The Red Book of Udmurtia to protect the flora and fauna of the Republic

The Red Book of Udmurtia to protect the flora and fauna of the Republic
The Red Book of Udmurtia to protect the flora and fauna of the Republic

The Red Book of Udmurtia helps to preserve the rich and picturesque nature of the Republic, located between the Vyatka and Kama rivers. The flora and fauna of this region is represented by more than a thousand species of plants and animals, but among them there are those that are almost on the verge of extinction.

Red Book of Udmurtia
Red Book of Udmurtia

Work on the creation of the Red Book

This document was first approved in 2001. For the entire subsequent period, observations were made of representatives of the animal and plant world listed in the Red Book, and changes were periodically made on their basis. The number of some species has decreased markedly. However, the list of lichens, which are an indicator of the ecological situation in the region, has almost doubled. Recently, some species of insects have also become endangered, so their list has been replenished: instead of the previous 112, it contains 142 species.

The Red Book of Udmurtia provides for administrative pen alties in the form of fines for the destruction of animals and plants protected by law. Their size varies from 0, 1 (tofor example, for a forest dormouse or a brown earflap) up to 50 times the minimum wage (for a black stork, peregrine falcon or golden eagle). There is even a fine for ants and some other small insects.

Protected plants

The list of representatives of the flora of Udmurtia, protected by law, includes vascular plants, lichens and mosses, fungi and algae.

plants of the Red Book of Udmurtia
plants of the Red Book of Udmurtia

Among them there are medicinal plants:

  • bearberry, popularly called bear's ear;
  • elecampane rough (wild sunflower);
  • large-flowered foxglove (thimblegrass);
  • wormwood tarragon and others

The Red Book of Udmurtia includes many decorative species. Flowers included in the list of rare and endangered: adonis, steppe aster; related to perennials: common centaury (an annual from the gentian family), forest anemone, May lily of the valley. Wild-growing orchids, such as calypso bulbous, venus slippers, leafless chin and many others, are also under protection. Grozdovnik ferns are considered rare, as well as an inhabitant of reservoirs and swamps - sundew.

Plants of the Red Book of Udmurtia, which are on the verge of extinction, are also some species of trees and shrubs. Dwarf birch, blood-red hawthorn, steppe cherry are protected by law.

Gold symbol of Udmurtia

This is the name of the swimsuit - a plant of the buttercup family with a large bright yellow flower resembling a miniature rose. It grows on dampmeadows and forests.

red book of Udmurtia flowers
red book of Udmurtia flowers

This plant was named after the god of summer Kupala. The most beautiful flowers appear just when the water in the rivers warms up to such an extent that you can swim.

The plant is considered poisonous, but medicinal properties are also attributed to it. There is a legend that the bathing suit is sprouted gold coins, which the daughter of a greedy merchant threw away in despair, who forbade her to marry a young man from a poor family.

Not only the Red Book of Udmurtia contains the bathing suit in the list of rare plants, in many other regions this flower is also under protection.


Rare on the territory of the Republic are considered many species of animals, including mammals. This is a Russian muskrat belonging to insectivores, brown eared bats, small and red evening bats from the order of bats. A single copy of the mustachioed bat has been left in Izhevsk.

The Red Book of Udmurtia also includes some representatives of the weasel family. The European mink, columns is protected by law. The wolverine is on the verge of extinction. A few individuals were noted only in several regions of the Republic (Glazovsky, Yarsky, Balezinsky).

The periodic assessment of the threat of extinction in the territory of Udmurtia for some species of flora and fauna showed the need to make additions and clarifications to the Red Book.
