Bard music is a song genre that appeared in the middle of the twentieth century in many countries of the world. Its distinctive feature is that the author of the melody and text, vocalist and guitarist are combined in one person. In the seventies of the last century, a bard song of the era of the Soviet Union arose. Alexander Mirzoyan was one of the founders of this new musical trend. The words and melodies of his songs were known by heart, they sounded at almost all student parties, close friendly gatherings. Many of the phrases became catch phrases.

Alexander Mirzoyan is a bard. Biography and career
Today, few people know the name of this artist, but fans of the author's genre will surely remember every line of his many songs. Currently, the 70-year-old bard rarely pleases the audience with performances. Only his close friends can boast of having witnessed his performances today, for whom he sings this or that song from time to time during chamber friendly meetings, creative skits.
Alexander Mirzoyan, whose biography will be presented later in our article, was born inArmenian family in July 1945 in the city of Baku (Azerbaijan SSR). While still a very young boy, he and his family moved to live in Moscow, where he remained for the rest of his life. In 1962, after graduating from school, Mirzayan entered the Institute. E. Bauman and graduated from it, having received the qualification of an engineer-physicist. After that, he began working at the Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics.
While still in his 4th year, he began to write music based on poems of his own composition and authorship of Russian poets of the twentieth century. In a short time he gained fame as a freethinker and was recognized in the circles of progressive youth. In 1977 he became the winner of the Grushinsky Music Prize. In 1987, Alexander Mirzoyan created the creative association of professional authors and performers "First Circle", which he later led. The members of this ensemble were Lores, Kochetkov, Luferov, Kapger and others. Later he was elected president of the Association of Russian Bards (ARBA), and also became deputy chairman of the Artistic Council of the Author's Song of the USSR.

Alexander Mirzoyan: civil position
Those who are familiar with the work of this singer understand that some of his poems were supposed to be a reason for conflict with the Soviet authorities. Because of some of them, he was summoned for interrogation by the KGB. In addition, Alexander Zavenovich wrote music and sang songs to the verses of Joseph Brodsky, which also caused dissatisfaction with the Soviet authorities. In fact, Alexander Mirzoyan, a bard and poet, was close to a dissidentmovement. His poems more than once fell into the collections of "samizdat". He was also friends with his namesake Alexander Galich and was among those who saw him off behind the Iron Curtain.
Mirzayan phenomenon
It was thanks to such bards as Alexander Zavenovich that the public, accustomed to kitsch and thirsty for entertainment, began to turn to poetry. A distinctive feature of his poems is the penetration, and his performance of songs by such great poets as Brodsky, Kharms, Tsvetaeva, Chukhontsev, Oscar Wilde, Cesare Pavese and others helped young people to truly understand and feel the meaning of these by no means easy-to-perceive works.. This was facilitated by the melody he invented, and his lively voice, and unique intonation, and virtuoso performance on the guitar.

Bard Alexander Mirzoyan became the idol of a whole generation, thirsting for truth, justice and dreaming of a free life. He knows how to masterfully achieve a mysterious fusion of words and music, which not only does not compete with the text of the song, but is not a means of popularizing poems subordinate to poetry. Both music and poetry in the works of A. Mirozoyan act as equal instruments that, merging with each other, are able to influence the consciousness, set the soul in motion.

Sometimes you just wonder how Alexander Mirzoyan chooses poems from other poets for his songs. From this point of view, its taste is incredibly high. In addition, histheir own poems are so deep and weighty that they belong next to the works of great authors who lived at the beginning of the 20th century.
Being very humble by nature, Mirzayan does not pretend to be a poet. He says that his poems are just rhyming lyrics for songs. However, the meaning behind these verses is incredibly deep, and it provides the listeners with rich food for thought. They contain metaphors, various associations, irony and self-irony. Mirzayan's songs are also different in that they are not momentary and do not reflect any events related to a specific period of time. The feelings that he wants to convey through his songs are needed at all times, they carry a moral and intellectual charge.

Alexander Mirzayan's popularity peaked at the end of the 70s. He played a six-string guitar, while using a very unusual performance technique. By the way, he has no musical education. However, being self-taught, he masterfully owns this instrument. At concerts where all progressive youth gathered, in addition to singing songs, he also told the audience anecdotes by Daniil Kharms. Later, he became less likely to speak to the public and engaged in scientific activities - the study of the very phenomenon of the song. He also received an invitation from Channel One to become a co-host of the Good Morning TV show and, of course, agreed. For the whole 5 years, Alexander Mirzoyan has greeted us in the mornings from the TV screen.