Within the boundaries of Volgograd, there are up to 12 basins of small rivers and large beams. In the city itself, such rivers as the Tsaritsa, Wet Mechetka, Otrada, Dry Mechetka and Elshanka flow, which are small.
The article presents the largest rivers of the city of Volgograd.

General information about the rivers of the Volgograd region
In total, about 190 rivers of various sizes flow through the region. They belong to the basins of the Caspian and Azov Seas. The Volga basin, in comparison with the Don basin, occupies a narrow strip along the Volga river valley and includes only 30 watercourses.
Don and Volga, together with large tributaries, are important transport routes. Reservoirs have been created on these rivers, large hydroelectric power stations have been built. The Don and Volga are connected to each other by a navigable canal, which helped pave the deep water route between four seas: the B altic, Azov, and Caspian.
The Volga River flows directly through Volgograd, here smaller rivers flow into it - Wet Mechetka and Tsaritsa. Further below the city, the river has no tributaries.

Volga River
Volgogradlocated on the territory of the lower reaches of the Volga. The river, flowing through the entire European part of Russia through the territory of 4 republics and 11 regions, belongs to the Caspian Sea basin.
Volga in the upper reaches flows in the direction from northwest to southeast. From the city of Kazan, its direction changes towards the south. At Volgograd, the riverbed turns southwest.
The river takes its beginning from the Valdai Upland (the key in the village of Volgoverkhovye, Tver Region). At Volgograd, the Volga delta begins, and after 60 kilometers from Astrakhan, the river flows into the Caspian Sea. The name "Volga" comes from the Old Slavonic words "moisture" and "vologa".
The rivers Tsaritsa and Wet Mechetka flow into it in Volgograd.

Queen River
This reservoir belongs to the small rivers of the Volgograd region and is the right tributary of the Volga.
It should be noted that the floodplain of the Queen is one of the richest in terms of historical sites. This river from the very foundation of the city of Volgograd has seen the destruction and restoration of it from ruins. According to one legend, the river originally got its name from the Turkic expression "sery su", which translates as "yellow water". In the Soviet period, it was renamed Pionerka (one of the streets of the Voroshilovsky district near the valley of the Tsaritsa River and now bears the name Reka Pionerka Street), and among the people it was simply called Stinky.
The total length of the river is 19.2 km, and through the city its length is 6.9 km. She takes her start at "Maximka" (Gorky district of the city) andfurther it carries its waters through three districts: Sovetsky, Dzerzhinsky and Voroshilovsky. Its shores are winding and steep, the food is unpaved and snowy. Overgrowth is often observed. The lower part of its course (1.8 km) is enclosed in a concrete square collector, which opens into the Volga in the area of Gasitel.

History of the river
The Volgograd River Tsaritsa was once full-flowing thanks to the floods of the Volga, which were regulated after the construction of the hydroelectric power station. Today, the Queen has become shallow to the level of a stream.
It should be noted that at the beginning of the 20th century, the floodplain of the river was navigable due to the same Volga. On average, the depth in the floodplain reached 8-9 meters. Today, all this is covered with sand. In the future, it is planned to revive the river by building up the floodplain, but the Tsaritsa River itself will continue to flow in a pipe.

Few people know that some of the rivers of Volgograd carry real drinking water that does not require filtering. However, the rivers, the improvement of the coastal zones of which could provide excellent sites for tourism, recreation, local history, leisure and recreation, and most importantly - clean drinking water, are currently on the verge of extinction.
Practically all the city's rivers are in a rather deplorable state. However, these small reservoirs can bring considerable benefits. For example, on Tsaritsa there are a total of 11 sources with the purest water. The rivers of Volgograd could be of great benefit to the city and its inhabitants, if there were not some significant problems.
Where are the bodies of water disappearing?
Volgograd in its relief is a city of ravines. The entire network of ravines and beams influenced the appearance of Tsaritsyn, Stalingrad and Volgograd for about four hundred years. It should be noted that 1956 turned out to be a black year for the Volgograd rivers - a decision was made to bury all the beams, ravines and even small rivers. In the production of these works, clay, sand, slag and ash from metallurgical production were used. For example, the slopes of the Mechetka River were filled with waste from an aluminum plant. In the end, the channels and slopes of the small rivers of Volgograd were “hidden” in a concrete collector, in connection with which the mouths of the rivers changed their configuration.
This is a big problem today. Rivers still continue to be buried, and in their place shopping centers and residential buildings are being built, commercial and social infrastructure facilities are being built. It is known that almost every district of Volgograd has its “own” small river, which today is a garbage river.