People have always intuitively felt that cats have some connection with the other world. That is why there was a tradition to keep these animals at home as pets in order to protect yourself and your family from various mystical events. Those people who do not have the opportunity to have a cat buy figurines and various souvenirs depicting these graceful creatures. The meaning of such interior decorations will be discussed below.
Cat beliefs

The history of these little predators originates in Egypt, where cats have long been worshipped. These animals were considered sacred, since, according to legend, they descended from the goddess Bast. In Greek tradition, cats were identified with the goddess of the hunt Artemis for their speed and agility.
During the Middle Ages, the name of Artemis became synonymous with the words "witch", "sorcerer", therefore, cats began to be associated with some dark forces that could negativelyinfluence a person. At the same time, a tradition appeared to decorate your house with figurines of these animals. It was believed that the figurine-cat protects its owners from the misfortunes of fate and brings joy and prosperity to the house.
Norwegian folklore tells of the fertility goddess Freya, on whose chariot there was an image of a cat. That is why in this country the figurine-cat is a symbol of the emergence of everything new, especially new life. She is an amulet for newborns.
Signs related to cats
A special place in Russian folklore is occupied by sayings about black cats as a symbol of misfortune and misfortune. A well-known sign says that if such an animal crosses your path, then a series of failures awaits you.
However, not all statements about these graceful and mysterious creatures are so gloomy. There are many signs about the weather associated with cats. Since these animals have a special flair for changes in the environment, people have long observed them to predict metamorphoses in weather conditions. For example, if a cat buries its nose in its own fur during sleep, it means that a cold snap will soon set in.
It is also believed that a figurine-cat has a set of amazing properties. A black figurine, for example, will help scare thieves away from the house and bring prosperity to the house.
As mentioned above, these animals have a special relationship with the other world. The figurine-cat, located in the apartment, will not allow the naughty brownie, as well as various entities to enter the home.

Meaning of figures
Depending on their appearance, these figurines symbolize various phenomena. So, a cat with its tail raised up represents optimism and joy, a cat with kittens is a symbol of happy and long-awaited motherhood. A composition of several animals personifies friendship, support, mutual assistance or love. Of course, there is no clear system of interpretation of what the cat figurine symbolizes. The meaning of each figurine can only be interpreted approximately.
Such figurines play a special role in attracting good luck. Their owners are often lucky, thanks to which the most cherished dreams come true. Another meaning of such figures in the house is that they help the development of intuition and supernatural abilities in their owners.
Special aesthetics of black cats
A large number of signs are associated with these creatures. It is believed that a black cat is an indispensable attribute of a witch, present as a guide to the other world during all mystical and witchcraft rituals.

In the English tradition, by the way, these animals are treated without any fear, and if a black cat crosses the road, it will make a person even more lucky and happy. The same opinion is held in Japan. In China, these creatures are treated with particular apprehension and are considered harbingers of poverty and hunger. In most European countries, as in Russia, black cats are treated with fear and trembling.
Surprisingly, all peoples unanimously agree that the cat figurineblack color brings good luck to the house and protects its owners from adversity.
Cat figurine as interior decoration
Many people who do not believe in any otherworldly forces and mysticism perceive cat figurines as a stylish and relevant interior decoration. The figurine of an Egyptian cat is a special souvenir that not only reminds you of a trip to this amazing country, but also adds a special sophistication to the surroundings.

There are cases when people have been collecting such figurines throughout their lives. So, the Frenchwoman F. Groff keeps at home more than 2,100 copies of figurines from around the world, as well as more than 9,000 other things that bear the image of a cat. At the same time, she keeps four live cats at home. The woman is rightfully considered the owner of one of the world's greatest collections related to these amazing graceful and mysterious creatures.