April 7th. Holidays, zodiac sign, historical events on this day

April 7th. Holidays, zodiac sign, historical events on this day
April 7th. Holidays, zodiac sign, historical events on this day

The seventh of April is a day unique in its nature. It was this date in the history of mankind that became the key to the development of many modern technologies. On this day, the works of the greatest composers, which are rightfully recognized as masterpieces of musical classics, were presented to the public. Details about what happened on April 7th, which famous people were born, and other interesting facts will be given below.

Historical events

April 7 is a significant day for the European education system. It was then, in 1348, that Charles University was founded in Prague, the first Slavic institution of higher education, which is still one of the most prestigious universities in the Old World.

April 7
April 7

In another European capital, namely in Vienna, in 1805, the genius L. Beethoven presented his work "Symphony No. 3" to the general public.

Two years earlier on this day inThe Russian Empire for the first time heard the phrase "railway", which is everyday and absolutely familiar to modern man. It was sensationally used on the pages of Vedomosti in St. Petersburg.

April 7, 1926, there was a failed assassination attempt on Italian leader and dictator Benito Mussolini. It was committed by Violetta Gibson, who shot a politician with a revolver. But the bullet did not reach the target, only slightly hitting Mussolini's nose. In order not to spoil relations with Great Britain, of which Gibson was a subject, Mussolini sent the girl to her homeland. This event contributed to the establishment of a dictatorship in Italy and intensified the work of propaganda.

Lunar calendar for this day of the year

April 7 in 2015 is considered 18 lunar days. The moon is waning and the ruling planet is Mars. Astrologers characterize this day as quite favorable for new things and undertakings. This is the best time to implement the most daring ideas and new projects. Ideas will help to implement a high concentration on the business area, as well as deliberate and balanced decisions. Don't be impulsive. In some situations, it is necessary to show restraint, patience, prudence.

holiday April 7
holiday April 7

The waning moon can cause frequent mood swings. Purposefulness and a firm position will help in business, so it is not recommended to change decisions during the day.

Zodiac sign

How can you describe the character of people born on April 7th? The zodiac sign of such individuals is Aries. Aries usuallyvery trusting and naive. We can say that they are stepping on the same rake, even if they have already happened to get into unpleasant situations on the same occasion. Aries are very active and energetic. They are capable of implementing complex projects and are always willing to embrace innovation. These are the so-called people of progress, who always have a large number of ideas and plans. Aries are extremely self-confident and even self-confident. In the zodiac constellation, they are one of the most important egoists. Aries love to be leaders in everything, for which they are ready to do everything possible.

April 7th zodiac sign
April 7th zodiac sign

What else does the horoscope say about people born on April 7th? The zodiac sign Aries predetermines that in the character of a man - a representative of this sign - there is some naivety, which causes many minor troubles in life. Aries men are impatient and can hardly finish what they started. They like it better when someone else does the work for them. Especially, Aries men excel in art-related professions, as a result of which they are often in the center of everyone's attention.

Aries women are always ready to help the person who needs it, they are very self-confident and serious. They cannot keep their thoughts and emotions to themselves, which is why they often seem too straightforward. They are quite practical and prudent, thanks to which they have a large number of useful contacts and connections that ensure success in their careers and in society.

Celebrities born on this day

April 7, many famous people were born. For example, in 1964, the famous Hollywood actor Russell Crowe was born, who became famous after filming the movie Gladiator.

april 7 feast of the annunciation
april 7 feast of the annunciation

A decade earlier, on the same day, another actor was born - Jackie Chan, who starred in many action films and action comedies. There was even a cartoon created with Jackie Chan as the main character.

In 1962, the famous Russian chansonnier Mikhail Krug was born, who captivated listeners with such hits as "Vladimir Central", "Confession", "Fraer" and many others.

In 1975, Victoria Beckham was born, the wife of the famous football player David Beckham. Victoria is known for her work in fashion design and perfumery.

A year later, Russian actor Mikhail Politseymako was born.

Holidays on this day

The entire world community celebrates a very significant holiday on this day. On April 7, all users of the global network in Russia celebrate Runet Day. This date is dedicated to the registration of the.ru domain zone in 1994, which made it possible to make websites available in Russian.

April 7 World He alth Day
April 7 World He alth Day

What other holiday is celebrated on April 7th? World He alth Day. The main goal of this event is to draw the attention of various organizations, state and municipal authorities to the he althcare sector. Medical institutions, both private and public, on this dayhelp the media inform the population about measures to prevent and prevent viral diseases.

Orthodox holidays

In our country, some Orthodox holidays are also celebrated on April 7th. The Feast of the Annunciation is one of them. It is dedicated to the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who brought her the news that she would soon give birth to the Son of God, the Savior of people on earth. People have been waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ for more than five thousand years, as was said in many sacred books. The Savior was born of the immaculate Virgin Mary, and the carpenter Joseph in the small town of Nazareth was entrusted to protect her.

It is important to remember that all Christians celebrate one of the main church holidays on April 7th. The holiday of the Annunciation in Russia is associated with the tradition of releasing birds, which symbolizes the union of the soul with heaven and liberation from sins.
