The girl was trained in a regular school. Having received a certificate, she submits documents for admission to a university. She wanted to become a journalist, but the career of a singer in the team of the Brilliant group blinds a young girl, and she drops out of school. The full name of the girl is Iodis Polina Yanovna.

Polina spent her childhood in constant motion. Horseback riding, skiing, pool activities, music, kung fu. The girl considers her childhood wonderful.
Father often took the girl with him on hikes. Mom, being a pianist and singer, pleased her daughter with trips on tour. The family spent the summer in the B altic regions.
The girl loved swimming and at the age of 13 she passed the standard for the second adult category.
Also, the singer clearly remembers her childhood dream, which she saw very often. In this dream, she stood on a mountain with interest, watching a huge wave moving in her direction. Polina Iodis did not feel fear, she liked to look at the tsunami. An interesting fact is that in those years the girl never saw real sea waves, perhaps she saw somethinglike on TV. She also dreamed that she could breathe freely while underwater.
The girl would probably be happy if she knew what the future holds for her.
At the age of 16, the girl will have the chance to become a member of a new female musical group. At that time, a university student decided to try herself in this role. So Polina Iodis and the "Brilliant" become one team. In addition to Polina, the team included Olga Orlova and Varvara Koroleva.
Then the two girls were replaced by Zhanna Friske and Irina Lukyanova. Until 1998, only Polina remained a constant participant. However, then she realizes that big fees and crazy fans are not what she wants from life, and leaves the team. As part of the group, the singer recorded and released two albums - "There, Only There" and "Just Dreams".

After saying goodbye to the musical group, the desire for a career as a singer passes, the girl begins to get involved in architecture. After graduating from the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, a new hobby appears in the biography of Polina Iodis - extreme sports. In her dreams, Polina always saw herself near the sea or even the ocean surface. The ex-singer decides to take a serious step in her life and moves to Bali to get closer to her dream.
At some point, the hobby turns into something more, and Polina, together with Vasily Kovalev, creates the TV show "Affordable Extreme" for MTV. Soon Polina begins to engage in solo projects and quitsprogram.
More Enthusiastic Polina is working hard to open a surf federation in Russia as well. The level of development of such sports in our country is at a low level. And Polina, who has years of experience behind her, became the champion of Russia in surfing three times. At major international tournaments, Polina Iodis was not seen. But who knows, maybe in the near future she will become the new champion there too.
Today Polina's life consists of constant traveling and surfing.
Polina can earn a living by organizing and holding events, photography, writing informational articles for various publications and shooting films on her favorite subject - extreme sports.

Dangerous sport
With extreme sports girl on you. She has been involved in extreme sports since childhood. And I am sure that if you are objective in assessing your physical fitness, then the risks of getting into a dangerous situation are minimal. You don't need to be overly confident in your abilities.
But even an objective assessment sometimes does not help. Once on Uv alta, the girl, as usual, decided to spend a couple of hours doing her favorite pastime - surfing. The waves were high, about four meters, but just right for her level of training. Somehow the girl is covered by one wave, then a second and a third. Almost nailed to the rocks and thrown back for a distance of about a kilometer. Polina had to make a lot of efforts to swim to the grotto in the rocks, because it was only possible to get ashore through it. She rowedfor an hour and a half against the current. Fortunately, Polina's physical form at that time was in perfect condition.
Situations are different, life is unpredictable, but Polina is not one of those who take risks without thinking.
Polina Iodis's photo is not currently published in popular publications, but this does not upset her.

About music and show business
In the life of Polina there was a period of great fame, money and recognition of the audience. After going through this path, Polina can say with confidence that such a life does not suit her.
She treats music well. However, when it turns into show business, there is absolutely no free time left. In addition, constant touring, recording songs, shooting videos, appearing on various TV shows and similar routine activities are very tiring. If Polina Iodis had continued her career in the group, we can say that her daughter would have grown up without a mother.
A real pleasure for Polina is to take a motorhome, throw a couple of boards, a camera into it and go on a month-long journey, not knowing where.
The girl is absolutely happy with her choice. However, she has thoughts about returning to music and starting to record songs again. Only now, no show business, just for your own pleasure.

Free Mind Jewerly Brand
With moving to Bali, in addition to surfing, Polina also has new hobbies. She was interested in jewelry. Since 2012, the girl began to study all the necessary information onthis topic and at the same time created her own brand.
After the birth of her daughter, the development of the brand had to be postponed. Now the process is slowly getting better, in Portugal the girl has equipped a studio. Inspired by sports and yoga to create jewelry.
Principally does not use painted metals, only natural materials, such as silver and gold. Over time, Polina got reliable suppliers, as well as a technology for testing goods for durability.
The plans were to create a website, but something went wrong, or Polina Iodis abandoned the idea. Today, she posts photos of her work on her Instagram blog.

Private life
The surfer chose Portugal as her place of residence for herself and her family. It was the perfect place to live together. Polina's husband is a professional cyclist, and it is also more convenient to get to Russia from Europe. Beautiful scenery, good cycling roads, surfing waves and a convenient location are the advantages that overpowered the desire to return to Bali.
Polina Iodis prefers to keep her personal life personal and does not like to talk about what is expensive on the Internet. However, it is known that the girl has a husband, Sergei Mikheev, whom she met in the Dominican Republic. They surfed together, and in the evenings he taught her how to play the guitar. The couple have a daughter, Nicole.