All people compete with each other to some extent. The same applies to peoples, nations and ethnic groups. Who has the most vibrant and distinctive culture? What is the most beautiful language? Where is the best place to live? Here are the main questions for the championship in which it is worth fighting.

Once upon a time, all people spoke the same language, and in every corner of the earth it was possible to communicate with strangers without any problems. But at one point, the inhabitants of our planet so angered the gods that as a punishment they broke them into small groups and made it so that they could no longer understand each other. This is how the linguistic division happened. Now only residents of the same country can communicate with each other without any problems. But even here people did not calm down and began to find out what is the most beautiful language, and who is more fortunate. By the way, this dispute has not yet been resolved.

About beauty
But how can you tell if a language is beautiful or not? Listening to this or that speech and deciding is not an option. Although for most people this ispractice becomes decisive. But there are also some rules that must be followed in order to understand which language is the most beautiful. This is the presence of open syllables in each word. Depending on this, the language is considered light, flowing, melodic.
About the syllable
Not everyone knows what an “open syllable” is. Therefore, it is good to understand this concept. Everything is extremely simple here. An open syllable is one that ends in a vowel. And the more such elements in a word, the more pleasant it is to hear. Such lexical units are considered "melodic", "musical", because they can be easily and without difficulty sung.
About the competition
About what is the most beautiful language, disputes have been going on for a long time. But no matter what scientists conduct experiments, the same country always wins - Italy. Accordingly, Italian is considered the most beautiful language. It is worth noting that every year there are more and more people who want to study it. No one wondered why everyone is so interested in the Italian stage and their cinema? It's simple: because they are nice to listen to.

Who's next?
Occupying a leading position, the Italian language also has close friends. They are just as pleasant and melodic in sound. According to various sources, the most beautiful languages of the world are the first three: Italian, Greek, French. Also, Ukrainian is sometimes included in their number. Russian does not lag behind, being in the top five most beautiful languages in the world. And the top ten is filled with English, Hebrew, Spanish, Greekand even German!
Besides their sound, words can also be transmitted on paper. Therefore, scientists also ranked the world's languages by their spelling. Here the list differs from the above. What is the most beautiful language in the world in such a category? Arabic script takes the lead. And this is not surprising, because their letter always attracts the eye, fascinates. No one doubts that the Chinese language with its hieroglyphs follows. Closes the top three finalists, again, the French language. The top ten winners are closed by Russian, Hebrew, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean. Although they did not make it into the top ten, they received a huge number of approvals from countries such as Georgia, India, and Germany. Well, where without Sanskrit, it also occupies a leading position in this rating.