What is tact or how to behave

What is tact or how to behave
What is tact or how to behave

The character of a person is determined by his inner qualities and attitude. A sense of tact and tact are the defining features of a subtle, spiritually mature personality. Such an individual immediately stands out from the crowd, attracts attention. People are drawn to him, because it is often difficult to meet such a person in the modern world. Not everyone has the skills of tactful communication, and for some this concept is completely alien.

What is tact?

Tact is a set of moral qualities to strive for. The manifestation of these facets of the human personality applies to all areas of life, and especially those associated with relationships and communication.

what is tact
what is tact

Every educated individual knows well what tact is. The owner of this quality is extremely delicate and never allows himself a bad attitude towards anyone. A tactful person is able to cope with his negative emotions, therefore, being in society, he will never offend or point out their shortcomings to those present. Moreover, he will not discuss anyone behind his back with others. Tact always goes hand in hand with endurance anda sense of proportion that manifests itself in everything.

What is it for?

Perhaps tact is not the most important human quality. After all, virtues such as compassion, selflessness, devotion, and love can do without tact.

But imagine what kind of firewood a simple-hearted good man can break if he rushes to help, not taking into account the wishes of others. The activity of such assistants cannot be called otherwise than by causing irreparable “benefit”. The principle of tact is to sensitively understand those who are nearby. People around need to be helped so that they have the opportunity to independently find the strength in themselves to solve emerging problems.

tact in communication
tact in communication

Tact and professionalism

These concepts are identified. Most areas of professional activity require delicacy and tact in dealing with others. Imagine universities teaching this kind of behavior. In this case, our society would become more kind and calm.

Sociability, which is often mentioned by employers in the requirements for the applicant, always implies a person's concept of what tact is. An employee deprived of a sense of tact, in whatever team he works, dooms himself to the negative attitude of colleagues and superiors.

Tactlessness of a doctor can aggravate the course of the disease, or even kill the patient. A teacher who does not know how to treat children tactfully will never be able to teach them reasonable, kind, eternal. Needless to say, how important a sense of tact is fortrade workers? Own faux pas can deprive them of many customers. In general, you will agree, it is pleasant to deal with a well-mannered plumber, and a tactful traffic police inspector, and with a delicate dentist.

However, tact is rather a state of mind that cannot be learned in any educational institution.

tact and sensitivity
tact and sensitivity

How tactful people communicate

This is a whole art. Mainly tact in communication is manifested in the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, without putting him in an awkward position. Cynicism and barbs are out of place in a conversation between two tactful people, as they can humiliate and hurt the interlocutor's pride. Communication of such people always implies mutual respect and sensitivity to each other's inner world and experiences.

Tactful people avoid communication if they feel that their company is unpleasant to the interlocutor. And, on the contrary, when the company of the interlocutor causes hostility among themselves, they try their best to understand the opponent and his point of view.

A well-mannered person tries to avoid conflicts and is always looking for a compromise in which he manages to do without unnecessary disputes. And a tactful person will never intervene in other people's conflicts, unless he is asked to do so.

sense of tact and tact
sense of tact and tact

Tact with children

If you want to explain to a small child what tact is, learn first of all to behave with him and in his presence so that in his unformed idea of the world, imprintedonly the best manifestations of human nature. It is extremely important that the child can understand why tactful behavior, good manners and delicacy are so valued in society. Realizing this, he will not want to behave differently.

What could be more touching than a kid who has been instilled with a culture of communication! In adults, it causes admiration and tenderness. Peers have respect. Often he becomes a leader, because not every student manages to control his emotions and do without fights and aggression. Perhaps the upbringing of tact in a child is the highest aerobatics of the skill of parents.

principle of tact
principle of tact

Are there times when tact becomes inappropriate

There are situations in which you just need to be tough. It may seem that firmness and adherence to principles in this case must necessarily include boorish or cheeky behavior. However, this is not entirely true.

Mutual reproaches, scolding and insults have never led anyone to friendly, warm relations. On the contrary, such communication gives rise to enmity and mutual hostility, if not to say hatred. Of course, not always, even a well-mannered person, manages to show restraint, tact and sensitivity. However, the insightful mind of a morally mature person always tells him that the only correct solution to the conflict will be a tactful but firm offer to end the conversation.

Developing moral qualities in ourselves, introducing them into a daily habit, each of us takes a small step towards making the world kinder andmore spiritual.
