Dzhahan Redzhepovna Pollyeva is a very versatile person. She is known as a statesman, a talented lawyer, a speechwriter for the President of the Russian Federation and a songwriter, whose works are performed by the most famous representatives of the Russian stage. Biography of Jahan Pollyeva, her personal life, career and creativity - further in the article.
Early years
Dzhahan Redzhepovna Pollyeva was born in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan), date of birth April 15, 1960. Her parents worked as teachers at the Turkmen State University named after Maxim Gorky (modern Magtymguly University), her father taught history and foreign literature, and her mother taught English. His paternal grandfather taught political economy at the same university, and his grandmother - his wife - worked as a judge of the highest level in the Supreme Court of the Turkmen SSR. Another grandfather, Jahan, went through the entire war and died in the battle for Berlin in 1945. In such a family, a girl could not grow up without ambition - she has the most versatile education.received from relatives even before she went to school, in particular, knew the basics of the English language, understood some aspects of history, literature, jurisprudence and political science.
After graduating from high school, Jahan Pollyeva decided to follow in her grandmother's footsteps and entered the law faculty at the same university where her parents worked. This was in 1977. During her first year, Jahan married a Komsomol worker - when he was transferred to work in Moscow, the girl received an official transfer to the law faculty of Moscow State University, where she completed her studies in 1982. In the same year, Jahan entered the graduate school of the Institute of State and Law of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where in 1986 she successfully defended her dissertation and became a candidate of legal sciences.

Career start
From 1986 to 1990, in her career, Jahan Pollyeva went from junior researcher to head of political and legal affairs at the Research Center of the Youth Institute. She was one of the leaders of the developers of the Law "On the General Principles of the State Youth Policy in the USSR", which was adopted in 1991. Thus, when developing the project, Pollyeva was one of the first to start talking about youth rights in the USSR.
Already in 1992, Dzhakhan Redzhepovna assumed the position of consultant to the Administration of the President of the RSFSR. Here, from 1992 to 1993, she took part in the drafting of the constitution of the Russian Federation, for which she was subsequently awarded an honorary presidential diploma.
From 1995 to 1997Pollyeva served as vice president of the Interfax news agency.

Steady character, freshness of views and a high level of professionalism provided Dzhakhan Pollyeva with a quick rise up the political career ladder - in October 1997 she was appointed to the position of senior assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, and in January 1998 she received the qualification of a real state. Adviser RF first class.
Presidential Administration
From September 1998 to October 2003, Jakhan Redzhepovna held a position in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, at first acting as deputy head. Pollyeva was appointed Assistant to the President in March 2004, and she held this position, with minor interruptions, until 2012.
While working in the Presidential Administration, Pollyeva supervised the Presidential Referent Office, was responsible for preparing the President's annual messages addressed to the Federal Assembly, and wrote the texts of his public speeches. It was as Putin’s speechwriter that Dzhakhan Pollyeva introduced a radically new system of presidential speechwriting, expanding the staff, introducing a strict hierarchy, deciding to reduce the usual volume of presidential messages by three times, as well as introducing the issuance of a written message immediately before the President’s speech, which helped increase interest to the speeches of the Head of State.

Besides this, Pollyeva served asSecretary of the Council for Science, Technology and Education, as well as for humanitarian cooperation with the CIS countries.
Head of the Staff of the State Duma
As a result of the elections to the State Duma in 2011, Jahan Pollyeva was approved for the position of Chief of Staff of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in 2012. She held this position until 2016.
After that, Jahan Rejepovna left her post, retiring with a length of service. She is currently Vice President of the St. Petersburg United Shipbuilding Corporation.
Performance evaluations

In the modern political history of Russia, Dzhakhan Pollyeva is considered the most successful and most professional speechwriter of the President of the Russian Federation. Each speech, prepared under her guidance, sounded original, was concise and consistent, with strict precision and reasoning. In addition, over the years of his service in the State. Duma and Presidential Administration Pollyeva earned the status of a very smart, professional and sociable apparatchik. All the Presidents of the Russian Federation turned to her for advice - Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, as well as Prime Ministers Sergei Kiriyenko, Viktor Chernomyrdin, Yevgeny Primakov and Sergei Stepashin.
Dzhahan Pollyeva skillfully combined her political work with creativity. Throughout her life, poetry has been an outlet in hard work for this woman. Music by Krutoy, Matvienko andother Russian composers, in rare cases she herself acted as a composer of music for her poems. Even more rarely, Jahan Redzhepovna performs her works on her own - among the famous vocalists who perform songs based on her poems are Alla Pugacheva, Alexander Buinov, Mark Tishman, Lyudmila Sokolova, Victoria Daineko and others.

