Beloved by many, the Mediterranean resort - the island of Cyprus - is famous for its excellent beaches, sunny weather and dry hot climate. In summer, the air warms up so much that the temperature in Cyprus steps over 35 ° C. That's why not all tourists like a beach holiday at the height of the warm season.

On the island, all seasons are good for holidays. The off-season does not last long, it runs from December to early March, but even this time can hardly be called real winter. It is often accompanied by rains, snowfalls are considered an exceptional rarity here. The rest of the time, the beaches of the popular resort have clear skies and hot sun. To find out what the water temperature is in Cyprus now, just use the brief information below. All values are monthly averages. It is worth noting that in different parts of the island there are slight fluctuations in the average day and night temperatures.
Temperature in Cyprus (water and air) by months:
- January is the height of winter. At night +5…+8°С, during the day it is relatively warm – about +15°С. Seahas time to cool down to +16°C by this time. In such weather, the locals do not swim, but tourists are happy to dive, though not in the sea, but in heated pools!
- February is the beginning of spring.
- In March, the weather pleases the earliest tourists. Amazing lush flowering, warm rays of the sun and air temperature around +25 degrees cannot but please guests who decide to spend their holidays in Cyprus. The water becomes warmer, but slightly, warming up to +18°С.
- In April, the real swimming season begins, despite the cool sea. During the day it is warm in summer: from +22 to +26°С. There is practically no rain, all the beaches are filled with sunbathing tourists, the most impatient ones are already swimming with might and main, since the water is already about +20°С.
- May is the perfect time for those who can't stand the heat. The sea is already quite warm - + 22 … + 23 ° С. Night air temperatures are not yet conducive to long walks, since at this time it is only +16. However, it is very comfortable to walk during the day, as the thermometer shows a stable +25…+27°С.
- In June, the real heat begins. During the day, the temperature in Cyprus is +30, there is no precipitation, no clouds are observed, the vegetation loses its former beauty a little from the scorching sun. But the sea pleases: the water warms up to +26°С.
- In July, the summer heat reaches its peak. The sea is very warm (+30), it is no longer refreshing, the air is warmin the daytime up to + 35 … + 38 ° С. Due to the dry climate, this heat is more or less easily tolerated by adults, but it is better for children not to appear in the sun at this time.
- August is practically no different from July. Still the same heat during the day, but cooler nights.
- In September, the velvet season begins. Sea and air are equally warm - +26…+27°С.
- October is pretty much the same as September, with the only difference being occasional showers and a little colder evenings.
- Daytime temperature in Cyprus in November rises to +25°С, the water in the sea is also +20…+23°С. This is an ideal option for tourists who do not like the scorching summer sun, but escape the heat under the air conditioning in their hotel room.
- December is already much colder. Only +18 during the day, +5 at night, or even close to zero. The sea is stable +16 degrees.

The temperature in Cyprus this month starts to rise and can reach up to +20°C. The water in the sea does not warm up and remains at around 16 degrees.