Bogoslovsky Nikita Vladimirovich is a well-known composer, on whose music more than one Soviet generation grew up. The creator of "Dark Night", "Shack", "The Sea Spread Wide", "Why Didn't You Meet Me" was a unique person who lived a long life on the wave of music and humor.
Nikita wrote his first composition at the age of 8, dedicating it to the birthday of Utyosov's daughter. At the age of 15, the young composer wrote the operetta The Night Before Christmas, at the premiere of which he was not allowed by an evil usher. She said that the boy would better come with his mother to the matinee on Sunday.
Children of life, scriptwriter of their own destiny
Nikita Bogoslovsky is one of the talented composers of the 20th century, who left a legacy of songs that they sang, sing and will sing. This is a person who was admired, envied; he allowed himself everything he wanted, took everything he wanted from life, in a word, he was the master and director of his own destiny.

May 22, 1913 - the date of birth of Nikita Bogoslovsky. city that canto be proud of such an extraordinary famous person - St. Petersburg.
Bogoslovsky Nikita - composer, writer, pianist and conductor - was a darling of fate and allowed himself to laugh at her. In 1934, at the peak of the Stalinist repressions, his family was sent into exile in Syktyvkar, then to Kazan. 21-year-old Nikita did not go into exile because he did not want to, and remained in Leningrad. The authorities somehow forgot about him.
Bogoslovsky's passion for practical jokes
The famous pranks of Nikita Bogoslovsky were remembered for a long time by his colleagues and friends, and what Bogoslovsky thought was funny, for the rest could turn into a tragedy. The debut in the field of practical jokes with Nikita took place in the 5th grade. In winter, he climbed the fire escape to the 5th floor, pressed his nose against the window and knocked. The teacher, who saw the face of a teenager outside the window, fainted.

Duplicate once again such a successful prank Bogoslovsky, already at a very respectable age, decided on his own wife. In the process of redecorating the house, he agreed with the painters so that they would lift him to the desired floor in the cradle, where Nikita knocked on the window. The effect of the unexpected visit was the same, swooning.
Further on, the prank scenarios became more complicated, and the roles were thought out more carefully. Bogoslovsky, who was not afraid of anything or anyone, managed to make fun of even the authorities and people who were afraid of them. In the late 30s, actor Vladimir Khenkin, upon returning home, found the apartment sealed up and went to surrender to the Lubyanka, saying goodbyein advance with family and friends. It turned out that it was a cruel joke of Nikita Bogoslovsky.
"Dark Night" and "Schools" - sang, sing and will sing
Nikita Bogoslovsky, whose biography arouses sincere interest among admirers of his talent, lived easily and worked the same way. The famous author woke up in 1937, at the age of 25, after the release of the film "Treasure Island", in which "Jenny" sounded on the verses of Lebedev-Kumach. Further on the composer's life path was Moscow - the heart of the Motherland, where he moved and successfully worked. The song written for the feature film "Big Life" - "Dark mounds sleep" became the anthem of all the miners of the country.

The famous "Dark Night" he wrote in tandem with the poet Vladimir Agatov in 1943 in one breath, just sat down and played. As the composer later said, this had never happened to him before. When the record with this song was released, the entire circulation was rejected due to damage to the wax matrix. In fact, it turned out that the worker who made the records, when listening to the song, could not stand it and began to cry. One tear fell on the soundtrack, which led to such massive damage.
After "Dark Night", which caused some incredible poignant feeling and performed by Mark Bernes, its complete opposite was written in Odessa street style - "Scavs full of mullet", which immediately became a mega hit. At first, the composer was accused of promoting tavern melodies that were incompatible with Soviet morality. Everything over timesettled down, and Mark Bernes became friends with Nikita Bogoslovsky for life.
Bogoslovsky's place of work
Nikita Bogoslovsky preferred to work at home, was very fond of the music of Shostakovich and Mozart, did not like Saturdays and Sundays, because on these days all business contacts were excluded.

In literature, the composer preferred the work of Zoshchenko, Ilf and Petrov, Platonov and Bulgakov; from foreign writers - the works of Mark Twain, Anatole France, Chesterton. At home he kept 3 large aquariums, being a big fan of exotic fish.
This is Bogoslovsky himself
Bogoslovsky was the most popular composer in the Soviet Union. Luxurious things, regular business trips abroad, expensive cars, a ten-meter garage with personal attendants and a car wash - the composer had plenty of everything. He could travel abroad, carry suitcases of forbidden literature from there, and no one checked him, because it was Bogoslovsky himself!

Throughout his life, he avoided joining the ranks of the pioneers, the Komsomol and the party. At 85, Bogoslovsky, whose nature was characterized by breadth of soul and generous gestures, ordered his wife Alla to make sandwiches for half of Moscow and buy a lot of vodka. Any person could come to congratulate him, whether it was a driver, a store clerk or a janitor.
Nikita Bogoslovsky: personal life
Nikita Vladimirovich was married 4 times. The first marriage lasted lessyear, due to the mismatch of views of the spouses in financial matters, in particular, Bogoslovsky did not accept his wife's wasteful lifestyle.
The second marriage lasted over 10 years. The reason for the breakup was his wife's pernicious passion for alcohol. In this marriage, a son, Cyril, was born, who died tragically, before reaching the age of 40.
From the third marriage with Natalia, Bogoslovsky had Andrey, who was also addicted to alcohol. After the death of Natalia, Bogoslovsky was unable to return him to a sober lifestyle.
The fourth wife of Nikita Bogoslovsky is Alla Sivashova, with whom fate brought him together at the age of 79.

He got along well with her daughter Marina from his first marriage.
And the music lives on…
Nikita Bogoslovsky died at the age of 91 - April 4, 2004. The composer, who lived a bright and long life, according to his relatives and friends, simply ceased to be physically present on this earth, completing all his affairs on it. Previously, he wrote a note to his wife Alla and asked the doctors not to disturb her until the morning with a message about the death of her husband. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Bogoslovsky never caved in to anyone. In any situation, he always remained a man.
The creativity of Bogoslovsky is many-sided and great. These are more than 300 songs that are sung to this day, music for 58 films and many theatrical productions, symphonies. From the pen of the famous composer came out 8 books, among them - "Museum of Muses", "Thousandtrifles”, “Deities and squalor” and others.