One of the most interesting stations of the Moscow metro is Volokolamskaya. The name of this metropolitan subway platform is shrouded in a number of myths and legends, thanks to which it has long been considered a ghost station, some kind of mysterious and mystical object on the underground map of Moscow. We will talk about it in more detail below.

General information
Arbatsko-Pokrovskoy branch is the line on which the Volokolamskaya platform is located. The metro, as you know, differs in its directions by colors. This line is marked in blue on the metropolitan metro map. The name for the platform was given by the nearby Volokolamsk Highway. The metro crosses this route from north to south, and the station of the same name is located between the Mitino and Myakinino stops. Thus, it goes beyond the boundaries of the Moscow Ring Road. If we exclude neighbors on the branch line, the nearest metro station to Volokolamskaya will be the Tushinskaya metro station.
Volokolamsk Highway connects these two stations by land. The platform lies at a depth a little morefourteen meters. The total length of the station is one hundred and sixty-three meters.

Platform History
Volokolamskaya metro station was opened in 2009, at the end of December. According to the score, it became the 179th platform of the Moscow Pozemka. However, its construction began long before that - back in the 1990s. At that time, the Mitino-Butovo line required a transfer station, the role of which was to be played by Volokolamskaya. At the same time, the metro was also built under Mitinskaya Street, that is, in addition to the station, it was planned to build additional tunnels. Some of them were built in an open way, some - in a closed way. However, the plans of city planners changed, and by the end of the 1990s the project was frozen, and the Volokolamskaya metro station entered folklore as a ghost station. However, she owes this to the fame of another station, which will be discussed below.
After about a decade and a half, the project became relevant again, and the construction of the platform was continued. But it did not happen so easily and quickly. First, sections of the excavated tunnels were dug back in order to extend Mitinskaya Street. Secondly, a new project was required that would meet the new requirements. It took a long time to develop and approve it. Therefore, full-fledged work on the construction of the platform began only in 2007.
In early February 2008, workers began laying a distillation tunnel to the future bridge across the Moscow River from Volokolamskaya station. At the same time, the metro was built in a closed way withassistance of special equipment.
The open tunneling method was used only on the approaches to stops and during the construction of the station itself. Since the platform is made using the technology of monolithic construction, the main work was related to concreting. Thus, solidity is what distinguishes the Volokolamskaya platform from most other stations.
Metro, built in the Soviet period, for example, has a completely different design. All work on the construction of the station was completed in nine months. This is not so much, given the volume and complexity of the work performed. In autumn 2008, work began on finishing the station with marble and granite. And in 2009, the opening of the Volokolamskaya platform took place. The metro, together with the subway employees, was first visited by city officials and members of the press. A week later, on December 26, the station was inaugurated for public use.

Transport near Volokolamskaya platform
Next to the metro station "Volokolamskaya" bus number 837 runs, and a kilometer from the station in the Riga direction is the railway platform "Knitted". In the future, it is possible to build a new railway platform in close proximity to the metro.
Lobbies and platform crossings
This station is direct. This, by the way, distinguishes the modern platform from the transfer point project that Volokolamskaya was originally conceived to be. Metro on the blue line after the ringline intersects only with the blue line at the Kuntsevo station.
The facility includes two vestibules - in the north and east. There are also two exits. Each of them is equipped with a three-lane escalator, and one has an elevator designed for people who find it difficult to use the escalator. Passengers at the entrance and exit are separated from each other into two non-overlapping streams.

Architecture and execution style
One of the attractions that Moscow is rightfully proud of is the metro. Volokolamskaya is one of the most beautiful metro stations in the capital. The platform project was developed by a group of architects from OAO Metrogiprotras. In 2011, he even won the Golden Section competition held by the Union of Moscow Architects.
The station is distinguished by rather high vaults, exceeding eight meters in height. The composition of the platform is made in the Neo-Gothic style. The arched arrangement, the three-nave structure and the increased column spacing (nine meters) create an impression of lightness and spaciousness. The cladding of the station is made of dark marble and granite. Around the perimeter there are lamps that are configured to create natural light. The floor is finished with light gray granite.

Legends of the Volokolamsk station
Among diggers and lovers of mysticism, the Volokolamskaya metro station was known as a ghost station. However, in reality, the platform referred to in the article is not the same ghostly andthe mysterious "Volokolamskaya", about which there are legends. The only thing they have in common is the name.
The real ghost was on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line, just before the Tushinskaya station. This platform was built back in 1975 specifically for a residential complex, which was planned to be built on the site of the Tushino airfield. But since the development project was canceled, the metro station was not opened there either. In a mothballed form, she stood until the end of August 2014, when her grand opening took place with the name "Spartak" in honor of the stadium located above it. But among those who do not know this circumstance, the situation with the legendary Volokolamskaya is still confusing.