Animals of the Stavropol Territory. Red Book

Animals of the Stavropol Territory. Red Book
Animals of the Stavropol Territory. Red Book

Animals of the Stavropol Territory are truly unique and numerous creatures. Zoologists have calculated: more than 8 species of amphibians, 12 species of reptiles, 90 species of various mammals and more than 300 species of various birds live in this territory. Some of them are listed in the Red Book. Let's talk about it in more detail.


These small and funny animals are found in large numbers in the Stavropol Territory. They can be seen in the forest-steppe and desert zones. They move quickly, jumping on their hind legs. Zoologists were surprised when they learned that these harmless creatures can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h!

animals of the Stavropol Territory
animals of the Stavropol Territory

Many animals of the Stavropol Territory are quite smart creatures, and jerboas are also very cautious. Almost always lead a solitary lifestyle. They contact their relatives only during the breeding season. These are omnivores. Their diet includes both plant and animal food: bulbs, roots, herbs, insects, eggs.birds.

Reed cat

The animal world of the Stavropol Territory is also rich in its special cats - reed. One of them even has the honor of decorating the Novosibirsk Zoo. In nature, these creatures prefer to stick to thickets, thorny bushes, reeds and sedges. In a word, any dense vegetation near water bodies attracts them.

plants and animals of the Stavropol Territory
plants and animals of the Stavropol Territory

Reed cats do their best to avoid open areas, so you will not meet them in the steppes and deserts of the Stavropol Territory. Like any predators, they feed on everything that moves and is smaller than themselves. Their favorite food is small rodents, birds and small reptiles.

Eared hedgehog

The famous eared hedgehog has been trampling the lands of the Stavropol Territory since the day of the existence of all its kind. You can meet him not in the forests, but mainly on the steppe and semi-desert pastures. As you know, hedgehogs belong to the class of insectivorous animals, which means they feed on ants, beetles, worms, etc. By the way, eared hedgehogs are animals of the Stavropol Territory that have adapted to endure the high temperatures of this climatic zone.

animals of the red book of the stavropol region
animals of the red book of the stavropol region

What is the Red Book of the Stavropol Territory?

This is the name of an official document that contains information on the status, distribution and measures taken to protect rare and endangered representatives of the world of fauna, a variety of wild animals and wild mushrooms and plants living and growing onthe territory of this area. Plants and animals of the Stavropol Territory are systematized and described in the Red Book by subspecies, species and their populations. Let's take a look at some of them.

Raddet Hamster

This animal is listed as an endangered species. It lives in dry grassy and forb steppes, and also inhabits mountain steppes located at altitudes from 1500 to 2500 meters above sea level. Hamsters Radde have a body length of up to 28 centimeters. They prefer to settle on already developed lands, especially in fallow areas. Avoid woodlands and flooded grasslands.

Steppe pied

These animals of the Stavropol Territory belong to the hamster family and the genus pied. The body length of the steppe lemming does not exceed 12 centimeters. Her eyes and ears are also small. Outwardly, it is similar to gray voles, yellow pieds and Eversmann's hamsters, but differs from them in a characteristic dark stripe on the back. Inhabits Turkmensky, Arzgirsky, Ipatovsky, Petrovsky and Blagodarnensky districts of the Stavropol Territory.

fauna of the Stavropol Territory
fauna of the Stavropol Territory

Caucasian European mink

This is a subspecies of the well-known European mink. It is widespread in the Caucasus, in the Lower Don and Lower Volga regions. You can meet her in nature on small rivers and streams. It feeds exclusively on animal food: fish, frogs and newts, near-aquatic rodents, insects. It has beautiful and practical fur. This, in fact, ruined her: a man almost completely exterminated this animal.

Steppe polecat

AnimalsThe Red Book of the Stavropol Territory - the creatures are numerous and diverse, and we will not be able to tell you about each of them within the framework of this article. Therefore, we will finish our review with a story about the steppe ferret. In its habits and appearance, it is very similar to its fellow forest ferret, but is slightly larger and lighter than it. Body length ranges from 30 to 60 centimeters. Lives in the Primanychsky steppes of the Stavropol Territory.