Here is a list of the most famous songs written by Pollyeva:
- "A snowstorm again" (Alla Pugacheva in a duet with Kristina Orbakaite).
- "The Chosen One" (Nikolai Baskov).
- "They beat us, we fly" (Alla Pugacheva).
- "I can" (Alla Pugacheva).
- "They die of love" (Alexander Buinov).
- "Night and Day" (Alexander Buinov).
- "Heart" (Valeria and Alexander Buinov).
- "Personal" (Mark Tishman).
- "April" (Mark Tishman).
- "Ellipsis" (Victoria Daineko and "Roots").
- "Leave" (Victoria Daineko).
- "Fog" (Angelica Agrubash).
- "House" (Angelica Agurbash).
- "Droplet" ("Factory").
- "New Year" (Mitya Fomin).
- "New Year" (Igor Krutoy).
Independently, Jahan Pollyeva performed her compositions "Forgive Love", "Ola", "I'm losing you", "When it's dark", "You moved my peace", "Probably", "There", "I must","Two", "I will not get tired of meeting".
The song "April", which was included in the repertoire of Mark Tishman, Jahan Redzhepovna dedicated to her grandfather, who died in the war. She wrote the music for this song herself.

Private life
Dzhahan Pollyeva got married twice. As mentioned above, for the first time she got married in her first year at the institute, Mergen Karryev, an employee of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, a retired investigator, became her husband. In this marriage, Jahan had a son, Azat Karryev. He studied abroad and is currently employed by the Media Relations Department.
Currently, Jahan Pollyeva is married to Mikhail Yuryevich Kazachkov, General Director of RVS-Holding LLC. He devoted his whole life to helicopters, is a master of helicopter sports, a world championship winner and chairman of the board of the Russian Association of the Helicopter Industry. In this marriage, the spouses did not have children, therefore Azat Karryev is the only son of Jahan Rejepovna.
Scandalous car accident
Dzhahan Pollyeva got into a scandalous story in 2011. Her company car BMW 750 got into a traffic accident with a model 14 Lada, as a result of which the driver of the Lada, 19-year-old student Albert Salchak, died. A criminal case was initiated, since at first it was impossible to prove who exactly was driving Pollyeva's official car. Subsequently succeededprove that neither at the wheel nor in the car at the time of the incident Dzhakhan Pollyeva was not. But after that, many noted that the car "with flashing lights" was driving exactly on the orders of Jahan Redzhepovna. A young man was found guilty of a car accident - he was driving his father's car, with numbers "666", which are popularly called "thieves", and violated a number of rules before he got into an accident that cost him his life.

- In 1991, Jahan Redzhepovna was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize for the development of the Law "On the General Principles of State Youth Policy in the USSR".
- She is the owner of the honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation".
- In 2001 she was awarded the Order of Honor - for many years of conscientious public service.
- In 2003 she received gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation - for her active participation in the preparation of the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly this year.
- In 2004, she again received gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation on the same occasion, only for 2004.
- In 2005, Jahan Pollyeva was awarded the national award "Olympia", which is awarded during the public recognition of women's achievements from the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship.
- Since 2006, Jahan Redzhepovna has been the Honorary Commander of the Moscow Commanderie of Bordeaux wines.
- In 2008 she became the owner of the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation for her great contribution to the developmentdemocratic foundations of the Russian Federation, as well as for active participation in the preparation of the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1992-1993.
- In 2010 she received gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation, again for preparing the Address to the Federal Assembly for this year.
- Also in 2010, Jahan Redzhepovna was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, Third Class - for great services to the state and many years of fruitful work that ensures the activities of the President of the Russian Federation.
- Received the Mkhitar Gosh Medal in 2011.
- In 2015 she became the owner of the Order of Alexander Nevsky - for the achieved labor successes, many years of conscientious work and active social activity.