Currently, such a concept as a "socialite" does not mislead anyone at all and is regarded either as a profession or as an occupation. Apparently, large-scale propaganda of this definition has not played in favor. At the moment, the elite include already simple kept women who regularly appear in secular society, but in no way form it.
Well, if you look deeper, then star parties owe their existence to them, representatives of the "golden youth". Without its existence, they would not be anything more than ordinary meetings of interest, which in other words is called "hanging out." In fact, it was a separate Russian cluster of rich people, show business stars or children of oligarchs until the moment when Zeitlin Ulyana appeared spectacularly in it - by far the only real socialite who knows her own worth. She was called the uncrowned queen and also a legend of the elite world.
A bit of biography

Ulyana Zeitlina, whose biography originates from St. Petersburg, has interested many. A family of intellectualswho was born in 1968, on November 17, a girl, consisted of her father Anatoly - a talented artist - and her mother, who holds the position of editor of a popular publication at the Academy of Sciences. Ulyana studied at a school operating at the University of Arts. After graduating, her girlfriend entered an institution named after Serov. In her youth, Uliana collaborated with the House of Models of Leningrad, and more than once she could be seen on the front pages of the Fashion magazine.

Fairy Appearance
During the period when Ulyana Tseytlina rather unexpectedly entered the elite society of Moscow, the bohemian society was surprised, fascinated and, in a sense, was under hypnosis. No, not at all from the appearance of an undeniably well-groomed, but not spectacular blonde, but from a mysterious behavior.
It should be said that Ulyana Tseytlina never hid her age. The lady had no idea to compete with the young models who accompanied rich men with a stuffed wallet. She instantly managed to show her superiority over them with a perfectly thought out and realized image. The imposing oligarchs needed a zest girl, and Ulyana, without any difficulty, provided them with such a riddle, just like a real oriental beauty, who arranged a test for a huge number of suitors. For men, she has become exactly the one whose look must be won, and her favors must be achieved. The most interesting thing is that rich gentlemen are interested in such a game.
Attitude towards life abroad
At a time when manythought about moving abroad, Tseitlina Ulyana looked at the realities of living in Russia with an evaluating look, since she knew life overseas. The harmonious complex of an unusual name and surname, together with a residence permit in Australia (Ulyana arrived from the "green continent") involuntarily aroused an unhe althy interest in her, and the scandalous personality constantly increased it, adding fresh intrigues. Ulyana Zeitlina, whose biography was constantly supplemented by new facts and conjectures of secular chroniclers, was never deprived of attention. She played her main and only role in the life of "Miss X" not without talent and very inspired.
Gossip about the mysterious Ulyana

Absolutely all combinations turned perfectly, and most importantly, it took a minimum of time. What others spent years on, Ulyana did in just a month. She lived in a luxurious mansion, which was located on Rublyovka, visited the most luxurious restaurants and became the owner of the collection of the most expensive women's handbags of the famous Hermes brand. Accessories of this company are made only to order, and then taking into account if the client has at least ten thousand dollars. In the center of Russia, the saying has become popular that poverty comes at a time when it is possible to spend only a thousand dollars a day. The author of this phrase, of course, was our heroine.
A wide variety of rumors circulated about the personality of Ulyana Tseitlina … It was said that a famous actor from Hollywood was wooing her, then she became interestedPrince of Monaco and at one of the ceremonial receptions in the palace did not leave a single step from the girl. It should be noted that the initiator of such sensations was Zeitlina herself, allegedly arranging the flow of various information, and all this was supported by staged photos. But nevertheless, the secular elite believed in all this, and the Russian oligarchs willingly fought with European stars for the right to be with this person.
Gossip about Zeitlina and Belotserkovsky
There was also a rumor that Boris Belotserkovsky and Ulyana Tseitlina were lovers. Many condemned her for this, because she maintained friendship with his wife and repeatedly came to events organized by Nika. Ulyana denied this information, but the journalists still did not calm down and, on the contrary, added fuel to the fire. And once again there is news that Ulyana Zeitlina gave birth to Belotserkovsky. The girl herself denied these rumors, saying that a certain Andrey is the father of the baby.
Obscure origin
Where does a girl from a simple Leningrad family get such manners, such knowledge of social life and such a craving for fame? Quite a complex question, which is not easy to find an answer to. The father-artist, the mother-editor, logically, should have endowed the daughter with a sense of beauty. Well, even her education says so. The only thing is that the speci alty that Ulyana has chosen can be a little confusing. And yet, she did not follow in the footsteps of her parents.
Tseitlin was married once. Her official husband worked as a doctor, so he could hardly instill in her royal manners. He only gave her a loud unusual surname. Young people got married in 1989, after graduating from Ulyana College. For their honeymoon, the newlyweds chose Australia, where they stayed for permanent residence. Ulyana Tseitlina never spoke about her place of residence overseas, so the biography of her life during this period remains a mystery. But be that as it may, it was her "Australian life" that acted as an excellent trump card, which in 2000, after a divorce, played into her hands.
Ulyana's way to Moscow

