Lust is a scourge?

Lust is a scourge?
Lust is a scourge?

The world is multifaceted, its imperfection is obvious. Because of its weaknesses, the human race is also imperfect. This is described in various religions, and in philosophical teachings, and in the most banal women's magazines. So, let's deal with the very concept of what lust is.

lust is
lust is

This is one of the passions of humanity. It means an irresistible, often sexual, desire for something or someone. Let's look at the explanatory dictionary. Initially, this word meant a great desire, which was despised as weakness. Nowadays, sensuality and passion have ceased to be vices and are associated with something natural - the media are chewing on the sexual part of life from different angles. Whether this is good or bad is debatable. Let's face the facts.

You can want a person or sneakers - the object of desire can be anything. But can it become an addiction? Unfortunately yes. Because lust is passion. And what known passions are addictions? Alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, love of money and others like them. Consequently, such a state has a detrimental effect on a person's consciousness, destroying his psyche by a constant struggle between "you have to quit" and "one more - and that's it."

object of desire
object of desire

On the other hand, sexual lust is a stable factor that strengthensfamily. The relationships of those couples where the memory of the past night causes trembling in the knees and sweet languor are definitely stronger than those where sex has become an obligatory Friday ritual in order not to “rust”. This is the basis of marriage, its foundation. Naturally, this is not the only component, but we are only considering one aspect here.

But again, sexual lust is a modern scourge, if you think about children from 13 to 18 years old. It is quite difficult to disagree with the fact that the young and immature talent now knows about sex and strives for it more than the youth of 30, 40, 50 years ago. Which, of course, is very bad.


In the Christian world, lust is one of the seven gravest sins. Along with greed and envy, gluttony and laziness, anger and pride. Of course, there is wisdom here. The described vices do not paint a person in any way. Who wants to be weak and weak-willed? But at the same time, you can’t argue against nature: the instinct of reproduction has been embedded in us since the beginning of time. Another thing is to direct your emotions and desires in a peaceful direction. Marriage creates some kind of protection for lust and regards it as something inalienable.

Struggle with your passions is a noble and useful thing. A person who has not overcome pernicious vices in himself is close to an animal. But it's up to you to push your weaknesses or not.


Postscript, or Author's Opinion

Certainly, lust as a human trait is low. An intelligent person will never limit himself to passions. He will strive forself-improvement as the only true path. And imitation of animals leads to the degradation of man, returns him to the Stone Age, where the problem of survival was acute. Even though the modern world is full of contraceptives, we may be one of a tiny number of species that mate for pleasure. But we are humans, small and pitiful in the face of the universe. The struggle with ourselves lasts all our lives and leads to enlightenment.