Masha Rasputina is the most famous Russian pop star. In the 90s, at the peak of her fame, she performed a number of hits that were heard not only by her admirers for a long time. Kicking out her place in the sun, Rasputina went through a difficult life path, but thanks to her sociable nature, she quickly fit into the right environment.
In the 80s, her friends included such personalities as Alexandru Ukupnik, Maxim Dunayevsky, Alexander Lukyanenko, and Leonid Derbenev. Despite the significant difference in age (namely, 33 years), Leonid Derbenev became a real friend for Rasputina, with whom she maintained not only working, but also warm friendly relations until his death.

Personal life of the legendary singer
In parallel with her creative development and growing popularity, Masha Rasputina built her personal life. She first married Vladimir Ermakov, from whom in 1983 she gave birth to her first daughter, Lida. When the girl was 16, her parents divorced.
The second marriage of Rasputina took place in 1999. Then Viktor Zakharov, a successful businessman and rich man, won her heart. In 2000, the couple had a daughter, MariaZakharova.

Lydia Ermakova (daughter of Rasputina): something went wrong
And it would seem that everything could be wonderful - two wonderful beautiful daughters, a loving husband and a glorious career. But still, the eldest daughter of Masha Rasputina could not fit into the new family. She continually made scandals and fell into depressions, which were sometimes accompanied by aggressive states. It was at one of these moments that Rasputina sent her daughter to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.
For a long period, the daughter of Masha Rasputina was treated in the hospital. At first, the star mother occasionally took her daughter home, but this did not last long, and Lida's stay within the walls of the hospital began to be permanent. Once it got to the point that Rasputina showed assistance in transferring her daughter to a psychoneurological boarding school - she practically did not visit her child, what to speak of financial support or maintenance.
Vladimir Ermakov - father
From an interview with the girl's father, Vladimir Ermakov, it is known that after a divorce from Masha Rasputina, he gave all the accumulated savings over the years of marriage to his wife for the needs of his growing daughter. With which she bought an apartment for her daughter.
According to her father, Lida's mental state failed after their divorce. Around the same time, her vocal singing teacher died - Lida was very attached to him. After all these events, her first breakdowns began - prolonged depressions, aggressive states, she began to modulate in her head verystrange situations that she sometimes told strangers about … According to her father, he knew about all this only by hearsay, since after the divorce Masha almost immediately got married and took Lida into a new family.

Masha Rasputina - mother
For a long time, Rasputina tried to show herself in a good light in relation to her daughter, but since the sewing in the bag cannot be hidden, after a while unseemly details became known. The singer refused to comment on the situation. But once in the program “Let them talk”, dedicated to Ermakova, Rasputina spoke about her vision of the situation. She poured a stream of dirt on her daughter, accusing her of incest. Viktor Zakharov also confirmed this, saying that he personally saw dad and daughter lying naked in bed.
Rasputina also spoke about the fact that Lida constantly got into her personal life and constantly accused her of breaking off relations with her father.
Lidiya Ermakova
At the time the program was released, Lida worked at the factory of Rasputina's new husband. According to some information, the girl was taken away from the psychiatric hospital at the insistence of close family friends. But after Ermakova watched the TV show and heard her mother's comments, she fled and after a while again found herself in the hospital walls.
According to the girl herself, as well as the medical staff of the hospital, during the entire period of Lida's stay, Rasputina practically did not appear in the hospital. In addition, she completely refused financial assistance and custody of her daughter.

Scandal or black PR Rasputina?
Why doesn't Ermakova live in an apartment bought with her father's money, and where is Masha Rasputina's daughter now?
According to information offered in the media, in 2011, when Ermakova was undergoing another long-term treatment in the hospital, her uncle (Masha Rasputina's brother) came to her and asked her to sign documents for an apartment, motivating this by the fact that elite housing her father didn't get it. And since the girl was under the influence of psychotropic drugs, after a couple of minutes of conversation, the necessary signatures were already on paper. The apartment was sold very quickly.
According to Lida, she perfectly remembers this situation. But he cannot adequately evaluate his act. After a while, the daughter of Masha Rasputina filed an application with the court to consider the case of the illegal sale of an apartment, but the press did not publish information about the results of this case and even about the course of the process itself.
Not so long ago, information appeared in the media about the reconciliation of mother and daughter, but there is no verified information about the girl's whereabouts at the moment. There are guesses that now the eldest daughter of Masha Rasputina is in the monastery, since Rasputina became a frequent guest of one of those. But is it really so - no one knows.