Macklea heart-shaped is a medicinal plant native to Asia. His homeland is the southeastern lands of China and about. Honshu in Japan. In our country, grass appeared only in the 19th century. Grown in the Krasnodar Territory, as well as in the Crimea. It got its name from the shape of the leaves. In some sources, you can find another name for it - heart-shaped bocconia. It is a close relative of celandine.

Botanical description
Macklea heart-shaped is an evergreen herbaceous plant. Belongs to the poppy family. Flowering in mid-summer, fruiting in early autumn. Every gardener is familiar with the heart-shaped Maclaya. A description of a medicinal plant can be found in any specialized literature. We will bring him too.
- Its rhizome is dark brown. It is woody, intertwined.
- Stem erect, up to 3 m high.
- Leaves are silvery green. Their length reaches 25 cm. They are heart-shaped-lobed, covered with fluff on the underside.
- The flowers are small (about 1 cm in size) of a reddish-pink hue. Collected in "panicles" at the top of the stem. They have a pleasant smell.
- The fruit is a flat brown box. Its size is up to 8 mm.

Medicinal plant benefits
Macklea heart-shaped contains a large amount of alkaloids, in particular chelerithrine and sanguinarine. This is the reason for its therapeutic effect. In folk medicine, heart-shaped maclaya is often used. The beneficial properties of the herb are as follows:
- has an antifungal effect;
- is an excellent anti-infective agent;
- used as an antiseptic.
The indisputable advantage of this plant is that it is not addictive. Bacteria have the ability to adapt to drugs. Antibiotics, which until recently helped a person cope with diseases, cease to act on the body over time. They can't handle germs. In such cases, heart-shaped Maclea comes to the rescue. Means prepared on its basis effectively act against inflammatory processes. Contribute to the speedy healing of burns, wounds, boils, bedsores. The plant acts on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Medical use
Macklea grass is used as a raw material for the production of a medicinal product underthe name "Sangviritrin". Available in the form of tablets and solutions. Capsules are used for progressive muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy and other neurological pathologies. In combination with vitamins and exercise therapy, it gives good results in patients with various forms of myopathy.
At the same time, an aqueous solution of "Sangviritrin" is effective for the treatment of burns, trophic ulcers, purulent wounds. In combination with an alcohol liquid, it is used for stomatitis, periodontal disease. With skin and fungal diseases, the heart-shaped makleya, a grass, also copes. The use of tincture is provided only externally: you can not drink it. As part of compresses, it has an excellent effect on the condition of the epidermis. Helps fight warts, condylomas, herpes. Used to treat herpes, Staphylococcus aureus, eczema, psoriasis. It is used in gynecology for fungal and viral infections, bartholinitis, oncology.
Tincture is used as an effective antiseptic, anti-infective and antifungal agent. When taking the tincture inside, dilute 2-5 drops in 100 ml of water, drink 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day. Externally treat the affected areas with a cotton swab 2 times a day. For rinsing, dilute 10 drops in half a glass of water. With the help of tincture, compresses are made and wounds are moistened. For rinsing, it is used for sore throat, chronic tonsillitis, acute pharyngitis, and also for otitis media. In addition, heart-shaped Maclea is part of herbal preparations: "Gynecological (for douching)", "Monastic". The drug has a numbercontraindications. It is necessary to consult a doctor before using it.

Use in other areas
Maclay heart-shaped planted for decorating walls and fences. Tall bushes adorn garden and summer cottages, hide the shortcomings of buildings. Often the plant is used to create flower beds: phloxes and roses next to it look even more magnificent. Maclea looks beautiful in windy weather, when the lower silvery part of large leaves is visible. By the way, the herbaceous part or rhizome is used in cosmetology. Based on them, acne lotions are made.
Macklea heart-shaped: planting and care
The plant can take root in any fertile soil, but loves light, dry soil more. Poorly tolerates prolonged waterlogging. It is desirable to choose a landing site sunny: slight penumbra is acceptable. Extra shoots need to be removed so that the bush does not grow much. Seeds have low germination. It is better to propagate by cuttings or part of the rhizome. In this case, the survival rate reaches 90%. Cuttings are harvested in the spring, planted to a depth of 9 cm. Adult plants do not tolerate transplantation. For the winter, the upper part of the makley is cut off. Rhizomes do not need additional shelter. Grass loves top dressing, most of all organic - they are carried out in early spring.

Harvesting and drying plants
For medicinal purposes, grass is harvested, as well as rhizomes with roots. Gather raw materials duringbudding and flowering. A greater amount of useful substances was noted in three-year-old plants. Dry in the open air or in a drying chamber at a temperature of 50°C. Maclea is a poisonous plant, so safety precautions should be observed when harvesting it. When collecting raw materials by hand, rubber gloves are used. Wash hands thoroughly after handling the plant. Infusions and tinctures prepared from herbs at home are not taken orally because of the risk of poisoning. Such products can only be used externally.