During the governorship of Sergei Eroshchenko, the priority areas in the development of the Irkutsk region were the social sphere, environmental safety and the development of the industrial potential of the region. But it will not be about the management of the region by Sergey Eroshchenko, the governor at that time, but about himself.

Yeroshchenko Sergey Vladimirovich is a Russian statesman and businessman. He worked as governor of the Irkutsk region from 2012 to 2015. After the expiration of the governor's term and until the date of the election of a new governor, which took place on September 27, 2015, S. V. Eroshchenko remained in office as interim, but he lost the election to Levchenko Sergey Georgievich, a representative of the Communist Party.
Eroshchenko Sergey and his family
The date of birth of Sergei Vladimirovich Eroshchenko is May 28, 1961. The hometown in which the businessman was born is Cheremkhovo. Father, Vladimir Nikolaevich Eroshchenko, worked as a miner and served as head of the site. Sergei's mother is Galina Alexandrovna Eroshchenko. This woman had a chance to work in differentplaces such as a bakery, a poultry farm, and even a mine.
Eroshchenko Sergey Vladimirovich is married. His wife's name is Tatyana Alexandrovna, she bears her husband's surname. The couple have three children: two sons and a daughter. The elder brother Nikolai worked in the KGB until 1992, after which he took up entrepreneurial activities. Since 1997, Nikolai has held important positions, being the deputy head of the regional administration, and at the same time is the head of the representative office of the Irkutsk region in Moscow.

Children of Eroshenko S. V
The eldest son of businessman Sergei Eroshchenko, Vladimir, is also a businessman, like his father. Vladimir was born on July 30, 1984. Today he is a co-founder of Alliance Construction Company CJSC, and in addition, the director of Eastland Construction Company JSC, as well as the director of Baikal-Optima LLC. It remains only to wonder how Vladimir manages to combine such serious and responsible positions.
Daughter Anna keeps up with the men in the family, she also has an entrepreneurial streak and is the owner of the East Siberian River Shipping Company. The youngest son, who, like his father, is called Sergey, is still a schoolboy, a student of the 2nd grade. Sergey Eroshenko also has a grandson Luka. The grandson also goes to school, as he is about the same age as the youngest son of the entrepreneur.

Eroshchenko S.: education
In 1983 Sergei Vladimirovich Eroshchenko graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics of the Irkutsk State University. Withfrom the same year to 1985, he worked as a trainee researcher. Place of work - Irkutsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, belonging to the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Since 1985, Sergei Eroshchenko has already held the position of junior researcher in the same scientific institution. And by 1995, his career growth reached the position of a researcher and then a senior researcher.
Besides, somewhere in June 1992, Sergey Eroshchenko became the head of the Physical Chemistry Laboratory in the field of natural raw materials. The Irkutsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, it should be noted, is on a par with the largest Russian centers of fundamental research related to the field of organic and organoelement chemistry.

Business activities
In 1994, Sergei Eroshchenko, together with his older brother, founded the Eastland company. The company's activities included coal mining, shipbuilding, construction, tourism and transport. Its membership includes more than 50 enterprises and organizations operating not only in the Irkutsk region, but also in other regions of Russia. From 1996 to 2000, Sergey was the General Director of CJSC at Eastland.
Further, from 2000 to 2001, Sergei Vladimirovich was the Chairman of the Board of Directors in the Vostsibugol Open Joint Stock Company. And already in 2011, Sergei joined the ranks of the Right Cause party in his own Irkutsk region and then headed it. In 2012, in the presidential elections, he was a proxy representing the candidateMikhail Prokhorov.
Governor's post
On May 18, 2012, the early resignation of the previous governor of the Irkutsk Territory, Dmitry Mezentsev, took place. An urgent need to find a replacement. And then, by decree of the President of Russia, Putin V. V., Sergey Eroshchenko was appointed acting governor. His biography continued further in the governor's post. Then, in May 2012, the United Russia party offered a choice of three candidates for the post of governor of the region at once, they were Pyotr Ogorodnikov, Mikhail Vinokurov and, in fact, Sergey Eroshchenko.
And already on May 24, V. V. Putin nominated Sergey Eroshchenko for consideration by the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region for the subsequent empowerment of him with the powers of the governor. At the extraordinary sitting session of the Legislative Assembly, which took place soon, the deputies finally approved the candidacy of Sergei Yeroshchenko.

In public service
According to various media reports, having moved to the post of civil servant, Sergei Yeroshchenko transferred all available business assets to his close relatives. He handed over his construction company to his son. The share of the wife and their daughter fell to the supervision of the Eastland holding and the tourism business. They also got "land issues", the Angara airline, as well as the river East Siberian Shipping Company.
Becoming a government official, Sergei Vladimirovich left small notes on Twitter about all his political affairs. Gotta beopen and accessible to people, Sergei Eroshchenko thought so. Photos, both family and related to political activities, often ended up on social networks. Governor Eroshchenko approved a new strategy for the development of the Irkutsk region, the solid basis of which was to be the development of industry, which was called the "second industrialization".
New elections
On September 13, 2015, new elections for the governor of the Irkutsk region were held. Sergey Levchenko (communist candidate) and Sergey Eroshchenko advanced to the second round. The governor then scored 49.6%. And in the second round, which took place on September 27, 2015, he lost to Sergey Levchenko.