Family values: examples. Problems of the modern family

Family values: examples. Problems of the modern family
Family values: examples. Problems of the modern family

Home and family for a person is first of all a place where he is loved, appreciated and certainly expected. In a monastery close to the heart, one can always find support, understanding, reassurance, feel the care of others. It is with these criteria in mind that the foundation is built, which will be fundamental for building the further life path of the individual. But, unfortunately, such a variant of family relationships is not always found. In addition to good-natured, cheerful, cordial, families can also be unhappy, conservative, incomplete. And here the question arises: why so? Why do some people have marriage, family, children happy and rejoice with their successes, while for others this is a constant cause of sorrows and disappointments?

family values examples
family values examples

Family values: examples must be worthy

In order for the union between a man and a woman to be strong, it must be based on love. Of course, any family, like a person, has its own special character and values. as a persondetermines his path of life, based on subjective priorities, so the family is transformed into a complex of interconnected kinship and emotional relationships. Communication determines the present as well as the future

What is the role of family values?

Such concepts as family and family values are always inextricably linked and do not exist without each other. If the family is absent, then family values automatically lose their meaning. No legal relationship between a man and a woman exists and has never existed without fundamental principles. It is thanks to them that for many years the spouses manage to maintain spiritual he alth, unity and integrity. Traditional family values are built on care and love. Examples of excellent relationships can be seen where both people respect each other, each brings their own to the union they have created, but at the same time they accept the individuality of their partner. Here, two mature personalities form a single harmonious atmosphere where their children will be born and grow up.

family customs and traditions
family customs and traditions

Family and family traditions, their importance and necessity

Sometimes the idea of family values is understood either primitively or in general terms. When someone raises the issue of “family values and traditions in my family”, this often becomes a topic for heated discussion, and misunderstandings and criticism may even arise.

The definition of the term "family values" can sometimes be indigestible and cumbersome. Therefore, the most acceptableof this concept, we can consider the following: family values are the result of a successful and long-term interaction of society with generally accepted and established religious norms. Here, the focus is on preserving and strengthening the institution of the family. Throughout the entire period of relations between spouses, family values are introduced and cultivated in their lives. Grandmothers try to instill them in young people, sometimes useful information on this topic can be gleaned from television broadcasting, they also talk about it in churches, etc.

Modern perception of family values

Respect, faith, procreation, the sanctity of motherhood, fidelity, love - this is not a complete list of fundamental family values. The touched upon topic “Family values” may also have a deeper meaning, which lies in the fact that here marriage acts as the only correct form of life together for a man and a woman. Keeping faith and love for each other, they raise children and thus prolong the family.

Currently, such a concept as family values is interpreted differently by many nations. It also happens that almost completely there is no freedom of choice, the possibility of a person changing his life. Divorce, for example, is contrary to traditional canons.

family and family traditions
family and family traditions

A new look at old principles

Change and development of society, new views, respectively, form a new understanding of family values. Today, the moral priorities of parents and children differ significantly. The latter have an attitude to thisconcept has a more progressive, but tough character. This trend is observed due to the fact that each subsequent young generation takes only the most necessary from the previous one, brings into it their own, currently relevant, family customs and traditions. Of course, such concepts as trust, love, mutual assistance, respect and kindness remain fundamental for a person of the 21st century. But, sadly, they are under pressure from a variety of factors that are caused by the problems of society.

Family starts with "We"

According to the results of sociological surveys, family national traditions and customs among young people are not in the first or even second place. They were overtaken by education, career, relationships with friends, addictions. In order to preserve traditional family values, examples for the younger generation should first of all be given from personal life experience. And even if someone did not grow up in such a prosperous environment and could not absorb a true loving family relationship with upbringing, it is necessary to try to catch up at a conscious age and try to make this world better and brighter through an attitude towards one's neighbor. Everyone can do it, because as the world-famous classic V. Hugo said: “In the inner world of a person, kindness is the sun.”

young family
young family

All mine is yours

In some aspects, you need to delve into the topic in more detail in order to accurately determine for yourself what family values are. Examples can make it clearera picture of their importance both collectively and individually.

How can a husband, wife and their children be happy if their relationship is not based on such a feeling as love. Terry Goodkind said, "Love is sharing your whole life with another person." And he was completely right: how could it be different in this case?

We are born to love

Love is a comprehensive and deep feeling, sometimes even the masters of the pen find it difficult to convey in words what it contains in itself, how it affects a person. Some take it for the strongest attachment to a partner, against which family customs and traditions are built. Here a person tries to be with a close partner as much as possible.

