Self-preservation is one of the strongest instincts given to every living being. But there are events in which self-defense becomes the only way to save your belongings or even your own life. How to protect yourself on the street when no one was around? And most importantly, how to behave correctly? This information is mandatory for both children and adults.

Correct assessment of what is happening
Even the most trained strongman is not immune from a sudden attack by hooligans or a drunken company on the street, not to mention defenseless teenagers, women and even the elderly. The most important thing in a situation where you understand that an attack is about to happen is to correctly assess the situation. First of all, this concerns the following:
- Assessing the environment: where you are, what or who is nearby, where you can run to a safe place. Run if possible.
- Don't panic, stay calm. A bully is also a person, if he understands that he is not a victim in front of him, then he can save himself. Your body language is also important here. There should be no unnecessary movements, fuss and nervousness.
- Try to avoid conflict. Whether it's a drunken company or a bully - do not give a reason to start a conversation. If a conversation is unavoidable and aggression begins, try asking a question in a calm voice that can lead to a stupor. If acting skills allow, then "off-script" behavior can also discourage the bully.

If the enemy is physically superior to you, then flight is impossible.
If you understand that there are no escape routes and a fight is planned, then some tips on how to protect yourself on the street can be read in the next section.
Physical self-defense: some tips
During a fight, there may be elements of additional impact on the enemy. For example, a gas bottle. The last item should definitely equip a teenager or a resident of a criminal area, as well as people who are forced to get home at night along empty alleys.
If there was no gas cartridge at hand, then below is a list of 4 blows as part of physical self-defense for unprepared people:
- Strike the nose with a clenched fist from the bottom up.
- Kick or kick in the crotch.
- On the front of the lower legstrike with the toe of the shoe on the foot.
- A blow to the Adam's apple can cause serious harm to he alth, and may even take the life of a person. This blow should only be used as a last resort.

These simple rules on how to protect yourself on the street will help you cope with a difficult situation. It is worth noting 2 points here. First, you need to act in such a case firmly and decisively. This will increase your chances of maintaining he alth and life. Secondly, do not forget that the Criminal Code has an article for exceeding self-defense. In this case, a person can turn from a victim into a criminal.
Attack Security Measures
How to protect yourself from hooligans on the street, we figured it out. How to prevent such a situation, we will consider below:
- Try to avoid deserted places, especially at night.
- Don't walk with your eyes on your cell phone. You lose your guard and become an object of profit for thieves.
- How to protect yourself on the street from thieves? Certainly not to be the desired "attack". To do this, do not flaunt money, wallet, jewelry and other expensive items on public transport or on the street.
- Do not enter the elevator with suspicious or unfamiliar faces. Let the person pass ahead and simulate the situation that they are busy looking for keys. Take the next elevator.

If the attack did not happen, but money or something else is extorted from you, then try to remember the person in as much detail as possible, givehim what he requires. Then go straight to the nearest police station.
How to protect your child on the street
As previously noted, a teenager who independently gets to school from home and back should be better equipped with a gas spray. Here it is extremely important that the child understands in what cases they need to be used. Be sure to tell your child how to protect yourself on the street:
- Don't stop if a stranger calls your child. Even if his name was called.
- No adult would ask for help from a child. Therefore, if this happens, then you do not need to answer his questions, but you should run away or shout.
- Don't get close to a stranger so he can't grab the baby.
- If a stranger persistently blocks the way, then you need to ask people for help, shout: "Help, I don't know this person! He sticks to me."
- If there are no people nearby, then you need to take cover in any safe place: a pharmacy, office building, school, kindergarten, shop, clinic, etc. In no case should you hide in the entrance, at the construction site, in the garage.
- In case of danger, call your parents immediately.
Be sure to tell your child that you can not get into a car with an unknown person under any pretext, no matter what he says about him or his family. If a car is following him slowly, you need to run in the opposite direction so that she cannot follow him.

Theft onstreet or transport
To the question of how to protect yourself from thieves on the street or in public transport, there is only one answer: you should not have anything in a conspicuous place that a criminal would like to steal. Only in this case, you can be calm, or rather, vigilant. You cannot demonstrate or show everything that is stored in your bag, backpack, pockets.
As a rule, thieves act as a group. One distracts, the other transmits, the third also performs its functions. The system has always worked. A "distracting" offender is always well dressed so as not to arouse suspicion in the future victim.

Your things should be in your field of vision. Everything that lies badly will become the property of thieves. You can be sure of this. A non-standard situation (a child / an old man asks you to take / see him off somewhere, your help is needed, etc.) should alert you. Never give in to strangers. Take such "unfortunates" immediately to the police, where they will be helped and taken to the right place.
Locations of criminals
Avoid crowded places. This is the easiest place to take out your wallet or reach into your bag for other valuables. You won't even have time to feel how and when the crime happened.
Public transport is a favorite place for thieves. Most often it is the subway, buses, trains, stations. In these places, people are the least vigilant, they are in a hurry, late or just tired after work. This is what thieves use.
Spying on a criminal
How to protect yourself on the street if you understand that you are being followed? As a rule, in such cases, one perpetrator follows the victim in order to go unnoticed. Do not pretend that you understand the motives of the scoundrel. The first thing you can do is take out your mobile phone and say a phrase in a calm but loud voice (while the beep or imitation of a call is on) that will frighten off the bully.

For example, you can ask: "Yes, I already went to the house number (call the real number). Are you meeting me? Yes, I see!" The wording can be anything, but the main thing is that the information conveys to a stranger that you have reached your destination and you are not alone. It is very important that you speak truthfully. Continue at this moment to walk confidently and do not look back, go to a crowded place.
In conclusion
Today we touched on a difficult topic: how you can protect yourself on the street, your child, how not to become a victim of an attack. It is very important in difficult situations to remain calm and calculating, not to lose vigilance. The success of the exit from the current circumstances depends on these factors.
Starting from the age when a child begins to move independently through the streets of the city, his safety depends on his behavior. Only a parent can ensure the safety of their child by teaching the necessary rules of behavior, as well as a gas spray if necessary.
Always remember that criminals are on the alert, and hooligans are waiting for adventures with your participation. So don't give in toprovocations and do not create situations in which this can happen. Take care of your he alth and your loved ones. Forewarned is forearmed.