What is the policy and its principles

What is the policy and its principles
What is the policy and its principles

On modern television, politics is so often mentioned: international, domestic, youth politics. What is politics? This is the means by which the state achieves its goals in a certain area. The policy uses methods of economic, legal, administrative influence and relies on available resources. Openness, result orientation, competitiveness are the main characteristics that clearly illustrate what a policy is and what it should be.

What is politics?
What is politics?

Public policy is developed and implemented by public institutions. Legislative institutions can take part in the development of a political strategy, they also exercise control over the implementation of this strategy.

Political activity is an integral set and rational interaction of elements, as a result of which progressive qualities are formed.

The system of political activity involves human,procedural, institutional, spiritual components. All components act in a single system, and their activity is subordinated to the achievement of a common goal.

The fundamental element of politics is power. And its social subject is the people as a source of power.

The definition of a policy determines its goal as well-being,

Policy definition
Policy definition

compliance with established laws and regulations, development in all subject areas. Along with the purpose of policy, its principles are of great importance. The goal is formed in the process of making decisions, and the principles are used in the practical implementation of management.

Principles of policy are the rules according to which the activities of bodies and institutions for the management of society are carried out, which are based on the laws of its functioning and development. Allocate general and sectoral principles of policy. Common are equally used in any kind of political activity, they are universal. This is the principle of objectivity, the main link, feedback, specificity, optimality, compliance with legal norms. Specific principles apply in certain areas of society. For example, only in public policy.

Political activity is
Political activity is

Principles help to better understand what a policy is and how it should be implemented. Social and economic principles play a particularly important role, since economic and social policy is a priority in any society. Implementation of the principles of economic and social policyled in developed countries to the formation of a welfare economy and a welfare state.

A very important principle that explains what politics is and how it can be influenced is the principle of the susceptibility of politics to the reaction of society. It affirms the foundations of democracy, according to which citizens have greater opportunities to participate in the process of governance.

Politics is a vast and complex system of interaction, the well-being of society directly depends on the effective functioning of its elements.
