The Tretyakov Gallery is known all over the world. The collection of this museum includes over 150,000 exhibits, the vast majority of which were created by Russian artists, sculptors and representatives of other areas of art. It includes several branches, including the Engineering Corps of the Tretyakov Gallery.
History of Creation
In 1851, the Tretyakov family moved to a house in Lavrushinsky Lane. The head of the family - a well-known industrialist and philanthropist - became interested in collecting works of art. To accommodate all the canvases, he had to repeatedly rebuild and complete the house. Even during the life of the owner, everyone who wanted to see the masterpieces of Russian art had access to the exposition. The goal of the founder of the collection was global - to create a national gallery.
Four decades after acquiring the first paintings, he donated his huge collection to Moscow. Later, the house passed to the state.
After the revolution, the collection was nationalized and supplemented with art objects from other museums and from private collections, nationalized voluntarily or forcibly by the Bolsheviks.

Extensive renovation
In the 80s of the last century, a major reconstruction of the buildings of the Tretyakov Gallery began. Existing buildings were renovated and new ones were built. So, in 1989, the Engineering Building of the Tretyakov Gallery was built to the south of the main building with the Vasnetsov facade. A conference hall, an information center, a creative studio for children and showrooms were opened on a fairly large area. The new building is officially called the "Engineering Building of the Tretyakov Gallery" - the main engineering and technical systems are concentrated here.
In addition to the system services, the Engineering Building of the Tretyakov Gallery also has its own exhibition halls, which are located on the second and third floors. It hosts permanent exhibitions of Russian and foreign art of various periods from the classics to the present. It is here that the projects of regional museums from different parts of the country are implemented as part of the Golden Map of Russia project. Muscovites and guests of the capital have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with these collections.

Conference room and children's art studio
Engineering building of the Tretyakov Gallery, exhibitions in whichupdated constantly, attracts a large number of visitors. The building has a conference room, which hosts lectures on art topics, as well as seminars and conferences. The subjects of study are varied, the content is informative. Experts from all over the world come to participate in these events. There are also retrospective screenings of films included in the Golden Fund of World Cinema.
Children of different ages work in the children's art studio. They learn a lot of information about the world of art, learn painting and sculpture. Children learn the world of beauty and strive to express their feelings through art. Classes are educational in nature, because the main task of teachers is to instill in children love and interest in various areas of art.

You can also go through the engineering building of the Tretyakov Gallery to the temple-museum. Most of the decoration of the temple - museum exhibits. One of the oldest Russian icons, the Mother of God of Vladimir, which is about 900 years old, is exhibited in a special showcase.
The engineering building of the Tretyakov Gallery, whose address is: 119017, Moscow, Lavrushinsky lane, 12, is waiting for guests. After visiting the main exposition, be sure to look there: exhibits that are not included in the main collection can tell a lot of interesting and surprising things. The expositions are decorated with great taste and skill. You will lift the veil of secrecy and be able to better understand the artists.