Love is such a deep and all-encompassing feeling that it is simply impossible to accurately describe in words. We can only understand that this is the strongest attachment to another person, the desire to constantly be near him.

According to E. Fromm, love is a special kind of unity between people, which has an ideal value in all the great philosophical and humanistic systems of both the West and the East. This feeling is the most powerful force, without which no full-fledged relationship is a priori possible. Spouses become even closer to each other when they feel the true care and support of a partner.

class hour family values
class hour family values

What is the secret of a long and harmonious relationship?

Living in society, every person, at least sometimes, but is faced with severe stress, problems and all sorts ofdifficulties. Sometimes his dreams and hopes collapse. To stand alone in a storm of passions is extremely difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. It is in such situations that help from relatives and friends becomes the most valuable and tangible. A house where relatives, understanding people are waiting is a safe haven where you can get support and gain strength to overcome all the coming hardships of fate and move on in life with joy in your heart.

No union is possible without mutual understanding and respect of partners. Such ideas of children about the family should be formed from an early age. A high level of relationships between spouses, parents and their children is achieved when each side treats the feelings, interests and aspirations of the other with respect and understanding. Here, in no case should there be an invasion and forcible intervention in the personal space of family members in order to subdue, break or “remake”, “adjust” them for themselves.

Sincerity and honesty are the key to transparency and purity of relations between partners. This applies not only to the husband-wife scheme, but also to the parent-child scheme. For the second, in order to reveal this topic as much as possible, they even hold a class hour “Family values and their importance for a person”. The kids are explained that the above qualities, with maximum expression, are the key to another integral attribute of a happy home - trust, which is difficult to earn, but easy to instantly lose. The semantic load and the power of these qualities are capable of ensuring a happy and long life for any union.

family values and traditions inmy family
family values and traditions inmy family

How are family values developed?

Asking the question of what family values and traditions are in my family, a person may encounter a number of unpleasant and previously undiscovered things. But do not despair - everything is fixable. Any relationship can be developed and transformed for the better. Today, interactions between close people can be conditionally divided into modern and traditional, and they sometimes conflict with each other.

Every person has their own individual concept of how to save relationships and marriages. Parents taught me something in this matter, they managed to learn something from their own life experience. When a young family has just formed, spouses do not always think about what it means to honor the opinion of a partner, to reckon with his personal space. Often they immediately begin to expect only good things from each other and believe that it is the partner who should create this good. At this stage, it should be understood that the responsibility for a harmonious union lies with both the man and the woman equally. Here, everyone, taking his position, according to gender, must protect and cultivate everything that is in his power to make marriage successful, and future children happy.

You may not be ideal, but you need to try

In any period of relationship (it doesn't matter if it's a couple who has been married for many years, or a young family), you need to engage in self-education, work on yourself. Some people think that it is impossible to learn to restrain anger, irritation, but this is not so. Any problems can be learneddecide peacefully, which will be the beginning of the path to mutual happiness. As a result, soon the life of the spouses will change for the better, communication will improve or transform. This is how, overcoming difficulties, a real family is formed, and family traditions become sacred and respected among all relatives.

Children are the flowers of life

In no case should we forget about the little ones. First of all, children need peace and prosperity in the family, because they are the most unprotected and vulnerable tribal link. It is necessary to show favor to them and show by their own example how important the family is, to explain why it is necessary to honor traditions. Such moral education will not be in vain. The formation in children of the correct concept of life, of ethical standards will be the key to their happy family life in the future.

School institutions also help kids and teenagers understand this topic. Recently, a class hour has been increasingly held, where family values are the main topic of conversation. This is a big step forward, as the correct development of the child's self-awareness will help him find his place in life.

children's ideas about the family
children's ideas about the family

Bright future

Earlier, due to the lack of information and because of the new imaginary values instilled by society, for example, such as the pursuit of status, position in society, money, the most important and necessary components of a normal life receded into the background for children. It became a threat to a full humansociety. Professional teachers rushed to the rescue and began to talk more about family values, emphasizing their importance for each individual. In parallel, this direction began to be supervised at the government level due to concern about the fate of the younger generation. It is hoped that the combined efforts of parents, schools, and government support will bear fruit. Indeed, for almost every person, the family is the main thing that makes you move forward, fully feel life and disinterestedly, sincerely love.
