Kazan has become one of the most attractive tourist centers of Tatarstan in recent years. Everything about it is interesting, including many museums. It is very convenient that many of them are concentrated in the city center. So there is no travel time to view them. There are many museums either near the Kazan Kremlin or in the Kremlin itself. Moreover, the entrance to the Kremlin is free, and only in each individual museum is it paid.
One of such unusual and interesting museums that won the love of adults and children is the Natural History Museum of Tatarstan. The address at which it is located coincides with the Khazine National Art Gallery. This: Kazan, st. Kremlin, house 2. These museums are located in the premises of the former cadet school, which is located along the street that runs inside the Kremlin from the Spasskaya Tower to Taynitskaya.
Museum building
The school was established in the year 1866. The author of the project is the architect Pyatnitsky. First, barracks for cantonists were located in the building, and throughfor twenty years a military school was opened here, which then became a cadet school. The facade of the house is built in the Pavlovian Empire style. It has three entrances with forged canopies. In the manufacture of them, the technique of Chebaks forging was chosen. Roses, cornflowers and mascarons are woven into the forging pattern. The stairs here are three-flight and rest on arches and vaults made of brick. Before the revolution, the building had only two floors, and only in the Soviet period was the third floor completed. In the mid-nineties, restoration began in the building, which was successfully completed by the beginning of the 2000s.

Now there are several museums here. In addition to the Khazine National Gallery and the Museum of Natural History, several halls are occupied by a memorial museum dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and a branch of the St. Petersburg Hermitage - the Hermitage-Kazan exhibition hall.
The Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan occupies two floors with more than one and a half thousand exhibits. It was decided to open it in two thousand and five. The purpose of the opening is to preserve the nature of the republic.
It is better to start visiting the museum from the first floor to see the entire period of the birth of the planets, the earth and its inhabitants. All the exhibits are very interesting, and you won't want to miss any.
On this floor, it will be more interesting for those who love to study everything that is in the depths of our planet and beyond, that is, astronomy, geology. This is the general structure that the Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan has. Description of each exposition will acquaint touristscloser to the history of the republic and will awaken the desire to visit this wonderful historical place. The museum was created at the direction of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic. The project was supported and became a construction trustee by the first President of Tatarstan Mintimer Sharipovich Shaimiev

The expositions held by the Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan are based on the rarest scientific finds from the fund of the Geological Museum. A. A. Shtukenberg at Kazan State University. Here visitors can visit different halls.
Halls of Space
With the help of interactive programs, they will acquaint astronomy lovers with the basics of this wonderful science. Interactive programs will create an atmosphere of immersion in the history of space objects. Visitors, like real space travelers, enter the world of space. The stars have attracted members of the human race for centuries.

This interest is supported by the museum staff. Here you can also observe the stars with a real telescope and check how much a visitor will weigh on other planets. For this purpose, special space scales are installed in the museum. Also here, visitors will be shown real meteorites that once fell on the territory of Tatarstan. Exhibitions located here will tell about the structure of the earth's crust, a huge variety of minerals on our planet. An amazing interactive slice of the planet, where the winners can see what layers ours consists ofEarth.

This exhibition should popularize knowledge about how diverse the planet's mineral world is.
Interesting halls
"Black Gold of the Planet" is a series of exhibits that introduce visitors to oil layers, a bituminous lake and mud volcanoes.
No less interesting is the hall in the form of a malachite box, which tells visitors about various minerals. This room is called the "Pantry of the bowels."
Halls for animal lovers
What else is good about the Natural History Museum of Tatarstan? Photos here are allowed to take both some of the exhibits and themselves against their background. This distinguishes this museum from all others, where there are paintings, photographs cannot be taken. The second floor gradually takes visitors into the world of animals.

The paleontological exhibition, placed in six halls, is also very interesting. The Vendian Sea diorama shows the period of the era when multicellular organisms originated on the planet. It happened six hundred million years ago.
Hall "The Beginning of the Way" introduces visitors to the inhabitants of the seas of that period. Particularly captivating are the exhibits of preserved amphibian skeletons that lived in ancient seas. With the help of interactive programs, any visitor can observe the gradual transition of amphibians to land. Such expositions as "Kingdom of fish and amphibians", "Kazan Sea", "Marine reptiles", "World of mammals" andothers will be of interest to all lovers of the animal world.

Children are especially delighted with the skeletons of Titanophoneus, Pareiosaurus and marine reptiles. The interactive program even allows you to feed them. The hologram on the entire wall is mesmerizing, along which saber-toothed tigers and mammoths walk. Visitors get the full experience of being among huge prehistoric animals that you can even pet.
How to get there?
The Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan is located in the historical center of the city, so it is not difficult to get to it. Transport travels from any remote area. In any case, every resident of the city will tell you where the Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan in Kazan is located - everyone knows the address. You can get there by both buses and trolleybuses. Using these modes of transport, you need to get to the stops "Central Stadium" and "Baturina Street".
Unfortunately, the metro does not yet run to the bus station and railway station, which crowns the city of Kazan. The Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan is directly accessible only for land transport. Having reached the nearest metro station, you can transfer to it to get further to the Kremlevskaya station. On the other hand, those who want to see the city and are not afraid of excessive walking can get from the railway station on foot, it's not very far.
Opening hours and ticket prices
The Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan in Kazan is open daily, in addition to Monday, from ten in the morning to six in the evening, but it is necessaryarrive no later than half past six, as the box office closes half an hour before the museum closes.

The cost of tickets is small, adults will pay 120 rubles, tickets for students cost 60 rubles, for schoolchildren - 50 rubles. But if visitors want to book a tour, they will have to pay 400 rubles for one floor and 700 rubles for two. But if the museum is visited by children in a large group, then the tour is free for them.
Multimedia and interactivity is exactly what makes the Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan interesting for both children and adults. That is why this place is always full of visitors and reviews are beyond praise. The most important positive feedback is that the museum is never boring and the children who got into it do not want to leave it for a long time. Adults remember with pleasure what they knew from childhood.