Determining a person's age

Determining a person's age
Determining a person's age

Sometimes a person does not look his age. Younger or older. But experts will learn as accurately as possible about how his body works, how able he is to work, without even looking at his passport. There are various ways to do this. This is our story today.

Calendar and biological

Usually, by the word "age" we mean the number of years lived. This is passport information (or chronological). But we are all different! Some lead a he althy lifestyle, others - on the contrary. Someone, thanks to heredity, retains a supply of energy for a long time, and nothing hurts them. Others age early. Together, these indicators, brought together, is the biological "experience". A leaflet in the document will say little about the he alth and ability to work of a citizen.

age determination
age determination

As a rule, the individual characteristics of people differ from the average.

Steps of our century

Before we talk about such a thing as determining age, we need to know what stages in our development we go through.

The neonatal period is the first 4 weeks. Babies - from 28 days to 12 months. Early childhood - 1-3 years. Preschoolers - from 3 to 6-7 years. Then come younger students - 6-10, teenagers - 11-18,boys and girls - 16-20 years old. Mature age (of the first period) occurs in women and men from the age of 20, ends at 35. The second segment of maturity is 35-55 and 35-60, respectively. Older people are considered people from 55 to 75. Then the senile stage - up to 90 years. Above are long-livers.

My years are my we alth

Biological age is probably more important than chronological. After all, this is an objective indicator of how the “motor” and other parts of our “mechanism” work. And their “serviceability” is influenced by both external factors and the presence (or absence) of any pathologies.

determination of biological age
determination of biological age

Heredity good or bad - this is perhaps the main thing. But the biological experience largely depends on the living conditions. That is why in the second half of their lives, people of the same year of birth can differ sharply from each other in strength, tone, even mood. As a rule, those who have a favorable daily life look younger than their passport data. And they have a positive heredity.

In recent decades, scientists have added a third to these two circumstances. This is self-government. A person's consciousness to a certain extent affects his body, his condition. And it turns out that these factors also play a role in our well-being and life expectancy. Difficult working and living conditions, hard physical labor, frequent nerves, stress and, in general, psychological discomfort do not strengthen, but wear out the body faster.

Biological age can be seen immediately. An old person in this respect has obvious violationsvital functions, a bunch of diseases and a higher risk of dying pretty soon.

All children grow differently

Since the state of he alth is not the number of years lived, but the age of our body, the biological age is determined by the way individual organs work.

Let's start with the kids. Every boy or girl goes through the same developmental stages. Yes, their pace is different. They depend on heredity - one, living conditions - two, the quality of nutrition, ecology, sports - three. And much more.

Because all kids have different biological preschool age. The determination is carried out using tests and all kinds of measurements.

At the same time, some children are ahead of their peers in development, although they are in exactly the same circumstances. Why? A biologically more mature boy or girl is much easier to cope with their physical and mental stress. They react less to stress, germs, colds.

Specialists determine the age of the child is simple. They measure height and weight, watch the rate of their changes, the condition of bones and teeth.

There are also growth jumps. This is when a schoolboy suddenly grew sharply over the summer. And preschoolers also have a half-height jump. Do you want to know if your heir has passed such an important stage for him? Ask him to reach his left ear with his right hand. Just carry it over your head. This test will give information about how mature the nervous system is. And how ready the brain is to perceive and process new information.

definitionage according to the photo
definitionage according to the photo

What is it for? This criterion says whether your son or daughter is ready to go to grade 1. Or let him spend another year in kindergarten.

Doctors say: a kindergarten graduate was seated at a desk when he is physiologically unprepared for school. What will happen? Bad he alth effects before - a negative impact on the mental state. Before you is a future lagging student.

Parents also need to keep track of bone age data. Give a more accurate definition of biological age. Analysis - by X-ray of the hand and wrist.

And the age of the tooth is no less important. Write down when the baby has grown both milk and permanent teeth.

Several ways

How is the biological age of an adult determined? Tests of varying complexity are used. But in short, the essence is this.

The first option is the most difficult. It requires special equipment. The test is carried out only in a well-equipped clinic or even in a diagnostic center.

There are two more methods. Both, of course, are less time-consuming, but also you can’t do without special equipment.

But the fourth method is quite simple, and therefore it is used most often. It is called "Methods for determining age according to Voitenko." In any conditions: at home or in a clinic, at work at home or in the country - you can find out "how much" you hit. No special diagnostic tool needed.

determination of the child's age
determination of the child's age


1. Tonometer (on the right hand) three times with an interval of 5minutes to measure the pressure. Write down the smallest number. The pulse reading is the difference between the first and second.

2. Take a deep breath - and do not breathe! Measure with a stopwatch three times with a break of no more than five minutes, how long you lasted. Consider the largest value.

3. You stand on your left foot with your shoes off. Eyes are closed, arms are lowered along the body. No pre-training can be done. And so three times. The break is only 5 minutes. Record the longest standing time. Consider the best result of three attempts.

4. Measure your weight. Record the result as well.

5. Calculate your self-esteem index of he alth. This can be done on one of the medical sites.

There are also various tests. They are easy to find and try.

preschool age definition
preschool age definition

Wait a minute, you're being filmed

A new system for determining age by gait has been developed in Japan. We studied 4 thousand people of different ages. Each walked twice a segment of six meters forward and backward. All movements were filmed. Based on the results, a database was created. In them - models of walking young, old, young. Distinctive features are the length of the step, the swing of the arms, the tension of the back muscles. According to these indicators, the device determines how “young” a particular person moves.

So, 20-30-year-olds don't move their arms very much, unlike those who are 40-50. The older a man or woman is, the more they stoop when walking.

This equipment is in the Tokyo Science Museum. Anyone cancome. It has become fashionable to determine the age of yourself and your loved ones.

You can also find out the biological age by the teeth, which is of particular interest to criminologists. Or analyzing the voice, the presence of wrinkles. Drop by drop of blood, as they do in Holland.

age determination methods
age determination methods

Super new technology

And also the determination of age from a photo is original. Such a miracle novelty appeared on the digital market. The program in a few seconds finds out not only the age, but also the gender of a person from his picture. Even if several people are photographed on it, you will receive information about everyone.

True, there were failures. So, one girl was given the age of … 9 years. And the boy was offended by saying that he was a girl. But both lighting and human grimaces are to blame here.

determination of a person's age
determination of a person's age

However, despite such mistakes, such a modern and operational determination of a person's age is becoming very popular.
