Means of contraception. What do we know about him

Means of contraception. What do we know about him
Means of contraception. What do we know about him

The days when the birth rate was regulated exclusively through abortion have long since sunk into oblivion. Today, the question of whether to be protected or not, everyone decides for himself. Of course, this requires a serious and responsible approach, and if the contraceptive method was chosen incorrectly, then the consequences can be the most “dire”.


It should be noted that contraception should be taken not only as a form of protection against the conception of a child, but also as a form of preserving the he alth of the mother and the opportunity to give birth to a strong baby when you wish.

At the same time, it should be said that no contraceptive can give absolute guarantees against pregnancy. Often, experts recommend using combinations of several contraceptives to achieve maximum effect. At the same time, before making a choice in favor of one or another method of protection, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Reliable contraceptives
Reliable contraceptives

The classic version of contraception is the so-called barrier methods. In the first halfof the last century, their various types were almost the only salvation from unwanted pregnancies.

At the same time, science gradually developed, and over time, other types of contraceptives appeared on the pharmacy shelves, which lowered the popularity rating of barrier methods of contraception. A curious fact is that when a modern contraceptive was used, for some reason it gave more complications than the use of standard condoms.

The mechanism of action of the barrier method of contraception is based on the fact that the contraceptive prevents the penetration of spermatozoa into the cervical mucus. We are talking about a condom, a contraceptive sponge, cervical caps and a vaginal diaphragm.

The advantage of these products is that they are used topically and do not cause any changes. Therefore, a contraceptive that belongs to barrier methods has much fewer contraindications than other variations of protection against unwanted pregnancy. It also effectively protects against sexually transmitted diseases.

Effective contraceptives
Effective contraceptives

However, the barrier method of protection also has disadvantages. Compared to intrauterine and oral contraceptives, it is less effective. Some products cause women to have an allergic reaction to rubber or latex.

However, reliable contraceptives are also made using various chemical formulations. How do they work? In the vagina by means of jelly, foam aerosols or cream are placedspermicides, which subsequently destroy the sperm during its movement to the uterus. Taking into account the fact that the spermatozoon is able to “reach the target” in a minute and a half after the end of sexual intercourse, it is safe to say that chemical preparations are inferior to other contraceptive methods in terms of quality and speed of providing protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Of course, effective contraception is not limited to the two above. There are also biological, calendar, temperature, cervical methods of contraception.
