypass more than oneauthority, collect a bunch of papers, take tests and answer a hundred questions. And after everything passed, it is not at all a fact that it will be possible to obtain the coveted permission. To obtain a legal basis for the right to carry and use small-caliber weapons, the situation should be a little simpler. After all, this is not a military weapon, but only a sports one, especially since these are just small-caliber pistols. It is not difficult to obtain permission to own this type of weapon, but it takes a very long time. To do this, you need to join the International Shooting Sports Federation. And after five years of being in the ranks of this association, you can get the coveted permission. Just. Simple but long.


Where to buy and how much?

If you are a big fan of sports shooting or just a fan of this type of weapon, then it will not be difficult to find and buy a small-caliber pistol. Its price is quite high. In online stores, the cost of such a toy starts from 20,000 rubles. And one more nuance: you can only buy small-caliber weapons that are certified, and this list in the Russian Federation is not very long. But it contains a small-caliber Margolin pistol. The price of this weapon is rather big, but for true lovers of sports shooting, this fact is not a hindrance. A new pistol can be purchased for 45,000 rubles. If you search, you can find a used version for 15-20 thousand.
