A very beautiful republic is located on the western slopes of the Southern Urals. The nature of Bashkiria is unique and charming. The material will tell you how an ordinary tourist can get to know the simply magical area as closely as possible.
Hospitable land
Apparently, because of the romantic landscapes, more than 150 national groups live in friendship and understanding on this earth. The largest share falls on the Russians. There are more than 36% of them in the republic. In second place is the indigenous population - the Bashkirs, their 30%. Tatars on this land are about 25%. The Chuvash, Mari, Ukrainians and other nationalities also consider this region their home.

Experienced tourists say that Sabantuy will help to get acquainted with the nature, traditions and culture of this land. This is an annual folk festival, during which they put on a grand show, feed guests with local delicacies and entertain with contests. However, the main feature of this date is that mass festivities are held in the open air.
The organizers are trying to find a place where the unique nature of Bashkiria opens up. Mosttourists like the number of quizzes, contests and competitions. Here everyone can try their hand. Such holidays are designed to bring people closer to the earth.
At the feast, people celebrate the end of spring field work. Therefore, the holiday is held at the end of May or at the beginning of summer. At this time, the region is especially beautiful.

Piece of Europe
Everyone who loves to travel and loves beautiful and inviolable landscapes should definitely visit the village in the Belebeevsky district of Bashkortostan. This settlement is called Russian Switzerland. The territory received such a name for a reason. There are mountains of extraordinary beauty, the peaks of which seem to touch the clouds, swirling blue rivers and deep turquoise lakes. Cows graze in the meadows.
The description of the nature of Bashkiria completely coincides with distant Switzerland. But tourists note that there are enough such villages with inviolable tender landscapes throughout the region.
Guests of the republic note that there is not much entertainment here. In summer you can go hiking and horseback riding. In winter - go down from the mountain peaks on skis and sleds.

Wild Paradise
The area is still doing without expensive hotels and tourist centers. Everyone who wants to relax in this corner is accepted by the sanatorium. Guests of the complex positively characterize the prices for accommodation and meals. However, the main disadvantage is that there are no shops and restaurants here. Visitors don't like the fact thatdiscotheques are closed.
But those who are more interested in the nature of Bashkiria will like it here. You can visit long and complex caves, go down fast rivers and organize hiking in the mountains. There are roads and trails to the peaks, but you can even get there by car. When you get to the highest point, amazing landscapes will open before you. Green meadows, dark forests and blue pools lie underfoot.
Thousands of tourists take pictures near the sign with the name of the village. Guests note that good bus and fixed-route taxi drivers are already making a scheduled stop at this attraction. Since 2010, this area has been a natural monument.
Water that shoots
Another pearl of this region is the Atysh waterfall. Its width is more than 5 meters, and its height reaches 4.5 meters. It is located in the Arkhangelsk region. The name translates as "the one that beats", or "shooting water". It exits the cave and flows into an underground river. Because of the force of the current, a kind of lake arose. Its width is about 20 meters, and the depth in some places reaches 10 meters. The water temperature is constantly +4 degrees. However, there are daredevils who dare to swim here.
These are very picturesque natural monuments of Bashkiria. Tourists note that it is best to organize a trip for several days. With everything you need (tents, clothes and food) you need to start from the city of Ufa. Then get by train to the stop "71 km". It is near the picturesque river Inzer. She needs to go.

However, experienced travelers recommend having hard shoes with you, because there are a lot of stones under the water, at the bottom. Subsequently, you should climb the Moskal ridge, or, as the locals call it, Witch Mountain. These amazing rocks are covered with old forests and unique plants. In spring and summer, wolf's bast, alpine aster, backache, bathing suit bloom here. Next, you need to go down to the fast mountain river Lemeza. A waterfall awaits you on the left bank.
Such a journey will show how beautiful the nature of Bashkiria is. Those who overcame this route note: the secret of the earth was revealed to them, because they crossed rivers, climbed mountains and passed through plains. Experienced tourists recommend splitting the trip into several days so that you can spend the night in a tent.
A road has been laid to the waterfall, this allows visitors who do not like extreme travel to quickly and easily get here.
No weather forecast
Mount Iremel - a kind of symbols of the beauty of the region. This is one of the peaks of the Southern Urals, which is spread over the territory of two regions: Beloretsky and Uchalinsky. For several centuries, local residents were afraid to climb the highest point. According to legend, Evil lived there.
But here the unique nature of Bashkiria opens up. Tourists are especially fascinated by the weather conditions. At one moment, clear valleys lie in front of people, and at another, fluffy gray clouds.
The top reaches only 1500 meters. However, people who have climbed the mountain say that it is not so easy to conquer the slope. Because the weather is changingevery few minutes. Therefore, those who will climb Iremel can admire a variety of landscapes. In summer, travelers are waiting for clear sunny days, heavy rains and heavy winds. In winter, tourists can admire the calm snowy valleys and snowstorms. People who have already climbed the fabulous peak are advised to stock up on clothes that do not get wet. Everyone who has overcome the path leaves positive feedback. Guests of the region say that this place is magical and has a certain energy.

Blue Pool
Another point that everyone who loves nature should visit is the Nugush reservoir. Its beauty is not inferior to sea and ocean landscapes. This area can please with a mighty thunderstorm and a clear sunny day. Tourists who have been here share their impressions. They assure that when lightning strikes nearby, thunder is heard, and the blue waters begin to sway from the waves, it takes your breath away. In calm weather, they ride catamarans, fish and swim here.
In this part of the region, a completely different Bashkiria appears. Outdoor recreation can be organized both in tents and at tourist bases. Travelers who have already visited the sandy shores of the reservoir are amazed by the unusual beauty. Cliffs hang over the flawless surface of the water, the tops of which are covered with vegetation. Regardless of how you will relax, under the open sky or the roof of the house, the reservoir will allow you to enjoy its scenery.

Goluboe Lake is located just 40 km from Ufa. In shape, it resembles a plate, which is painted in the color of a clear summer sky. But the reservoir received such a color not only because of the rays that reflect the light, but also because blue clay lies at the bottom. Tourists note that the water does not freeze here even in winter and always stays at +5 degrees. However, few daredevils dare to swim in an icy lake. Everyone who has been here at least once is fascinated by the beauty. Travelers also say that this blue pearl is healing. Scientists also report on the healing properties of clay from the bottom of the lake.
The nature of Bashkiria is amazingly diverse. This body of water confirms the last suggestion. Around the inviolable plains and forests. Also, guests of the region note that this attraction is still little known on tourist routes, so it is always quiet and calm here.
Unique caves
The region is rich in minerals. There are more than 200 oil wells here. Iron ore, natural gas, coal, zinc, gold and more are also mined in this territory. Every year, the region significantly replenishes the country's treasury. However, the real beauty lies elsewhere.
Only in this part of the world is it possible to dive into cold waters in the midst of a hot summer and climb to the peaks. No less amazing are the caves. One of them is Askinskaya Ice. She got her name because of the constant frost on her walls. Its length is about 100 meters, and its height is 25. Tourists come to this point every year. The stones here do not warm up and are protected from the sun, sothe walls are constantly covered with ice. For non-scientists, this cave is a real discovery.

Amazing Bashkiria leaves no one indifferent. The nature of Bashkiria is a kind of wonder of the world, which is always waiting for guests.