Treatment of various diseases through communication with animals has been used in medicine for a long time. And at the end of the twentieth century, they started talking about his new direction - dolphin therapy. Swimming with dolphins is becoming more and more popular. Most often it is used to treat psychotherapeutic problems and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But in addition to healing sessions, swimming with dolphins has also become widespread in recent years as an entertainment. Such sessions are expensive, but they are also very popular. Many people want to relax and get a lot of positive emotions while communicating with these amazing animals.
Why dolphin therapy is useful
It has long been noticed that humans and dolphins have a lot in common: they have a four-chambered heart, the need to breathe oxygen, and the ability to communicate.

And in recent years, scientists have found that these good-natured mammals often understand a person even better than he does. After talking with them, people feel better. EvenDolphins are able to make a person who is closed and immersed in the worries of a person smile. Such a session gives a lot of positive emotions. That is why swimming with dolphins is so popular. Not only the communication and positive effects of being in s alt water are beneficial, the sounds made by these animals are also beneficial. Bottlenose dolphins and beluga whales lend themselves best to training. They are common in most dolphinariums. Moreover, bottlenose dolphins are very sensitive to the human condition and understand many words, while beluga whales are more calm.
What is the effect of swimming with dolphins
In Moscow and St. Petersburg, you can already find establishments that offer dolphin therapy sessions. Although earlier such an opportunity was provided only by resort towns. Many have already tried swimming with dolphins, and everyone notes that even one session has a positive effect:

- causes bright positive emotions;
- makes you look at problems in a new way and cope with stress;
- improves the condition of a person with diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- relaxes and helps to calm down;
- improves mood, improves sleep;
- helps overcome fear of water and isolation;
- family therapy with dolphins brings harmony in relationships and prevents quarrels.
For what diseases this method is used
- Most often, swimming with dolphins is used in the treatment of children with diseases of the central nervous system. A positive effect is observed in cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome and mental retardation.
- This method also helps children with speech and memory disorders, hearing impairments and low learning ability.

- Dolphin therapy is used for depression, neurosis and nervous disorders, recovery from psychological trauma.
- Such sessions are effective for diseases of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system.
- Very useful dolphin therapy during pregnancy. In addition to the positive effect of water, one can also note the effect of ultrasound emitted by dolphins, it stimulates the development of certain organs of the baby and improves the well-being of the mother.
Where you can swim with dolphins
Most often such services are provided by resort towns. But in recent years, swimming with dolphins in Moscow has also become possible. True, it is expensive, and you need to sign up for the session in advance, since there are a lot of people who want to. One of the dolphinariums in the capital, which provided such services inexpensively, from 3,500 rubles, unfortunately closed. Now you can swim with these amazing creatures for 7,000-12,000 per session at the Moskvarium or at VDNKh.

And it is better for children to choose not an entertainment event, but a therapeutic bath with dolphins. The price of one session will be less in this case - about 4000 rubles, because the course is ordered. Swimming with dolphins in St. Petersburg is a little cheaper - from 4000 to 9000 rubles, depending on the dolphinarium.
Bathing rules
Most often such services are offered to visitors by the dolphinarium. Swimming with dolphins is possible after the show or at other times. But, going to the session, you need to remember some rules:
- before this, it is better to consult a doctor, as dolphin therapy has some contraindications, such as infectious diseases, cancerous tumors, epilepsy and skin inflammation;
- Regular swimming with dolphins as entertainment is only allowed for adults and children over 12;
- It is best to swim in a wetsuit or a sports swimsuit. Some dolphinariums provide them to visitors, but it is better to have your own;
- It is not allowed to dive into the pool with rings, bracelets and chains;

- dolphins are living creatures, you need to handle them carefully: do not put your fingers in their blowhole (hole on the head), do not impose your communication;
- People who are intoxicated or unable to float on their own are not allowed to attend such events.
Is it always useful
Despite the fact that dolphin therapy and simple swimming with dolphins are becoming more and more popular, many scientists oppose it. They believe that such sessions can be harmful and especially dangerous for children. After all, the water in the pools of dolphinariums often does not meet the SanPiN standards. Can't change it likeit is supposed to be 80% daily, so it is cleaned with chlorine and hydrochloric acid. In addition, dolphins suffer from the same viral and fungal diseases. And before visiting a session of dolphin therapy, they do not require he alth certificates. And it may be that in front of you a person with a human papillomavirus or candidiasis was swimming in the pool. Therefore, it is not recommended to attend such events in mobile dolphinariums.