Historical events April 21, holidays

Historical events April 21, holidays
Historical events April 21, holidays

One day cannot be removed from world history. Too much has happened in the course of human existence. Each specific number, date is associated with some events, without which life would not be the way it seems to us today. That is why it is so important to know what happened on a given day, for example, at the beginning of the third week of April.

Historical events

April 21 characteristic
April 21 characteristic

April 21 occupies a very important place in the history of Russia and the world community. So, this date marked the beginning of the Pacific Navy of the USSR. Today, the Russian fleet is considered one of the strongest in the world due to its equipment with various missiles, submarines and boats for combat and reconnaissance purposes, as well as fighter and anti-submarine aircraft.

In 1951, the NOC (National Olympic Committee) was established in the USSR, which followed the development of sports in the country, the preparation of national teams for the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

What happened inother countries of the world on April 21? The events took place in Brazil. So, in this state, the authorities decided to move the capital from Rio de Janeiro to the city of Brasilia, where it is located to this day.

Lunar calendar for this day of the year

April 21 is considered the fourth lunar day. The satellite of the Earth is in the first phase in the constellation Gemini. Astrologers consider this date unfavorable for change and action, as it will take too much strength, which then will not be easy to restore. Changes can lead to not too favorable consequences, so you should leave everything as it is. It is also necessary to conserve your strength during the working day. There is no need to be too zealous, it is better to leave the most important things for a more favorable period of time, unless, of course, the deadlines are running out.

April 21 in history
April 21 in history

April 21, a walk will help restore the spent strength and energy. A country picnic and any outdoor recreation, or at least in the nearest park or square, will be especially effective for charging with positive emotions and vitality. Fresh air is essential on this difficult day.

Zodiac sign of people born on this day

According to the eastern horoscope, very contradictory natures are born on April 21st. The zodiac sign Taurus is a set of inconsistencies. So, Taurus can behave rather coldly towards other people, not show too much affection, but at the same time be quite sociable and cheerful.

April 21 zodiac sign
April 21 zodiac sign

Representatives of this sign are "bulletproof" for external stresses and irritants. They know how to abstract from reality, which helps them to bring all their affairs to the end. On the other hand, Taurus is extremely suspicious of change of any kind. It is easier for them to leave everything as it is today in order to avoid all sorts of risks and unpleasant consequences. Thus, it is quite difficult for them to leave their own comfort zone.

Another important point for people born on April 21 is the characteristics of their performance and chances to build a successful career. As a rule, this is what Taurus does. Natural stubbornness helps to fulfill official duties clearly and on time, therefore representatives of this zodiac sign are unsurpassed performers.

Celebrities born on this day

April 21
April 21

April 21, many famous people were born. Among them, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain should be especially singled out. She is the oldest monarch in world history. In addition to the countries that make up the UK, the Queen is subject to 15 more independent states that were once British colonies. In practice, Elizabeth II does not have as much power as it might seem at first glance. Her main function as head of the royal family is to represent the interests of the UK at various business meetings. Elizabeth is more of a symbol than a ruler. It is a kind of maintenance of the ancient traditions of the state and is very popular, as well asother members of her family.

Another well-known figure, but already in Russian history, is the nanny A. S. Pushkina Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva. It was she who from childhood instilled in little Sasha a love for domestic, native literature, introduced him to Russian folklore.

Birthdays and traditions

On April 21, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of the Angel, the saint after whom they are named. Ivan, Sergey, Rodion, Maria, Martha and Susanna celebrate their name days. It is necessary to go to church early in the morning and pray to your saint, put a candle near his icon.

April 21 events
April 21 events

Folk beliefs associate this day with the melting of ice on rivers and other bodies of water. Therefore, the people call him Rodion Icebreaker. Depending on how the ice breaks, it is possible to predict important moments for farming. Russian people believe that if the ice on the reservoirs becomes heaps, then this is the surest sign that this year there will be a large harvest of bread and other crops.


What events are noteworthy on April 21st? What holiday is celebrated on this day in our country and in the world? In Russia, this is the Day of Local Self-Government. The development of this power body began under Catherine II, who signed a corresponding decree on the creation of such a structure in every province and city of the Russian Empire. In modern Russia, local self-government bodies employ plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation, who are able to resolve many issues that citizens turn to them with, and who are responsible for certaineconomic and economic spheres of activity of cities and regions.

April 21 what holiday
April 21 what holiday

The Accountant's Day is not an official holiday in Russia. However, for several years now, representatives of this profession have been celebrating it. This event was founded by the Glavbukh magazine, thanks to the publication of which this holiday appeared.

Egypt is celebrating "Flower Aroma". This day symbolizes the arrival of spring and the beginning of agricultural field work.

Perhaps the most remarkable holiday on this day is the founding of Rome. This largest city of its time, the capital of an entire empire, was founded in 754 BC. The legend connects him with the names of Romulus and Rem. Romulus saw twelve kites in the sky, which symbolized a dozen centuries of Roman domination over the rest of the world.

Orthodox holidays

April 21 occupies an important place in the Orthodox tradition. What holiday is celebrated on this day? First of all, believers commemorate the apostles Rufus, Rodion, Agava, Asyncritus and Herma. This day is also considered the time of remembrance of the dead. In the church, candles are lit for the repose and appropriate services are held.