The woman did not live long in her hometown. She went to conquer the capital of Russia. Apparently, it was at that moment that a meeting took place, which can be considered decisive in the fate of Ulyana. Just then, another "lioness" from St. Petersburg appeared in Moscow, at that time not yet lit up in secular circles, but already known due to her father's name - Ksenia Sobchak. Despite the age difference, the girls quickly became friends. The so-called "Sobchak's friend" Ulyana Zeitlina quickly realized that communication with Ksenia can be used for your own purposes.
Their relationship can be called mutually beneficial - Ulyana used Sobchak's connections, and Ksyusha, thanks to Zeitlina, went to high society. It is already after some time that Sobchak herself will become one of the socialites, and at the time of her acquaintance, it was Zeitlin Ulyana who shared with her friend the secret of seduction and shocking in society. The girls were inseparable for a long time. Sobchak even became the godmother of Ulyana's son, but soon Ksenia wantedmore, she began to try herself as a TV presenter and take an active part in social activities, and Ulyana was still the queen of "parties".

Tseytlina posed for Playboy magazine
In October 2007, the "socialite" decided to finally consolidate her scandalous reputation and decided to pose naked for the famous Playboy magazine. Uliana Zeitlina, whose photos turned out to be stunning, was pleased with the result. According to the magazine's photo editors, there was almost no need to work on the erotic shots in Photoshop.
Besides the photo, Ulyana gave the magazine a short interview, expressing her attitude to alcoholic beverages: “I can't stand champagne, I prefer to drink vodka. I love its color, the consequences, and, of course, the process itself. The very established tradition around it: pickles, cabbage, you should not eat after the first one - a unique religion. Therefore, at parties, I prefer vodka, and most recently I was taught to use it with beer: how to inhale and exhale correctly,” Ulyana said.
Mysterious Disappearance

Towards the end of 2010, Ulyana Tseitlina left the scene completely imperceptibly - this was not her final departure, but her appearance at social events became less and less. The departure of the socialite was associated with the birth of Savva's son. As they say, the father of the boy was a married oligarch, who is on the Forbes list. Someone thinks thatit was the child's father who initiated Ulyana's departure from the stage. There are opinions that after the birth of the baby, Zeitlina felt new maternal feelings and decided to end her “lion's path”. But the information that Ulyana Tseitlina and her son did not appear anywhere remains true.
Tseitlin periodically flashes in secular society. In mid-autumn 2011, her appearance on the New Wave, accompanied by the oligarch Alexei Fedorychev, made a crazy sensation, but all this is just echoes of the past. Now there are new beauties who rule the ball. And despite the fact that Ulyana was not deleted from the list of "socialites", she can already have little influence on anything. There is probably a time for everything, and the current position of the former "queen of society" suits her quite well.
The legend remains a legend
She is still called a courtesan, and sometimes even more offensive words. Many are outraged by her dependent lifestyle. Her denial of intervention in her appearance by expensive plastic surgeons is put on public display, her intellectual abilities are sneered at. There are a lot of conversations on a wide variety of topics. The most important thing is that Ulyana reacts to all this without aggression, and sometimes even with a smile. Well, what kind of lioness would pay attention to the conversations of gazelles!..