A paratrooper is an elite soldier in any army in the world. The use of landing has been known since ancient times. However, it became a separate military formation only in the twentieth century.

Paratroopers are characterized by high training, moral and physical endurance, advanced weapons. They perform the most difficult tasks.
In history
Initially, a paratrooper is a soldier who takes part in the landing behind enemy lines. Even in the Middle Ages, the delivery of fighters to the battlefield with the help of ships was actively used. They landed far from the main enemy forces or their fortifications. Then they went into the rear of the enemy army and immediately joined the battle. Unlike ordinary soldiers, paratroopers donned armor while at sea and were ready to fight immediately after landing.

With the development of science and the advent of helicopters and planes, airborne landings began to be used. Even during the Civil War in Russia, the Red Army parachuted behind enemy lines and took him by surprise. This tactic was perfected for World War II. Special units were created in the ranks of the Red Army, inwho were trained in parachuting and quickly occupying bridgeheads.
A paratrooper is a well-armed fighter who can perform various functions on the battlefield. As a rule, in addition to owning small arms, he also knows how to use infantry artillery, mine, and adjust fire on enemy positions. Marines expect tough training. British royal commandos trained with live weapons every day for several months, after which they were thrown into Nazi-occupied territory.
The equipment of the landing troops includes vehicles. These are airplanes or helicopters for air and swimming facilities for sea. Usually a paratrooper has personal small arms, which is typical for the army of his country (Kalashnikov assault rifle in Russia, M-16 assault rifle in the USA), a pistol, a sapper shovel, several fragmentation grenades, an anti-tank grenade launcher or a portable anti-aircraft system ("Igla" in the post-Soviet space, "Javelin" in NATO countries). Special armored vehicles are also being created for mobile troops.

In the Soviet Union, on the basis of the BMP, an airborne combat vehicle for the Airborne Forces was developed. The paratroopers could both be delivered to the place in it, and parachute the car with the help of several parachutes.
Performing tasks
Because the paratrooper is an elite fighter, he performs the most complex operations. For example, landing behind enemy lines for a special operation. This may be the destruction of the enemy's headquarters, the capturevaluable documents, sabotage, intelligence. During large-scale hostilities, the landing force is engaged in preliminary preparations for the offensive of the main forces. This is the capture of bridgeheads, taking control of bridges and important movement nodes.
Paratroopers are often mentioned in popular culture. Many films have been shot in the post-Soviet space. More than a hundred folk songs about paratroopers are known (usually with an acoustic guitar).